Miscarriage (avoidance)

Sometimes this MAY happen . .

It is NOT accidental – or bad luck. Bad human husbandry/planning maybe

Here is me walking you through the tale of ONE man’s reproductive adventures.

All the while people speak of HER age, HER labelled conditions (endo etc): HER infertility.
Maybe all about – the wrong stud . .

We need to start with the best – as one orgasm and dad is no longer biologically in the picture.

False starts . .

Sperm needs to be exceptional.

Babe in arms – needed . .

Why sperm quality matters (CLICK)

Heart break ahead: Molar pregnancies Blighted ovum Miscarriages and medical terminations

Up to you .   . . Pregnant with WHAT????

A maybe baby?


Pregnant with what?
What are you making this baby with?
Men – wake up!!!

Lost at 6 weeks and 3 days? (One woman 7 of them!!!) Sperm issue .. .

Ashermannn’s syndrome (is an acquired condition – one you are not born with) that refers to having scar tissue in the uterine lining or in the cervix (the opening to the uterus). This scar tissue makes the endometrial lining unable to proliferate and make a great baby nest – hence unlikely to conceive until this is repaired – surgically or natural means).  stick together and reduces the size of the uterus.) – other maternal ‘nest’ catastrophes . .

There is always a reason . . .

Also . . .

How to avoid this?

Please pay more attention to the quality baby of the  baby – not ‘trying make any one’
Blunt though it may be – more effort is put into making a house than where someone else must live in forever .

What to do if it has /is happening?

Together  . . . the Shared Journey . ..

Maybe consult me as the Natural Fertility Detective

Why? Your children are worth being made consciously – not hopefully.

ALWAYS . . . It takes two . . .

Happy families   
Start with good foundations

Start as though you mean business . .
Become your own Natural Fertility Detective, planning out the building of your family.
Like a house – intentionally – the best possible. Contact me here