Natural aging – women


Expect to be informed differently.
This is written by a woman, who is in her 7th decade, thus a crone speaks.
I have been standing listening, and assuaging the suffering of women since I was in my early 20’s. My busy Brisbane city clinic was set up in the late ’70’s and continued in the early ’80s, until my own maternity intervened. I continued teaching my craft from then on, and this was interspersed with periods of intense service in apparently hopeless cases in other clinical settings (including a cult in NZ where I was the ‘when nothing else works, call Heather’ backstop) – to teaching online and traveling to do so internationally. Always being aware that my words were often a breath of fresh air, as others stayed with the ‘party line’.
I never could always an outlier who asked awkward questions and did not let go till sensible answers were found.

What does the doctor say? If you wish to know – this information is is not what you need. To be here you will have worked out that this is not the right question. – here we speak of LIFE.


If you wish medical advice – it is not being offered here.

In being gifted a body, we go through a cycle of life.
We are born totally dependent and attached to our bridge out to the outside world – our mother.
As mammals, in a primal state, we would be as most herd animals – staying close to her, as she protects. In this culture – she is taken away as the prime caretaker (often prior to conception as she is to trust those who are playing ‘god’ to get her pregnant – and as you will see as you go through my work – possibly – due to what happened to her maternal line – a long time before. , and all sort of alarming things happen. Mammalian Maternity may not have been granted to you – or your children, This breaks the bond that you were to have as a birthright and creates life long grief for all players. To whose benefit? That will be the question as we go through this. As life progresses through sun cycles (years) – and the moon cycles start influencing the Blood and QI in our bodies, so as we make monthly baby nests.
maturation we, move ever further away until we are capable of defending ourselves. This is an important part of this topic – as we after are ‘prey’. This is usually in the home – not ‘stranger danger’. Sexual frights and abuse lead to life long breakage. Below is the impact of influences that ever happen to us. Keep baby close is the unerring advice. Primates – the baby hugs mum and is gradually a short distance away – but always close. Safest with the one whose instincts are on high alert – IF she felt baby birth. (Mum not sent back to work when baby is 6 weeks old – that is a recipe for a society that is inept and non sustainable – and at the core of all capitalism.
In being gifted a body, we go through a cycle of life.

Cycle of life
We are born totally dependent and attached to our bridge out to the outside world – our mother. She is our safety. As mammals, in a primal state, we would be as most herd animals – staying close to her, as she protects. In this culture – she is taken away as the prime caretaker (often prior to conception as she is to trust those who are playing ‘god’ to get her pregnant – and as you will see as you go through my work – possibly – due to what happened to her maternal line – a long time before. , and all sort of alarming things happen. Mammalian Maternity may not have been granted to you – or your children, This breaks the bond that you were to have as a birthright and creates life long grief for all players. To whose benefit? That will be the question as we go through this. As life progresses through sun cycles (years) – and the moon cycles start influencing the Blood and QI in our bodies, so as we make monthly baby nests.
maturation we, move ever further away until we are capable of defending ourselves. This is an important part of this topic – as we after are ‘prey’. This is usually in the home – not ‘stranger danger’. Sexual frights and abuse lead to life long breakage. Below is the impact of influences that ever happen to us. Keep baby close is the unerring advice. Primates – the baby hugs mum and is gradually a short distance away – but always close. Safest with the one whose instincts are on high alert – IF she felt baby birth. (Mum not sent back to work when baby is 6 weeks old – that is a recipe for a society that is inept and non sustainable – and at the core of all capitalism.

Impact of influences that affect life

Our mother is at least HALF of us. . .
I am not speaking ‘genetically’ here – but how we are kept safe – or not – often from her own traumas and distress. How we are is the foundation she gave us.

This begins the process of aging. Well or Bonsai-ed . . . think a winded tree – it was to grow upright, but planted where the prevailing winds were savage. I go into this far more elsewhere (eBook – Woman Tides).

Normally – growth is an orderly process – through a phase of maturation, to where we are capable and able to reproduce, to parent our offspring, and to be available to mentor our descendants, before we become enfeebled. Depending on the cultural mores and resources, be looked after as we looked after our children, and finally leaving the form we took whilst here this time around.

Aging is a natural part of LIFE

The stages of a rose mirror the phases we go through. Seen from the eyes of men – who in most societies are the ones who hold the power – we are shaped, Without initiations, and the benefit of being mentored through the process of growing into ourselves, we can be entirely shaped through the dominant eyes. In times past – possibly by the ravages of war and rape and pillage and survival. In times past – fighting the external influences, and happenstance – losing virginity and often marriageable status due to the stealing of innocence, and over time – teeth, and possibly our lives in wars worth the wild animal,s and wilder humans. In the more recent times, with electricity especially in First World countries, the process of being can be shaped not by our gifts and inner talents but by how others want us to fit their ideals of THEIR version of what a woman is.

