A note to the jabbed:

Most recent post on this page is at the bottom

Can you believe it???

AS with that dread word cancer – not a death sentence – a wake up call – only the sick get ill.
The rest of us have an inbuilt protective system that ought to be working  except – who broke life as we know it?
Blanket coverage, repeated exposure to what might happen, flooding all forms of communication with horror stories, ensuring no one has freedom to be themselves as their everything is shut down – until a magic thing happens – and then after a certain number have acquiesced, demonise those who have not bought The Story. Who would have thought a culture supposedly civilised, did not care about logic?

What next?

Please pay attention – the current push for all to receive an injection is not necessarily an answer to what you think it is. Where can we hide and start life over? We seem to be reeling from one minute to the next . . One dictate, one cancelled life.

Is this about health? Maybe ask – WHAT is health?
Was this wool pulling over eyes ever about this?
What causes health? Following the  Life Recipe here (CLICK)

None of us seem to know what is coming next.
YOU – possibly thought you were being ‘good’ and now you will be rewarded. Look at Israel versus Egypt.
Maybe you will have to search – and that is where you also will come adrift – from the The Story.
ME – I will not submit – not ever.

Q – Is this about a virus? We were told it was . . . And we could all go back to normal when we had a ‘vaxx’.

HOWEVER . . . there is none – what is being inserted is a mixture of sci fi proportions and this will play out when all is assembled as designed. If you think she is off her tree’ – maybe prove it wrong. All the devastating injuries, miscarriages, baby disasters and frank deaths – are littering the way – no responsibility – 10 year silencing fro governments and the medical paid off – as I said – sci -fi – now fact.
If you turn The Story off and watch/live the results – it is starting. I could see where we were –
My job is to support normal – what if you do not have it – after the jab? How can I – or anyone help you as this experiment may kill you.
At least stuff up your body for its life.


I will not be held accountable for any unforeseen incidents around a patient’s health and well-being after I see them if they have been jabbed with experimental medical procedures. The wanton reckless medical disregard has left all off us in danger. After watching the outsourcing of thinking, the rejection of common sense to those with the loudest voices and deepest pockets, I will not take responsibility for the mess now being visited upon the hopeful, misled and ultimately vastly immune compromised beings.
I trust my own Wei Qi (CLICK).
Others’ deficiencies are due to their prior life choices
New territory.
New rules.

I WILL Do No Harm

This puts me at odds with what is now rampant misuse of all resources.
And an outlier. Not ‘normal’. (Never was)
I have always been – here to help  when all else fails. But – what if you have now given your body the instructions to be under outside influences – and whatever I do is against the new order within you?
I work WITH nature – and this now is possibly not what is afoot within you.
What HAS worked in my lifetime of helping when all else fails – may not be able to now.
YOU are responsible for all that has happened to you.
YOU may not have investigated what is happening – or what the ‘answer’ was touted to be.
(Whose questions, and whose benefit?)
YOU may not have been interested – having outsourced your duties to others.
YOU now live with/ in the results.
I have spent my entire life working with relieving suffering. People find me when all else has failed. Since I started in clinic in 1979. The mental anguish that has caused most to relinquish their sovereignty, to hope that a magical jab will solve the world’s apparent ills as they have been lead to believe shocks me. STILL

If/when you come to have me assist your flows to flow – my job – to restore normal – it may not be possible. I will not be held accountable for the results of this travesty visited upon you. With no product insurance – no manufacturer or govt accountability – from the manufacturers who have NO liability, it will not be/is not my ‘fault’ if unforeseen effects of anything that previously would have been the solution – the way out of your dilemma. You are no longer working as designed. Please see here (CLICK) – there are myriad places (not hidden) where you can read the warnings of deeply trouble virologists – who have not been bought – all of whom will have lost their life’s work/passion in speaking out – vilified as they dare to question the game plan.

You will never be again

An experiment as though a lab rat is what you partook of – to follow and to be part of the mob. Now likely doing what it is designed to within you. When I assume what used to work – and aim to assist – it may . . and it may not. With what ever that is working at cross purposes to life within you to respond to my instructions to go towards homeostasis – who knows? Does this scare you? It scares me. A Brave New World indeed..
Flows flow
I will endeavour to assist yours to.
Ingredients and circulation – let us see what is possible.
Body heals itself – when it has no impediments.
I am not sure that you being jabbed with a genetic manipulator will allow nature to win.
All care on my side.

UPDATE: early MAY 2021

Crone/wise woman alert.
For my own professional well being:
Normal ill health from normal (actual) vaccines I can, and have always worked around.
This brand new business opportunity masquerading as a health measure comes with no precedence, no long term animal, let alone human trials – with or without benign placebo – and no responsibility – outside your own.
I will not put myself in harm’s way. This is a huge deviation from being in service and assuming I was protected.
Liability is of huge concern – esp as the manufacturers and distributors have none. As I aim to move blockages to flow, I may well initiate something unintended (and am tasked with returning body to homeostasis – maybe you are now in your own category, to never, ever be as the grid/map was designed to be.
As all natural herbals and supplements enhance movement, I have no idea what may happen when I do whatever used to work. With sovereign living entities – I have 42 years experience. G.E. humans? No idea.
My work aims to restore normal.
If you have been jabbed – something that you may not have again. Whilst no one knows what will happen, it is human nature to blame another. A risk I do not need. Consciously agreeing to this biologic warfare is outside my understanding. Possibly due to my life experience – I completely wrecked my children by being compliant. And that was my way – I vaccinated them to a heavily reduced schedule. (Now I am an ex pro vaxxer). Life experience.
I am not about to potentially do more damage to you by enhancing optimal body functions.
First Do No Harm. I still live by this. Pharma has a pas out to make you use their products – then their products to try to assuage what is now broken – and likely will ever be fixed Great business model.

