
Choice and consent
I have not had to cover this before now. .
Partially as you have been in the bubble of Planet A.
We are not there now.
This means that anyone does and can, and will it seems – be somewhat after their own – not a mutual relationship with ‘truth’.
Also partially as it was not needed – people came out of desperation – and as I work with Light and it shines forth – there was no leakage of their ‘stuff’ [at helping shift it.
Now all is so muddy . .
See the meditation work I have had up since 1999 here.
Also – the deconstruction of what we perceive to be ‘self’.
We may be of service
In these changed times – when all have been led a merry dance of compliance or bust . .. it safe for us to be so??
We also may not be anything like on the same page as the recipient.
How to protect OURSELVES – I have not done much on this as it has been assumed that
All For THE Highest Good Of All Concerned.
Now as the medical and legal and media and anything else has an agenda we are not prepared and still not willing to accept is happening . .
Please watch what was ‘state of my art’ in October 2016. I called it Playing the Fix It Game.
I had to redefine ‘ethics’ and came up with Biological Sustainability.
We in the world – seem hell bent on the opposite.
Reconnecting Accelerator
More important than the moves . .
Is why we do not do fixer, fixer, fixer.
But soothe and settle . . .
See classification of moves here.
We are yet to cover deeply. . .
Adhesions, scars, sacral wakeups, lymph and gut function ahead of the alimentary canal moves we need to perfect.

Before all that – the effect of shock and held STUCK/trauma on whether a body CAN respond to our ministrations.
Hence we soothe/settle.
Not go straight into ‘the moves’.
This means Boundaries, Acceptance. R.I.C.E.
You have to write up your own.
Make them known.
Instead of assuming people understand, even though you have said, and often many times, hidden agendas may emerge.
Stuff will be dislodged. That is why they are with you. The issue of ‘consent’, much like a ‘birth plan’ is fraught with the concept that life happens on.the ‘little wills of man’ – we are in NOT control.
Qi flows. When stuck, all hell has no fury like. .
Strange times. My last 45 years working on people has not ever dredged up what goes on now
Starter: REMINDER – the 7 ‘L’s’
1 – You know that I bring in the Light prior to working, and suggest that you also do.
Clear the person as much as is possible of the middle circle angers on as they can sabotage – us also.
Talk of the need to be clear and stay clear.
That is occupational health and safety – on the energy realm.
2 – Go gently. This is a double edged sword – it works – too well – thus I tend not to get you to direct their breathing at the same time – as what is ready to come out will be more encouraged . . and they and you need to feel as though not babes in the wood ..
3 – Always ask their intention/goals/outcome sought – and set your own.
4 – Go where ever you feel directed to – always aim for the furtherest back you can go – NOT the ‘thing ‘ that they want fixed.
What if. . .
They discover something that had up till now been hidden?
Being Woman, Unlocking Your Scar . .
After rape
Ling Shu – Chapter 72
“When the spirit/Shen is peaceful: the pain is minute”
Present Georgia (G.C), Elizabeth, (FNQ) Vanessa (The Grampians), Hilary (Canty NZ)
Who cares about the practitioner?
4.30 – Boundary issues . . . Georgia
8.30 – Women’s role in modern life
11.30 – How do we look after ourselves? Vanessa
13.00 – What happens if an entity takes over?
15.00 – DO they want to get better? R.I.C.E.
17.00 – Sita – agreement that they have to take full responsibility of their own lives
22.00 – Me asking Sita – what does ‘consent’ mean to you?
25.00 – Did we consent to what is now being done to us??
26.00 – What do we record all we are doing for? Where are our peers? What is it being written down for?
27.30 – Beth and 2 consent forms
How do WE cope?
See more here

I have written some qualifiers to get to here – tangentially
Are we a good fit?
Note to the jabbed
To consider
What is ‘professional’?
Where does respect happen?
Especially for us the carers?
Duty of care
Continuity of care
Family Constellations
Reflective clinical supervision