I speak as a woman – observations .. .
I have lived as an independent thinking person, woman, mother, now grandmother, all the while tending other women . . .

Aging – we may need to change perspective. . . look at buds versus fully blown blooms – as many of us are STILL gems.
Living In It – a women’s body – Honouring our Source (gut), Our Bleeding (womb’s nest building) and Our Selves (the spark of pure consciousness that drives us in this life).

Aging – through the decades . .
90’s + happy and spry at home with garden – happy daily visitations to bind us into the tribe we created.
I live in the vicinity of many 80+s as singles and couples living where they have been from decades.- Very small village – I am one of the youngest (68+). They potter and are not looking at going anywhere.
60’s +– the prime of life!!! Activities everywhere.
50’s + – getting a handle on living for ourselves
40’s – mothering likely/ grand mothering possibly beginning
30’s – maybe still looking to settle into ourselves – and conscious maternity?
20’s – playing around
Teens – becoming woman
Under 10 – still growing into the body we will carry about with us.
In utero – totally at the thrall of whatever is happening to our mothers, as we swim about in the inner sea that forms us.

The Bell curve of a maturation cycle/reproductive and then dwindling
How well we have looked after ourselves . .
And do not harm the children!

What’s Womb Position Got To Do With It?
Everything . . . see more here (welcome to your lady bits)

What is A Woman?
I acknowledge that whilst we are all different – our womb and where she lies (and thus how the flows to and from the ovaries (our hormonal factories) defines us. Women bleed . . . .
We get on with it – usually not announcing our presence.

May fragment our lives. The months and decades of the reproductive lives we live in may be in segments… If we are totally different from seemingly one day to the next (called ‘hormonal’, or one part of a month to the next – if you are one who suffers from PMDD – premenstrual dysphoric disorder – and are likely called ‘mad’ for it and on heavy psychiatric medication – rather than the cause of this being corrected. LIFE RESIDUE needs undoing.

The time post bleeding are the subject of this page. We look at what to expect in a healthy state first.
Whilst the retail medical industry wishes for return business, if we are set up to win as we are looked after at all stages of life leading into the fifth decade the recent focus on retaining youth, and of monetizing every aspect of being woman would not be a ‘thing’.

Women have always had their male attractiveness as the way to gain influence and be looked after I am not speaking of those whose faces/or their figures are their fortunes. Though vast amounts of resources are spent on facial creams, and enhancements. Women’s currency is seen on their faces and their tresses – and their ‘bloomingness’. Also to playing with the secondary sexual characteristics – the breasts, the ‘attractiveness’ as seen by the men of the times – this does change according to area and location.

I speak here of biology. Those naturally going the through the stages of womanhood may at times wish to not be so boxed in by what a society calls ‘appropriate’ for one who is penis less. Part of life is we grow in wisdom, whilst our inner bank account (Jing) is used up.

Womb centric. I will expand on this later – in the series. If you wish to go there (NOW) – here is a free entry into what you may be attuned to – an online course option – free link here. If you wish to GET FIXED NOW – and to see me – here is the possible trajectory – I am in far north Queensland and as i work with the entire life that has led you to where you are at a crossroad: expect an intensive bundle of care – and not ‘come and go’ as you choose – but a programme of reintegration – back into alignment.

A woman’s life

Ideally guided by the wise ones who have trod the path before – not men who have never bleed, or bred.

Hormones? We need the ingredients and the ability to MAKE them . . .

Likely we are STUCK and body is responding as it is not able to flow. STUCK LIVER QI – the result/cause of all ‘tension’
Yes – and what do we make them with? Nutrients – at least start looking here: if we have happy breasts, all else is well in our body/world.
What gets in the way of perfect functioning? Life – and us being blocked /messed with – then we get irritated and know we need to watch out – as we are (always) prey – never forget that – we must attend to safety and this usually looks like acquiescence (of course 2020 onwards showed us our true colours – individually) and from there – any amount of ANXIETY – that is bottled up RAGE/FURY.

May need a circle of elders. .. Maybe we all need to join our tribe again?

Likely you may do as I did . . .l look online – for natural hormonal solutions to menopause – Australian Menopause Centre.
As an example of what is on offer – through the men’s ways of knowing. doing business.
There is no mention of what they do. Sign up and see I guess. What they say is ‘normal’ in menopause – hot flushes, night sweats, low libido, lack of energy, poor sleep are extended this to this page I will answer each of these. Allergies, Anxiety, Bloating, Breast pain and tenderness, Burning tongue, Depression, Digestive troubles, Dizziness. Fatigue, Hair loss, Heart palpitations, Hormonal headaches, hot flushes (flashes in USA) , irregular periods, irritability, itching skin, joint pain, lack of concentration, low libido, memory loss, mood swings, muscle tension, night sweats, osteoporosis, panic disorders, sleep disorders, tingling disorders, vaginal dryness, weight gain.

