Accelerator Immersion 1

Where do we start? – Anywhere . .all in transition – we will move through so much in ourselves, watching the journeys of others . .
And determining where we fit – in our own lives, and that of those around us.

The key is touch (Healing Hands) – prior to that – taking on a totally different paradigm – we are gifted a body – Light shines through and from us.

My focus – on bodies textbook is WDCD initially .. .
Triage – Shen, Yang Qi (cold has to go) and scars undone – moving QI
Then – tail bone, adhesions, scars after getting the gut functioning – then all follows . .

The essence of Heather’s Gentling Ways is gentle. Subtle. Allowing blockages to seep away. Relieving STUCK. All levels. Text book is WDCD as a paradigm shift is required – into the realms of what gives the tangible body its instructions. Sensitivity is the key. Us first. I am grateful for those who take this on – everyone needs this marriage of what women knew and what this woman has been up to, all her conscious life – heartful hands in action.

Content – participation – put into practice.

As you will note – there are many common themes

In the lead up to now – I sent through a lot to get started on .
I also asked – what was your burning question .. in clinic . .
The issue I choose to start with is scars/adhesions. .
To get on the ‘same page’ we have a few lead in sessions. .
More about connections so you start to make very different sense of what is possible.

Go where ever suits you . .
Please look at all the links on these pages. .

Beginnings self first ..
You Have Been Gifted A Body

Welcome to your lady bits

Steaming precis

Pelvic opening series

Problems ‘down there’

Free Your Own Qi

Classification of moves

A precis done for the USA group a year ago
A small practical – Gua Sha
Always comes down to adhesions and we need ingredients

We are Beings of Light

Cancer? Cancer – is simple – stop feeding it . .
What is cancer? Body gone rogue

*Hours*/time investment in stripping self away/becoming proficient in Qi /body aligning/ In class
Possible study expenditure – 6 months.
Leading you into the practicals – this is the ONLINE component along with mentoring .  .maybe other senior grads will come in???

These are all included in your training . . The eventual hands-on in-person – retreat – to feel my hands and what gentling feels like. . . and Selfing with Lisa are add-ons (separate to the fee for me). Everything online is included. Massive resources, tutorials, direct learning, how to attend to all of your own health issues, and online teaching – practicals as well . . (you with a recipient of care to play with, whilst I show you). Also your hard cases – what to do . . You take these moves and ways of being home and into your practices). As you become more inclusive/using these ways –

I suggest that you charge more as you are doing often what no one else has thought to do

CourseWho can start?Possible teachers?Private studiesIn class
Gentle Selfing BeginningAnyoneLisa/Marie/Vanessa5525
Free Your Own QiAnyoneSita, Lisa206
Pelvic OpeningAnyoneSita, Lisa5025
Intensive-immersion AnyoneHeather3015
Pricklies – First Aid AnyoneHeather6030
Practical Pricklies AnyoneHeather6030
Gentling Trauma Relief AnyoneHeather4020
Mammalian Maternity AnyoneHeather3015
**Reconnecting Heart & WombspaceAnyone Heather4020
**Effective Healing After C Section Heather208
***Living LigamentsHas to complete all of the aboveHeatherInnumerable30
 *** – these are in person    

This will need revisiting:
THEN ask yourself
How can I work in this new day dawning?

we had a hold up at 3 minutes – Jess – we did not have to think about babies and being in a good state – we got pregnant before 25. .
Maja – H.G. – as Maja had – we were not trying to get pregnant – and thankfully I missed this experience . .
7.00 – What we want professionally
10.30 – Many Rosita touched . . FIREHEART

17.30 – Shen to Shen – Follow the person – not the protocol
19.00 – Start with yourself . .


20.00 – 4 ways of knowing . . ..
How do we ‘know’ anything . .

26.30 – Seven ‘L’s’

27.00 – LINEAGE is the 2nd ‘L’

28.00– Biology – as an amoeba ..BOUNDARIES . .
30. 00 – Medical profession and are the breakdown service . .

