Resources to print out – eBooks etc


The amount of information I have on my computers (and in bits) is ridiculous. I am handing over.
My legacy.

If your  email is not set up to receive large documents – here is the general set as a starter kit.

Patient resources were begun in 1999 with my meditation CD – now available here as a tracks to download (CLICK).
An explanation of what this covers is here.
The pictures of what the second track (emotional clearing) has are here (CLICK)


The initial Living As Energy book (pub 2001) living_as_energy-(CLICK)

The Inner Alchemy poster that went with it.

The 2002 book – Living In It living in it (CLICK)

Poster to accompany

The intervening years I write copiously and these documents may come out as a book at some point – they were all explanations for patients to take away and read in relation to body functioning and why their’s may not have been working as they wished – and why to to do. Along with this were a large selection in pregnancy, periods and fertility. Also hopeless cases – so easily resolved when we followed the ‘owner’s manual’. That is the third part of the Trilogy – “Living As Energy,” “Living In It”, and  “You Have Been Gifted A Body”(when it arrives).

My three phone Apps (pregnancy, periods and fertility.) were developed and produced in a flurry of my activity in 2014. These are yet to be redone (links all need updating) so they can be available free to all on their devices. The current climate of censorship and keeping all infantile about self responsibility may run counter to this  and I am yet to resolve the issue. The amount of practical answers and easy to understand information – across many modalities is awaiting

“What Dad Can Do” (CLICK) a manual for the partners of pregnant women, and the 2 DVDs – “Birthing – What Dad Can Do” and “Massage – What Dad Can Do”.. It is mainly written as a problem solving ‘glove box’ manual for anyone to pick up, scan the page as needed and move back and forth through the text to discover answers past the obvious pages that they are interested in initially.

eBook wdcd (CLICK) 

More birthing related is on this page (CLICK)




Web poster – move qi and lymph (CLICK)

Web poster – Initial Belly Care (CLICK)

Web poster – advanced belly care (CLICK)

A ‘why’-it-is-happening-to-you and what-to-do-about resource. This work as added to in 2018 when I completed a series of charts that go further and are printable to be laminated if needed – so anyone can. These are on this site to download (CLICK).

These were developed over the decades of my working with improving everyone’s lives, pregnancies and bodies.