Apparently this is a problem that needs fixing . . .much like induction and other forms of interfering
What I have written here may come as a surprise to you .I have always been the high risk ‘ consultant.This may be a bit challenging for you to read – especially if you have been busy following what is usually published
We could ask – WHY turn baby?
Some mums and babies are best off being left alone to do their own thing.Baby may well know best – Mum may need to ‘grow up’. Stand up for herselfI ask her – ‘what sort of mother do you want to be?'(‘As a woman lives – so shall she birth’ – Gaye Petterson – ‘Birthing Naturally’)I wish to see a triumphant mother from being a maiden, birthing baby victoriously into her own arms.
One of my masters, the late Dr John F Shen, said – “always always always follow life.”
This is as Nature intends.I am a staunch (even fierce) natural birth advocate – I am PRO life – not anti mother and PRO bonding . . the mammalian imperative. I know that when we get in between what mum and baby need – we break – often forever – what would have been.To talk of danger – and yet not understand the dance they must play, to disrespect and to dis-empower women who need to go through the transition maiden to mother . .Some midwives make that a possibility. Maybe see whatone midwife who can (note – she is ‘qualified’ through her life experience – unlike those who are tasked to ‘help’ in hospitals).I ask . ..‘What is supposed to happen?’ ‘How can we replicate this?’
Clinically proven and easily transferable results based research – what works is what matters.
This is your opportunity to return to what allows mums and babies to be bonded – not fearful and live love.
If you have not come upon my work before, it is totally NOT what you may have been exposed to.
This is biology based – not social pressures, not ‘doctors know best’ . .
Results – not ‘research’
Real life not ‘someone said’
Nature (and all traditional cultures – survival needed) has already perfected this birth business.Research shows that normal birthing is a safe option if criteria met (including having a competent helper)
Breech? I leave well alone
I do not use moxa on Bl 67 – as I almost never have to
What we are avoiding: baby coming as s/he wants to (safely)
Why do I not moxa Bl 67?

Respect life .Trust birth and her body to do what is needed.It is a dance – mum and baby and the world as she perceives it to be.Get a copy of “What Dads Can Do” and keep it in your waiting room for all to look through.This is a TCM manual of life
Let us do our job – Yang Sheng Nourishing Life – focus on enhancing normal
Let us go back to working with biology .. .Undo why bub is in this position – and do bear in mind that s/he is there by choice and there may be a perfectly safe birth or an intact life? There is no biological need for a C section. Or any of the fuss.Maybe the orientation of baby is a matter of mum needing to become more conscious and be in communication with her baby. Maybe she needs to stop external distractions – get present and this is the best way to get her attention? . . Or maybe baby is trying to get away from the cold that the physio has unhelpfully suggested that the painful public symphysis needs’?Easily undone – see all the work in ‘What Dads Can Do‘ – instantly downloadable here.Better still – get the entire pack of online resources here
Or look through my opening the baby gate site here.
There is no problem with a breech presentationExcept knowing about it in advance . .
Do we really want a ‘perfect ‘ birth presentation – or nature to do what she does best herself?
Heather’s breech ‘protocol’
Do we need to? Does not Nature know best?The ‘safety’ is concern is ideological – not biological – Nature does not set a pregnancy up to fail.If you are triggered by this – possibly ask yourself – why?Who benefits from all this fear around such a natural process?What else may need to be let go for you to accept that birth and life is safe?Breech is a variation of normal and is only a problem as those tasked with ‘helping’ now see it as such . .In all cases . .Declutter – that means undo the panic – so what bub is presently seen as being in a ‘non standard’ presentation? This can change – even in labour and often does – try Rebozo in the birthing arena . .Reset – go back to blueprint – get her Shen calm and the gut working in optimal conditionRestore – normal follows reproduction is not a crisis in waiting – and is not a disease.
5 – CALM HER SHEN NOTE – This is not GV 20 and/or Ht 7 – this work is NOT TCM but acupuncture – there is a chasm between these.That may be sedate bilateral Liver 2 (at least) while she is sitting up before the SMF – whilst I may be giving her food – at least more water and a protein snack to start with . .I do not use Liver 3 unless with Ht 7 to assist in labour and in cervical ripening – that is another story . .

That is all in my 1986 printed teaching manual . .
Accessible as at the transition from TCM to meridian and clinically useful acupuncture see more here.13 – After 36 weeks first she has been sitting forwards with 1
Accessible as at the transition from TCM to meridian and clinically useful acupuncture see more here.13 – After 36 weeks first she has been sitting forwards with 1
15 – End of session – all the work above esp GV 1 and lying on left side.
16 – Ideally – you have done the handy work and can deeply gouge in to show her what needs to be done as home play/work . .to open that pelvis to the loving entry of her precious bundle.
Now loosened – maybe we look to see where bub is . .

IF baby is still breech

We would have before now likely had a conversation about her feelings around being a mum – birthing etc – as it is a great excuse to miss the initiation into maternity – slip into princess mode and there we are . . instant baby /major abdominal surgery and then how to repair this?
So what baby is breech?
A short course so you feel enlightened and find pregnancy now easy .
‘PregnancyThrough the Energy Lens’
(Is being redesigned – come back in a few months for this). My 4 decades of natural health pregnancy and maternal care is started here – as a taster: Maternity is part of one module. ONLINE all of it . .Usually in the Transformative Healing package – you get to watch the entire weekend 2007 workshop – plus notes and allied eBooks – a pregnancy starter kit. The Role of 8 Extras in Women’s Lives and Maternity’.
Warning this is from life – messy and full of drama – as women’s lives are.NOT for those who believe that pregnancy needs micromanaging, or that birth is a crisis waiting to happenNOT for anyone who wants to ‘be good’ and to follow the medical lines . .This is also NOT for those who like points neatly given as data.It is NOT for those who need to know that ‘medicine’ and science’ are being followed.This is 45 years of my R and D – my life’s work.Reality and with women . .I have put together a beginning pack that explores for you
(If you are only are only interested in pregnancy) Take the class – ‘Pregnancy – through the Energy Lens‘
Let us make easy babies!Easy livesSustainable humanity