31.30– Big L – liver as in the electronics that run the mechanical body .
33.30 – why we are not ‘diagnosing; – as It Depends . .
And we are all so different
34.30 – All Sickness I Home Sickness – Dianne Connelly
36.00Reunion Mediation

39.00 – Shen at the top, Electrical on the left – mechanical on the right. Then the physical has nutrition and structure . .
41.00 – Yin and Yang – Theoretical Foundations of Chinese Medicine – Manfred Porkett.
42.00 – Another category – the tenets of H.G.W. – see more here

44.00 – Ways of Knowing . . . service, sovereign and slavery . .three ‘S’s’ . . . in the circles . .
50.00 – lymph – fluids for nourishment – and wastes . .
WOMEN’S WAYS OF KNOWING – please also get this book
Women’s development theory refers to the seminal work of Mary Field Belenky, Blythe McVicker Clinchy, Nancy Rule Goldberger, and Jill Mattuck Tarule, published under the title “Women’s Ways of Knowing: The Development of Self, Voice, and Mind”. This work describes the process of cognitive development in women as five knowledge positions (or perspectives) through which women view themselves and the… Wikipedia

56.00 – The FIVE – 5 flows . .. Qi, red blood (arterial), blue blood (venous), clear blood (lymph) and nerves .
56.30 – Free Your Own Qi – online free link to you here. Page on this for practitioners – and it goes onwards. .

Based upon 5 Principles

Why we are gentling ? What Lies Beneath may show up – whey are still STUCK (‘Trauma’).

  • Body heals itself (when allowed to)
  • Flows have to flow
  • Body remembers everything that has ever happened to it
  • Energy follows thought
  • Structure determines function

Are we a good fit?
Courses online = for others to take up if they wish

1.10.00 – Boundary issues – in our lives . . .
1.15.00 – RESISTANCES – ‘what would it mean to me if . . .?’
1.16.00IT COSTS ME TOO MUCH. . ..
1.19.00 – Charging your worth . . .

If you do not have a set – you can always pick a number from 1 – 50 and then see what you ‘got’
And ponder – page where they are found is here

1 – What brought you here?
2 – What is your burning question – for you
3 – For your work

1.20.00 – action cards . . .

Group card – ‘I am not there now’ – life changes – with each breath .. .
Jessica – Where is my line in the sand?
Sonia – I look after me first
Heather – when I accept the limitations of others .. . . .
Maja – what shifts when I live from my heart . .

Women’s ways of knowing (incomplete – you look if you are interested – very different from men’s ways. .. )
The ways of knowing.
Silence ;
Received knowledge: – listening to the voices of others ;
Subjective knowledge: the inner voice ; the quest for self
Procedural knowledge: the voice of reason :


We can’t be dealing with the body/womb and not how it is fueled: energy and nutrients.
The pricklies component of H.G.W. system will allow you to make every different sense of what you see and do . . and feel in yourselves.
The nutrients is always tied into what can your body do with food. And prior to that – why do we choose to eat what we do? .
Crucial . . The eBook ‘Living As Energy’ and ‘Living In It‘ are beginnings to this. I will send by email . . These are also in the online courses, but I suggest that you file eBooks in a separate place. I wrote these in 2001/2002 for patients to get a handle on how a body works.

WDCD is your beginning text. . . I suggest you get yourself a ‘pondering’ journal – not for notes – but a personal diary of where you are with what comes up. Plus notes to self as to what to ask, uncover further . This is a self exploration as much as anything else.
What started you on this path? For me, I was accidentally pregnant and wanted to ensure my baby was not going to go down the path of stunning ill health from birth as his/her dad did. That led me primarily into investigating eating differently – and then acupuncture (started hitch hiking up to Brisbane from northern NSW/hippy territory 200 km away when he was 6 weeks old. Initially – paradigm shift. We are NOT looking at the physical body except as a reference. We are NOT covering any male dominated info . . This is about lives, and handed down realities. Heather’s Signature System

1 – Clearing /calming the Shen is needed – us first always. . My eBook ‘Woman Tides along with The Body Map – need me to complete the editing out all the links I had them, and ensuring any left still work . . Some of the info is already in the courses you will be downloading. PLEASE file it all .
2 – Rescue the Yang Qi – again us first – hence the course Reset Your Metabolism This is often the most useful thing you can do . . .DO NOT ADD IN MORE COLD
3 – Scars – we all have them – and not only on the skin. Hence the Unlocking Your Scars course. We can’t be dealing with the body/womb and not how it is fueled. . I am working on what you need for the first get together – and it is not content – but you asking questions of yourself to bring in.

Mine was easy – why is what I was doing not working now/why is what usually works is not for this person? What do I need to uncover to free this process? please focus there – not whether you are ‘good; and have even opened anything I sent. That is background . . It took me often decades to put together – please focus yourself – do one thing well . To get all movement (Flows must flow) you need YANG QI. Avoid all cold and take it out of everyone – the cupping info in both the Foundational Moves (and use REAL moxa) and the Reset course . .

Scars and adhesions also more here

Most important thing for Sonia today – the connections . . I made between . .
Jessica – so simple and how incredible that she arrived when I was there . .
Maja – CARD – what shifts when I live from my heart . .