
FOUNDATIONAL MOVES (Maja speaking on these)
This is a workshop designed for Hazel support To allow those who are interested to step into a new paradigm: Gentling . .
PAIN? Stuck. . .
Clear it
Follow nature
Free Your Qi another entry page is here
1 – LYMPH to start with (I did this a few times for past students )
2 – STUCK Liver Qi
3 – Cupping navel – ALSO HERE
me working on my niece, and revision of cupping, moxa and ginger on salt afterwards (imperative) – transformative.
4 – Moxa use (after cupping)
Extra uses for moxa and ginger
5 – Sacral wakeups
Setting up to win – forget ‘diagnosis’ – It Depends – you have the person in front of you.
Look at Foundational Moves
This page has all that you need to watch EXTRA
Body Heals Itself
Energy Follows Thought
Structure Determines Function
Body Remembers Everything That Ever Happened to It
Flows HAVE to flow
Lots of paper of downloads if you were not in class
(Ask for these)
First audio
Early clinic . .
$25 a week my experiences in clinic . . .
1.20 – Mrs Glossop – I charged her $2 for two sessions a week . .for quite a while.
Results – need to think it through . .
2.30 – Need to calm people down first. .
5.45 – Ask different questions – Triage – Shen (being in your body) take out the cod (cool bum/thighs and hands and feet) as that stops the Qi flow and scars – same.
8.30 – Best add I ever had – do you feel stuck?
me – what causes health?
10.00 – Classifications of points and we need to check first.
Clearer – got to undo what came up . ..and soothe them . .
And fixer – what all think that they are there for.. ..sequence – rotisserie – back and forth – many times all these moves – and if we have not done what we expected we can sort it out . .and may need to do a settle r- to move all that came on – onwards . .
12.00 – The container- the placebos – what allows the healing to happen . . .not a ‘sugar pill’.
13.00 – Red rose in Greymouth . ‘induction’ – we bloom when conditions are right . . versions of it . .
15.00 – we all have to be clear, and safe and aligned with ourselves ..
We are not only physical ..
PAIN – something is stuck.
Like a river . . .
We put stuff away because it hurts. . .
Second audio – Decluttering . .
My story about important stuff ..
3.30 – Decluttering – and start with our clothes . .
4.30 – who can I find to give them great joy . .
5.50 – and the fridge!!!
10.30 – MUST declutter in the body . . young girl tomorrow – why is it breech?

Structure determines function ..
Third audio – Decluttering #2
We all have cancer – but when immune system says NO – no longer. . (can’t juggle more)
After 5 systems of flow. .
Health definition – PAUSE and get your own definition ..
mine – ability to adapt to change . .
Cells need to protect themselves
1.40 – Cellular membrane.
3.00 – Owner’s manual – Living As Energy. .
3.50 – should have learnt at mother’s lap/knee ..
Declutter all that comes in including what is stuck in the brain . .
Why we need settling moves . .
5.30 – Delcuttering . . ‘I suspend judgement, especially of myself’
6.00 – Learned responses – what it means to them when . . .
We are all are running a programme . . .
Hence Selfing and Self Discovery workshops. .
Over lunch:
How do we know anything?
As an entire, sovereign unit .. .

Someone said,
Someone wrote
While I was to showcase working on the back for the front and vice versa, we discovered Michele’s C section scar was perfectly healed (although there is always health enhancing) BUT we found her ‘nearly dead’ experience 2 years later.
Working on Eden – breech baby, and 36 weeks, tight pelvis . .

She felt so much better and slept all the way home Has gone for an early night too so shifting something.
Thank you seeing her – she was very grateful
Beginning on Eden
Setting it up – checkers and beginning SLQR
Initial sacral checker
Initial sacral attack
Sacral V
Wakeup chakras
MOXA was a crucial part of my work – and I no longer can even touch it .
Extra uses of ginger and moxa
Why is there pain?
Structure Determines Function

Follow Hazel’s spine up – and where is her head? Not on the line – off to the right – how come this is not apparent to others?

Problem – when lying in her back there is a huge contraction – so that often her left side to shoulder is TWICE as large as the right.
AND IT HURTS – in breast, and red hot poker down her arm.

Gua Sha as we could see my finger marks (blanching) on her
Varicose veins, gout mentioned.
Also jumping out of tree into water – 3 months off work – turned into an old man – could have done accident recall immediately . .

Top of leg – a week before Winner of the worst male leg ever
Safe intimate care pads – see here – use as a fixer upper – Mark only up 1x at night – not 4 – after using in tight under pants whilst sleeping

How did we do this?
Accident Recall – need to do under chin is the worst one. Tuesday
P.A.C.E. first
4 Gates – Liv 3 Col 4
Belly work, lymph – this is a large subject – you can see from what we did with Hazel that this is central to all movement in the body., Sacral wakeups after SLQR (Stuck Liver Qi Release), Glut work.
Prostate drainage
Sit up – Pricklies, all sore Korean hand points, after GB 34, sore above knee points, and arm ones – RHS neck tightness relieved . .
Lymph moves chest gouging, side, sacral,
Lower lymphatic – from the back this time Inguinal gouging from the back – legs changed again.
More chest, side (flank) gouging and sacral gouging .. .
Point percussion
Causes of dis ease
6 ‘T’s
Temptation – to hand over your own sovereignty/ways of knowing – to ‘experts’ outside yourself. Question/test out everything. Does it work?
Tension – Unrelenting inability to let go – thus stopping natural flows (body works on automatic).
Temperature – Body is set to be ideally functioning within a set variation – when made to constantly be outside this – expect trouble.
Torpor – Often enough stretched past the limits – shut down may begin. Either physical or emotional (Damp also involved)
Trauma – STUCK in the past – as not then able to clear what it meant to the body/mind to undergo extremes.
Toxins – Anything – not only physically present – that poisons perfect functioning.
May need to LET IT GO
Extra we did not do this – HEAD – but can add it in (before and after ear candles)