Their list basically shows that the body is working differently as we age – and needs help. Allergies, Anxiety, Bloating, Breast pain and tenderness, Burning tongue, Depression, Digestive troubles, Dizziness. Fatigue, Hair loss, Heart palpitations, Hormonal headaches, hot flushes (flashes in USA) , irregular periods, irritability, itching skin, joint pain, lack of concentration, low libido, memory loss, mood swings, muscle tension, night sweats, osteoporosis, panic disorders, sleep disorders, tingling disorders, vaginal dryness, weight gain.

There is no mention of sex feeling like razor blades, or of not knowing who you are any longer and where you fit in the world (sexual attractiveness maybe getting you to your late 30’s /early 40’s and now you wonder – what next??? of losing all sense of self and of flooding horrendously in cycles that are out of control.
Bladder – shall we mention the constant dripping, the urgency the water troubles?

Here is MY list of answers at a glance

The links are not working in that document – so here they are:
Rescue Yang Qi – Free/ Clear ‘stress’ – Stuck QI – Stuck Liver QiBlood retrieval/rescue – Glutathione accelerator = – Live Well – Clear INNER Heat Ki Yang Qi DampBlood/Aging All my workPerineal steaming

Most of this is life not lived well, and instantly changed when you later how you choose to live. Taking their hormones is NOT a complete answer – but is a retail one – and governed not by time honored ways of women’s knowings – but through the filters of the pharmaceutical options. The site at least offers some sensible advice:

‘the effects of menopause can be reduced by a health diet and regular exercise – (directing you to the Jean Hailes Centre page), good mental health, and reduced stress levels. It is essential that you get a good quality night’s sleep, and to quit smoking if you still are’.

During menopause a wide variety of foods, including plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits, cereals, whole grains and an increase in fluids can help to keep your body feeling better. You should also steer clear of dairy and decrease your caffeine and alcohol intake. Regular exercise of at least 30–45 minutes on most days of the week will help maintain your heart and general health while keeping your bones healthy. It can also contribute to relaxation and overall well being. During menopause a wide variety of foods, including plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits, cereals, whole grains and an increase in fluids can help to keep your body feeling better. You should also steer clear of dairy and decrease your caffeine and alcohol intake. Regular exercise of at least 30–45 minutes on most days of the week will help maintain your heart and general health while keeping your bones healthy. It can also contribute to relaxation and overall well being.”

‘Treatment’ plan? get your life in order. . .the troubles you may have are a result of the life you have led to date.

Shall we undo what created the issues you are searching answers for?
What created the monthly health report (the monthly bleed) has now grown into a life report. (‘Menopause)

There is usually a malnutrition aspect to anything – and the lack of circulation of the five flows- Qi (loosely energy), red blood, blue blood (venous return) and clear blood – lymph – and nerves. What creates health? Please investigate with new eyes. Who lives in your life? When the Life Recipe is in order, aging gives us a map – a welcome component as we have a sense of balance to all expectations.

Where did this all come from?

Life . .
We all work it out eventually.

Because I lived from my 20’s to 60’s in service in my clinical practice . .
Concurrently teaching . . .
Having all those women in all those stages of life – from when I likely looked 15 and was teaching those who were in their 60’s – 70’s.

Me now in my late 60’s
Having been a mum, birthing four times over 18 years . . . (1977- 94)

Oral traditions that work:
Here is the beginning of my ‘download’ – multi cultural/multi modality:

Here is the overview . . .
A collation of my teachings (over 40 years of these).
How do we know anything?
May have been encoded– so this may be ticking lots of boxes for you
Embodied – you felt it as you lived it
Someone said
Someone (lots of them) wrote about it –
Which is your authority?
I have been observing as I ask different questions.
This work is the result of

What is Gentling?
1 – A way to acknowledge emotions and energy. Knowing the physical it is being directed from elsewhere.
2 – Gently – respectfully – not forcing
3 – Nutrients – we need to nourish all aspects of our lives. . .

If you wish to talk with me, reach out
Or look through what is presently ready for instant purchase and download
Or get straight into helping yourself – here is the sensible starter online self paced, self help kit (as mentioned above)
Perineal steaming? – See more here.
Every thing you need to do – investigate what causes health, self soothing and perineal steaming – delicious way to soothe away the life you have lived through . . . at home in privacy, and IT ALL WORKS!!!

Women’s ways of knowing – not men’s business opportunities are what we all need now.