
We investigate why we selfing /self care
Questions to answer. You are a soul You HAVE been gifted a body
- 1 – Why did you choose to be female this time around?
- 2 – What PhD’s of life?
- 3 – What sets your heart afire?
- 4 – What passion for the future?
- 5 – How/what has this opportunity gifted you?
Deep We intend to get to . . The essence of YOU
We had 4 Arvigo Self Care teachers in the first session
1st session – introducing our voices and womb stories
Meet and greet – run around the class.took 45 minutes
we did it this way as when in a’real’ class – we are socialising and getting to know – thus it is a bonding experience . .
Unfortunately – I did not press ‘record and the intro is not here..
Run around the class. 45 minutes
Meet and greet.
Megan (USA) first – where are you and what here for?
Julienne (Bne area)- what is like in a female body?
Thea (Iowa, USA) – Uncomfortable in a woman’s body – want to learn how to be comfy and to connect
As Arvigo – what did before – each yoga and visceral work and spiritual healing
Hilary – (NZ) search for self love – and undoing family origin.
Vanessa – (Vict) self healing plus for others.
Melissa (Far NQ) why here? Self and early family life
Belinda (NZ) – wanting more (I did SLQR and sacral wakeups and she was hooked)
Evelyn (NZ) – wanting to move forwards
Nathalie (Central Coast Qld) – being a woman in a man’s world. . self love
Fiona – (Central Coast Qld)
Lenley – (S.E.Qld) – survival – and energy healing – soul work. Self now.
Sita – (northern NSW)
Trish (USA – N.J.)
Lisa (Thailand area)
55 minutes in.
Heather – (NZ) can’t not do this.
When we are in practical
How we all got to Arvigo??
We did this class after the Arvigo institute split and the ATC (abdominal Therapy Collective was happening . .
Trish was at the 1995 midwives conference . .
And Trish was there – looking for something more than allopathic (as a midwife).
Miss Hortence – never had any woman tear in birthing
Trish was needing care for herself – +++ bleeding fibroid. . .Hb of 8
She found Jen O’Hagan . . (my teacher) 2006.

From 17 times at night to pee to 3x at night (fibroided womb on the bladder.
Trish is my soul sister in this work – and we were in the Mercier class . .2016.
Lisa – how she got into womb work . . . horrific periods as a girl . . acupuncture as a child..
Met Rosita who gave her herbs. .
Met Andrea and this helped with her own fibroids.
Thea – how she got to Arvigo – was a massage therapist . . she also did the quick route.
Personal again – needed help herself. .still in a lot of pain .
Megan – 1.17.00 – horrendous from an 11 year old. . and a huge story . .
Vanessa – 1.26.00– through the Lomi Lomi ..
Me – 1.29.00 – Not for personal . . to enhance the work I was doing . .
We all need to step up as life is in massive change.
CHANGE – is life.Assumptions and Expectations.. .
2nd session – changing paradigms
0.50 – Megan and the Bao Mai reconnection (she can see it when she is working with people)
2.30 – Megan SEES it happen . . . and is a lot faster if she herself is aligned.
3.30 – Assumptions and agreements and ways of knowing . . Encoded, Embodied, Someone said, Someone/lots of wrote
8.00 – 7 ‘L’s’ – LIGHT – how we were grown within our own mother ..

10.30 – STUCK – as we are no longer connected in spirit – but STUCK in our own story . .
11.00 – Three circles – see below

16.00 – THREE and it happens a lot . .cancer mother’s story.
19.00 – Nutrients and method – like a chocolate cake . .

20.00 – Patient 40 years ago –
22.30 – Life recipe and how we stay in a body – look after it.
24.30 – Pain happens as we have STUCK happening. .
28.30 – physical and electrical . . .
29.00 – Any decision based on fear is the wrong one – what causes health?
31.30 – Kathryn’s mum’s story . .and how to use the circle .
33.00 – Cancer – body gone rogue What are you feeding that cancer with? Cancer solutions
35.30 – Kathryn’s mother hearing the prognosis.
37.30 – Detective in the job . .WHY?
38.00 – Weather – and my hail storm story – and people living in fear – the weather report is not always right . .
Believe the diagnosis – not the prognosis . .
Be real – how does it feel . .
Something to live for.
Be the solution . . .
Kathryn’s mother’s story

45.00 – Lineage . . we are here by virtue of the mother’s Torah . . can only have rules if the foundation of LIFE happening . .
49.00 – An entrant into my Self care class. . and what I learned from her . .
52.00 – Big L – the energy model of the Liver energy . . lymph/ligaments and LINE separates us from Lies and Litigation.
54.00 – Blood is nourishing life – comes from the gut health.
56.00 – A well body in a functioning society – it works. Initiations. . . .
57.30 – Hilary’s experience in meeting an ex GV (Gloriavale) family. TRIBAL and hierarchical – The Sibling Society
1.03.00– LIES of the finders . . . what happened to the witches??
1.05.00 – Don’t like the paradigm? Shift it . .
1.06.00 – Megan and her local acupuncture = we are all getting programmed – choose your adventure. .
1.08.00 – Dr Shen said ..why waste the rest of your life worrying .
1.09.00 – Megan and the Cozamel story . .
1.12.30 – Going to Cozamel
1.17.00 – How I tell the initiation story. .
1.20.00 – Ceremony . . . lost as the violence arrived from the West . . we HAVE to be the guardian . .
1.21.40 – Megan’s doulaing hospital experience. . and the baby who screamed – Light hurt it?? Megan and teh journey we all start with.
1.26.00 – Surround your womb with love . .
1.29.00 – Lisa – and being in Asia and the loss of their own culture.
Where are you listening from?
Being in this life.world from?

