How to use all of this?
Now you sort of have the moves in your orbit?
The recipient needs to experience gentling of the belly work – plus the peritoneal untangler and the jelly belly /leg shakes.
Next: or maybe instead of: the pulling out he cold – maybe the sacral moxa fan, or the steaming to get started – you are there – your choices.
Declutter – esp of thoughts of hopelessness/limitation – however you can change the ambience.
RESET – give them a breath of normal – as you return the body to homeostasis minus their STUCK
RESTORE – the ways of normal . .as possible.
IF they do the work – you are like a midwife.
Standing back and encouraging.
It is their life – thus us WANTING whatever we do is not their business
THEY must birth their new self.
We need at least 2, likely three hours to do this justice.
Hence following Dr Mercier’s idea – no more than a week apart- I find it far better to do consecutive days with a break of one and back to it – maybe 2 – 1 – 2 or 3 – 1 3 or 4 – a week maybe then the 2 . .
As the body needs a hammering to get through the stuck – and to keep the impetus – similarly when we do selfing there are “for’s” ans against; for divided in to but and as a whole weekend . . continuity vs self paced growing – of the person DOES put eh time/energy aside for self – and not fit it in to a busy life.
TO SEND OUT AFTER THE SESSION – I will update this is the best I can find – do play with as you like).
TRIAGE – can’t do much if the person is not there and in charge
Hence we did Pricklies – pertinent as for the 3rd one I was a mess – and from then on have been recovering ME
The shedding/transmission/whilst we undergo these changes is affecting some of us more than others).
To give YOU a handle on putting it all together – your way (as we are traveling again soon).
What is and why is GW?
What are they/where did moves originate?
Where to start? 2020 version
Redone 2022
Still writing this page – it will give you a starter I suggest you print all out.
To be sold as a separate
Maybe they get to be in person
These are current as of end of Sept 2022
I am storing it all somewhere for you all.
I am still to do the landing pages to draw people in
Self Care (prior to Selfing) was Healing Power of Touch, Love Your Body Better and Foundational Moves – was massive.
I have to tweak this
Unlocking Scars
Still to do the After C section one
And the breast one – implants, explants, belly fat removal, and general mess left
Being Woman – introduction
Leads women into undoing their past – selfing and the workshops with you
Men’s Healing – Practical – is after the Prostate Solutions Webinar.
This can get them also into the Selfing
Beyond Cancer – I may get to
Most of info is already done.
So much on Male Fertility Enhancement – sits on top of the foundation work
Has also Male Fertility Enhancement – Practitioners
Love Your Man Better – male factors – is different to above
Love Your Body Better – almost fine to go out independently – (the translocation issue).
As well as the Easy Pregnancy Resources
And Easy Pregnancy Solutions
That is enough for now.