Cupping a navel


Must use a warmed large glass cup

Warmed coin – large – why coin? Need to close off the ‘rescue yang’ point.

Do not want to waste the inherent Qi.

In France – Albi – thank you David Orchard and Pia Columbine.

1 – On the belly – more if you need to as it may be a hairy man’s belly

2 – Warmed large coin – ready to wrap

3 – Wrap it up

4 – twirl coin around

5 – Tear the excess off (do not need it to have it burning and falling into the skin)

6 – Place the wrapped coin in the middle of the navel

7 – Place the coin

8 – Lighting the coin

9 – Lit tissue

10 – Cup being placed

10 – Cup about to be placed

11 – Cup (pre warmed) on

12 – Once the cup hits the skin, it will suck up – please warm them as it is a surprise

13 – Flame out – as there is no more oxygen

14 – Cover up the skin – so there are no draughts.


How long to leave on?
It Depends . .
To take off – break the suction gently. .
There is so much more elsewhere – here I am using the images that were on a USB stick.

What not to do . .

Don’t let the flame touch the edge of the cup: I have a massive scar to prove this (fellow student branded me)