3rd session – Why do we bleed/stories – where is womb?
Normal female physiology . .
7 x 2 – we start bleeding – via Jing
Height we were supposed to be ..before 12 is ‘early’.
Can do up a chart – age of first period, bleeding still – or what age stopped, what age now and mother stopped when?
Belinda (61!/56/mother – no) – 11 Sita (43/yes) – 15 Me 13, – Lisa, 13/51, Melissa – 13+/yes/mother not – early 50’s , Vanessa (13/43/yes/mother 27 all out – over bleeding /endo/pain) 15/16, Lenley (47/bleeding mother – 55/57) 13, Nathalie – 12 (54 bleeding), Fiona 11 (48/yes/mother in 60’s) Hilary 13/51/53/not know, Julienne 14/15/49/49/mother 50
Bell curve – teens – 40’s can still get pregnant sometimes early 50’s.

We bled because we are making a baby nest . . .survival of the fittest = good sperm needed.
On automatic – no life disruptions. .
Are we supposed to bleed every month biologically?
Baby being still comfort/immunological /teeth not good enough reasons for still breastfeeding – till 5/6 years . .
13.30 – We would have Blood energy (see ingredients) – NZ milk powder story . . mother is the bridge to life really is three years of pregnancy
15.00 – Mum’s body should be still busy looking after the toddler – me and GV women and them making them all through creative life for profit.
17.00 – Toddler teeth and gut needs to be good enough to no longer be interested in mum’s contribution. Next baby can happen.
19.00– Period is a health report – and every week our physiology changes. . . need Blood enough – Julienne – and shocked patients after talking herbs for a while. Need to ask specifically about actual bleeding . .
21.20 – Good bleeding means good health – normal production and circulation of Blood
22.30 – Youngest mothers and when we are in the size we should be . .
24.00 – Pain happens as there is STUCK – do not take pain numbers – listen to the message
Bleeding – and emotional .. not enough Blood energy – so Shen is disrupted (look at WDCD info) take out electricity and modern medicine and see how life is. Solomon Islands example . survival of the fittest.
28.30 – Nathalie – different cultures and why one twin killed – as an example . . twinning in not enough resources . . .body is smart.
31.30 – Nathalie and her bleeding changes . . . not normal – over bleeding is NOT normal . . . hot flushes – low thyroid
33.00 – Why – what is causing heat in the blood – overbleeding . . what out if still in bleeding years – as they will get more fertile.
35.00 – So many have had more babies
36.00 – Jabs are part of the 6 ‘T’s
36.30 – Pain – things in wrong place . . and adhesions – and nothing working. 5 flows need to flow. . .
38.20 – Why pain – structures wrong place, cold where not supposed to be and nutrients?
39.00 – Clear self first . . . PMDD – seen as ‘madness’ – why it is happening? STUCK and full of rage . . .
41.00 – normalising – gives such a life change – three patients. . . sense of sovereignty . .

44.30 – nourish blood – and thus the ligaments can do
46.00 – Me being a womb and ligaments demo.
49.00 – Lisa’s start – fall in ballet and #coccyx.
50.30 – Fiona – after she was raped at 13.
51.00 – My experiences in clinic – what happened to break her?

53.00 – reality of being raped (for the body remembers everything that ever happens to it – PLUS actual as well – what was for womb at the time. . . STUCK Liver Qi looks like .. .

56.30 – We can’t think – we have boys, so all is good . .they also are attacked.
57.00 – Fiona is much more empathetic as she believed what was being told . .
58.00 – Maybe been hynotised or drugged – so not conscious – Fiona how life would have been vastly different . .
59.30 – Women’s ways of being. . . NOT a minor problem – your own relationship with your ow womb. (What lies beneath)
1.01.00 – Bulimia/anorexia and cutting – look to all on the page above .what started this?
1.02.40 – The Making Of Me – Tegan Wagner – what to do then? Get flows to flow again – and NOT go to PTSD – get them to see it differently get the heart to loosen up . . Don Elijio Ponti = he was a high end shaman.
1.05.30 – Lisa, Belinda – taught ‘too difficult’ Julienne – not even heard about heart distress. . medical also not ..
1.07.00 – Shen moves in the Blood – transfusions?
1.08.30 – Men’s womb is the prostate and the Bao Mai has to work well . .clear the heartbreak . .

