What does this cost?


What is on offer?

Help when nothing else seems to have worked.

Using a fusion of whatever I feel that you need after all that you have been through – often decades of not being well.
I intend to work out – WHY NOT?
And may come up with many surprises.
It takes time and commitment on my part.


I am only here in Brisbane sometimes.

(In the last 2 years I have been traveling internationally putting together the Gentling Way – an amalgam of what may be a new wave of healing
Undoing what happened to STOP your body healing itself).

Scars, adhesions, chronic degenerative conditions – especially when given hopeless and ‘terminal ‘ (life is) prognoses.


This may seem like a leading question
I will give you the bottom line on the bottom line.
In the meantime – I as you to ask yourself some questions . .

1 – Why would Heather be doing this?


Great start  – hardly anyone asks me why I am in this profession  ..
To ensure my child was as best as I could have him

No one told me.   I discovered all along the past 40 years . .

You may need to know also.



What am I working as?

Acupuncture consultant
Body worker

Natural life guide
Wise woman

Turning this around . .
What does it cost me to do this? 

 YOU want to get FIXED.
I am here to help you

Seeing me is not a hit and run event.

You have taken a long time to get to here.

2 – What does it cost to NOT change any and everything?

Student of life – instead of ’patient’

3 – Cognitive dissonance –
Do I have to get out of the ‘middle circle’/

Your Story . .

What next?
Self Care and Self Discovery . . Get a taste of this here

Life Rescue (free to take)

All who begin either as ‘patients; or students – at whatever level – must start with a change of life model/paradigm as the one we are in no longer fits.
What I use to have people coming in with is a world away from now.

start with this – we are all students of life.

4 – DO you have enough patience . .

to be ‘a patient’?

Trajectory – student of life (‘patient’)

Life recipe https://heatherbrucehealing.com/healsbruh/life-recipe/

Why you may also need to take the Self Care course


5 – What is your part to play – in your recovery/LIFE?
R. I.C.E. (Responsibility Intention.

Commitment. Expectation/Empowerment – yours).

Please see more on this here – R.I.C.E.

1 – Responsibility – Whose life is it?

Maybe stop and watch this?


6 – Do you understand you will only have one life?

My offer. .

Extensive thorough investigation of what ails you

An interactive look always as I go deeper into what has held you STUCK and your body/mind hostage.

The first hour – $250 initially

After this $150 an hour flat rate. (cap of $450 and after this – however long it takes. This is day spa work. Included may be perineal steams, Aura Soma sessions, various energy and body work  – as well as deep undoing as I see you need.

First session – may stretch – to up to 2 hours.  We can decide what direction to head in. My preference is intensives. Especially if you have been troubled by accidents/operations/not getting better by any other means.

This Gentling Way work is full of surprises and as an intensive – (6 3/4 hour sessions no more than an hour apart – we can dive into why nothing else has worked till now.

Objections you may have.  .

Why does it take so long?
See above – it hasn’t just happened that your body in ‘on strike’/not healing.

Why can’t I come in when I feel like it?
I have not seen this work out – as you need to get under what is happening  and the habit of ‘sort of’ coping is not why you have felt called to see me.

Why does no one else work like this?
They may – I do – as after all these decades – it is very clear to me how to allow you to take charge and STOP seeing countless people.
I am working on a way out of your dramas.

I ask you. .

Do you expect to get better?
I do. .

What are you worth?
Your life?
Those as yet-not-here children
A life reorder so you can choose to be free of pain . . .

Or whatever it is that ails you.
I have no hidden agenda.

Just you getting to where YOU are in charge of your life.
When you have had enough and really want to Take Charge – ring me . .

or email. I can guarantee that you will walk out very different – especialy when I am working in the intensives – more about this here.

The first hour – $250 initially

After this $150 an hour flat rate.

BUT intensives are where the transformation happens. .
Maybe trawl through my site here and see if we may be a match?