Late May 2021:

Please click to get this update as it is large

UPDATE: Mid August, 2021

I did work with the jabbed.
I am now very ill.
I will not again . .
Work with the jabbed.
Of course, I thought it was coincidence. Of course I did not want to believe this. Thus, I kept saying “OK”. And seeing more people, who whilst I assisted, reduced my resilience, giving me ever increasing challenges. I do know how to undo some of it – but – why would I?
Now, with shingles (in my eye), (CLICK FOR THIS UPDATE)  I need to be way more aware. So do you.
YOUR health is YOUR choice – you are the only one negatively affected – as with me – all held their hands out to get paid.

FURTHER UPDATE: mid October 2021

This is quickly becoming a choice of sovereignty or slavery.
Which suits why YOU are on the planet – here and now  and reading this?
Do you let the LIE that you need ‘help’ (in a form that is not biologically warranted and at great reward to those spruiking it – reign?
What of who comes next and what can they expect being in this planet ??

I have spent my life in service – to the Higher Good.
YOU? What cross roads are you facing?

YOUR life:
YOUR responsibility . .

APPENDIX  From Doctors – First – Do No Harm (CLICK)

  • (A return to evidenced-based pandemic preparedness guidelines is now urgently sought).

AND – FACTS   ..are in the way of all of this – forcing – you – is as with RAPE. No choice? There it is – coercion is explicitly prohibited in legislation around jabbing – and we have an emergency – not of SARS-2 _- but a life unlivable appearing – one against the other – DIVIDE an CONQUER – a war won with no bullets fired

I look for the ‘why’
WHY against – all logic is this story being shed – all over us – who essentially owns us?? (CLICK).
When I know as a natural health detective, one who gets results – that SARS-2 is easy to undo.

I will ALSO pop this here . . a kiwi, (late 2021)
Connect these dots. This is dated – and it is getting so much worse..
So much for “the Science’
Beliefs over biology . .
Life over ‘medicine’
Shame on all who are in dogma

Do not assume that the medical illness business is working for you. Individuals may be uncharacteristically truthful eventually – they will all have a tipping point.  Doctors speak out as they can’t not (CLICK). They may do this at their peril. Marginalised. Now they not being jabbed – are fired. Anyone at risk from being around a non jabbed person? NOPE. Except for hearing the truth.

Thinking – this is NOT hidden. Maybe try to prove it wrong. By life – and experience – not what is written.

Self help? Dr Klenner and his experience of the Spanish Flu? (CLICK)  Beyond conformity? (CLICK) On top of all else – that graphene oxide? Resource for graphene oxide detoxification (CLICK) (just in case you haven’t seen it): What is that? Look it up – not only in the jab. Here it is in the capsules normal medication is within now (CLICK)

November 2021 update

This is NOT Disneyland/not a fairy Tale – it is real life Take this 30 minutes  . .. By now (2023 ) there is  amass of these.
Research for yourself- not hard – as it cannot keep being censored. out of M.S.M. (who is involved in regular news now?)
WHAT is the difference between non jabbed and jabbed? As a country? (study of 68) CLICK

What is happening to those whose immune systems are now not that functional? How did that happen- they gratefully signed up for an experimental medical device – as though the process of natural selection (survival of the fittest – as playing out now in sperm – the less virile/healthy/genetically endowed are NOT the ones who are easy to help when sperm is tragically damaged)/evolution. God given grace was somehow not up to the task). Who is clogging up the hospitals and dying?(CLICK) . Truth/as nature would have it  is so inconvenient for the new leaders – NOT of the free world.
IN 2016 (I brought out this series – ETHICS – ask yourself – what is this? And maybe spend the 10 hours viewing?
I decided Biological Sustainabiility – we cannot have now.
It will take you through – Playing the ‘Fix-it’ Game (CLICK) . . AND do no harm to the children. MY story – with my children


I was at this baby’s birth – as I knew I was to be there.
Who is caring for these new ones – as we ourselves were looked after?

An Alternate Reality.

Where black is white,

up is down,

and where the ‘science’ is bought

and sold as fact.

Rammed into the minds and lives of those who see past it – OR ELSE.

If you let it.
Past apathy.
Past hoping someone else will – YOU and I are that one – for others.

Position statement June 2023

I have tried, and so far failed to be able to physically touch to assist healing – those who took the shot – for whatever reason. This divisive attack on humanity is not of my doing. I am reporting how it has been for me in the past 2 years since I was working on a jabbed person, and my body took umbrage and has given me an extraordinary ride of effective acquired immunodeficiency. As I was working with those dying of AIDS in the mid 90’s – I know what I am working with here. On all of us And it is by design. Not mine. Please do not shoot the messenger.
This is a hard pill to swallow. For all of us.

The grandmothers arise. Those who are pure of intention will know who they are, past personal (wanting to travel, wanting to belong to the tribe – some of us could not bow to the story in comfort – and mat y have lost all – but gained their true calling – if this is you – welcome – if this is you being reactive – I have not got all answers – but some of them. These online courses are the result of my 45 years of working and teaching others to help themselves – it is time.


A new ‘normal’ – fear and hope for scraps of what was assumed to be ‘a life’?

Do we really want’ Lord of the Flies’, or a transition into compassion. caring and Light?

Our choice

Stay silent?
(When Good People Do/Say Nothing)
Let the dark in to reign?
Live in light as intended?
See more here