1.10.00 – Inner scar tissue? Steaming, castor oil and self care massage. As we age – the inner resilience is less
1.12.00 – Sexual abuse not mentioned in obstetric workups . . .
1.13.00 – What to do? Love yourself better . . .
1.14.30 – Bach Flower remedies – maybe go to Kaliana . . vibrational
1.17.00 – Finding where womb is – on the floor . . (seque into the positioning and what it means.
eg Trish and needing to pee 17 x at night .
All is supposed to slide and glide – how can it?
1.24.00 – If focused on the terrible stories – Energy Follows Thought .
GENTLE – and always with a clearer after – round and round between all moves..

Looking for your own womb . .
This is hard to find if is in right spot.
Or prolapsed see later
Only really can feel if anterior left or right.
Retroverted is easier to ‘diagnose’ –
Feel/see the dip 2/5th a way from pubic bone to navel
Ask questions:
Does more blood come out when sitting on the loo than is on the pad?
After sex does it all fall out when you stand up?
Poo stuck prior to period and free when you start.
Does sex hurt in different positions (from behind especially).
Be aware that medicine says – ‘it is normal’ – and they totally ignore that flows CAN’T.
Another version of these issues . .

We are working in/with a different paradigm – not mechanical focus – but it is vastly important as the ones that do (bio medicine) also ignore this anyway – hence so much gyne/lower body is played with – not fixed.

Need to work on the cold to unleash the Spleen Qi/ and what wastes Spleen Yang – all fall down (and not in right place as can’t hold it there) (cold invasion – get rid of) – and undo STUCK – Liver Qi . .
Look for self – flat hands and bounce not poke . .
Do the beginning moves . . watch this first
Do a checker – (classifications of moves)- practice a pull up.
And do a chest gouge – and then recheck . .
Another graphic – this is for you to visualise what is within – when we go into Living Ligaments – we cover this in major detail good enough to get the point that Flows Must Flow – and pain happens when they can’t – possibly – as with Lisa and ballet accident – all is now not able to do as designed – so it HURTS.

Maybe start here to get Free Your Qi happening – then onto the belly work.

4 – What is stored in there?
What we have stored within .. .
1.00 – Abdominal ops?
Nat – C section, Vanessa and C section, bladder – supra pubic catheter (looking like a 2nd belly button), and a reversal of the tubes tied.
Me – C section, lap and internal non Manchester repair – vaginal for inner hernia
Sita – ruptured duodenal ulcer, Lenley – 2 C sections Belinda – none – Hilary – appendix out and endo laps and 2 x C sections.
Fiona – lap and dye studies. . . termination also – me also – most women have. Vanessa blighted ovum. Belinda – x1
Sita – x1. Melissa and Hilary none. Lisa one misc and one abortion, Nathalie – thinks she had a miscarriage.
we talk about the children we have had – not the ones we did not . . .
Different question – and also needs . .Who has tried to kill themselves?
We live with our bits where they may or may not be where they were designed to be
Structure Determines Function
Adhesions – need to see what has been tied into the womb and her stories. .
10.30 – Adhesions? Scars – GV woman having ovaries out . . .
Problems? That scar . .chiro said – spinal stenosis.
She had hip problems, knee pain, bent over like a little old lady, hobbles about,

Important – the recipient of care MUST own her own healing
Get her to feel – as per the scar workshop .. .
And this page contents (scar palpation and adhesion breaking)
On here I did adhesion breaking – then needles around scar – likely did SBB.
Need to do moxa . .
Comfrey, castor oil and o back at the same time – and do back work.
Adhesions? Lack of nutrient s needed and then use hands .. .
Scars – very important – need pricklies. . .
15.00 – On all levels . ..look at the Selfing challenge ..
Problems down there? Our manual production is 18 months later STILL – held up as we got chuffed off out of NZ . . .still settling back .
19.00 – Own resistances and general blockages. (do the selfing challenge again).
20.00 – after the home self care – steaming and so on . ..IODINE? (What caused the cysts??) Apotoptosis
23.00 – Do own adhesion breaking gently – Western medicine has saved many of us . . energy needs liberating . ..
need more Zinc and Vit C – connective tissue needs help. (Love Your Body Better course).
27.00 – Dr Angela Shen – and smiles to thank her organs as they work 24/7 – body grateful . . .Energy Follows Thought
28.30 – STILL my story – if I get nothing finished – I can’t be ‘got; – God of Sabotage .. remove the TRY word
GET READY To do meditation on the floor – pee, hydrate, keep warm – take all distractions/animals out of room.
34.00 – On floor – meditation starts . . BEWARE – a strange PING happened at some point in the meditation.
Bao Mai Connector Meditation
Warning – there is a sharp bell noise a few minutes in.
1.01.00 – start to come back . .
1.03.00– LOOK AFTER YOU on coming back – however that is.
1.05.30 – Nat found her 22 year old self – who was craving her mother who as gone ..
1.07.00 – Hilary and Vanessa.. . discovered new territory/spaces.
1.09.00 – Please listen to your body – it is your temple . .
look after yourselves . .

Resources mentioned

Sibling Society – free download pdf