Why we Open the Baby Gate

Heather’s mission statement

(Stories and elder’s medicine – learn through life experience)

Helpful dad who had no idea what to do but to BE PRESENT
Mum in stirrups needing a vast stitch up
Distressed post forceps mum and baby Feb 1977

Let us NOT have this experience – birth.

Our own breathing starts HERE.

Birth is not supposed to hurt – pain is about STUCK – shall we open?

Decades on – Three labours felt . . . after 4 children, two
instrumental (forceps) one birthed and one cut out

Over the four decades I have been in the birthing arena – I see obvious blockages ignored – the train wreck come’th . . .
We need to start with what may be blocking normal – as likely the womb is not aligned well – and why is this?
Commonalities – Pain – lack of ingredients to run the body and circulation  can’t get what needs to be ‘there’ there
Ligaments/thus structure – tension and what is stopping the blueprint we all started with working well.

Can the body work well? (Structure determines function)

STRUCTURE .  . we can remake our bodies whilst pregnant
Ligaments happy . . (not normal to have ligament pin, or any pin in pregnancy).
Acupuncturists can do so much – using moxa sacral fan
Relieving back pain in pregnancy – simple.

Anyone can make huge changes in pregnancy – see more here.

Elder’s wisdoms for now – circulation PLUS nutrients

Regardless of the ‘high risk’ a pregnancy  (or if a life is said to be)

Need two things right – Circulation (flows) and Ingredients (nutrients) the structure is not aligned, if we do not have enough water and ingredients to run the body – the pregnancy will be tricky. This may help  (Rebozo)

Never ever use ice – as it blocks the flow – how can healing then happen

What women used to have to do after birthing – STAY in the bed. The elders all knew.

Access all of these wisdoms – and show DAD how he can

Easily printed out – and stored away so at any time – in clinic showing others – or in labour – it is all there – a step through easy guide. It all works! This work is taken from my 2005 manual ‘What Dads Can Do’.

We birth best where we feel safe

Prevention – Clear the blockages.  .
Structure and electrics (Qi).

What you can do to help others?
Regardless of where you have started this work will be added to and you can ripple out in to the world – come join us .

  Heather’s Gentling Way . .

We MUST centre the womb FIRST

 Maybe download the resources – get started wherever you are.
‘What Dads Can Do’ – incorporated into Easy Pregnancy Resources

OR . . . . Reach out to me for more (I have put together to gradually go through – normal maternity is about).

Our combined – you and I goal – bonded families

To contact Heather . .