Audios USA Intensive Immersion Sep 20 2023

Thea came in lunch time. .
Here is the beginning . . .

Gentling Way = we learn best – in/with life .. .
Not breaking people – they are Bonsaied . .already . .

Body heals itself . But it can’t/has not. . .

What is G.W?
– old oven = need CONTEXT . ..
3.50 – Made properly?Is a Jing issue – plus they have been lived in.
TRAUMA RELIEF. . STUCK – body remembers everything that ever happened to it.
Flows have to flow and energy Follows Thought . .
5.00 – You Have Been Gifted A Body . . point of being here?
6.45 – Whatever we are resisting is where we possibly could start . .

7.00 – Selfing and the Challenge – is all self discovery – NOT a bunch of moves. . . First hour of the day is YOUR’S . . .
10.30 – Difference between Selfing and Arvigo Self Care
Presence and clarity . . . not so much ligaments

12.00 – TRAUMA _ STUCK.
beliefs and all else follows. . . .
13.00 – Four Ways Of Knowing . . .
12.00 – TRAUMA = STUCK.
beliefs and all else follows. . . .
13.00 – Four Ways Of Knowing . . .
14.00 Classifications of moves
16.00 – What is professional? What does it mean to me?
17.00 – Ethics? Part 1 of 5 – in 2016 .. .
18.00 – We MUST gentle as stuff WILL come up when we work with the breath.

Wed 2

Me using the photos from France . ..Pia was the host and we had such fun.
We do NOT diagnose in the Gentling Way . using our own antennae and sensitivities.
Safer that they feel – the more they let go.
Need a consent form – I start all with R.I.C.E.
2 minutes in – and these are really agreements
What is their burning questions – and their intention for being with you.
Arvigo form and what I am most interested in – food and accidents .. . very cleverly written up
4.00 – Birthing and sexuality . .
7.00- how up structure pricing so all win (esp you and me) Dr Mercier and her ways
9.00 – Womb work is now a fad . . . we are on the middle path . . .bringing in energy, gentle and nutrition .. . as women always did
10.00 – we do not ‘diagnose or wait for a biomedical label – we use our heartful hands – and tend the wounded souls. .
11.00 – may not be dealing with the middle circle Heather in teaching times. ..
11.45 – Diagnosis? Classification of moves – need to check first.
14.00 – I call moves what they do . . Fixers . .
15.20 – It takes as long as it takes. .
16.00 – Professions – what does this mean to you ETHICS – biological sustainability – see what then all medical looks like .
17.30 – Retail industry . .versus first do no harm.
18.30- All STUCK – not flowing . .

Wed-3 – accident recall

Why? We have all jerked back – it get stored. Role of 8 Extras in women’s lives and maternity – this is a huge gift to you
2.00 – Pricklies – what rules the body . .emotions. . as well as the structure not being as it is to be.
Life as a Movie . . what was the soul intention to be here now?

3.00 – P.V.- DO IT . .. and here is the page on this and the kineiological helpers.
4.30 – did not get whiplash . .
6.00 – Fight, flight, freeze (and fawn). Not using the validator as beneath way – woman’s programme. ..
7.00 – Why are we doing Acc Recall? It is STUCK in the being stopping healing.
10.30Scatology and the gate of life – Bob Flaws – Blue Poppy Press
I note that people wonder why I hang onto my precious books – this would be why – $279!!! we all hang onto what is good,. . .
11.00 – How come we do Acc Recall . . .medulla
Thea arrived . . .

Wed 4 – Accident Recall – residue

What is holding the results back from what we are working on?
Clear the SHOCK – the stored STUCK . . .
2.20 – Pia’s accident . . . and what we did and why . .
5.20 – need to do also . And maybe look into Contact Care
6.20 – others in that class.
9.30 – paying attention. . .and then the rest happens!!!
Maybe look at this – anxiety – what happened in that particular class. .
13.30 – sequencing all of this work . .

Wed-5 – 7 L’s

Explanation of the reunion picture – with also the meditation booklet and the Wake Up call

As we are all in Light, of the Light . .

The seven ‘L’s’ page

1 – Light
2 -Lineage
3 – Liver – all the energy framework
4 – Lymph
5 – Ligaments


6 – lies
7 – litigation

Reconnecting – all of us to why we are here – means out of survival (that is taken care of) so we can be more of who we intended to become in arriving – out of the seduction of being in a body. .

We are all of the Light (and may have forgotten)

Explaining the Antakarana and the Reunion poster MEDITATION – beings of Light

The game of life – see also in the end portion of the eBook Living As Energy and the entire last third of Living In It).

Lymph – inner sea we have within – and the minerals. . . and moon tides..
What was Pregnancy Map will come out as Woman Tides. . .
Ligaments – need good Blood energy to run it . . .
We need a gut that works well . .

8.00 – H’s journey here – make an owner’s manual obvious – including the Woman Tides book . .

Whole body – just on this – see more in eBook Life Support (from What Causes Health in Selfing) This poster was created in 2001 with the book Living As Energy .. . Poster below was done for Living i It book (the ‘red’ book) – ages of women . . . and explanation

Stages of life – and the blossoming . . five elements explained.

7.00 – Lisa wonders if some are always to be cold – their journey here. . ME – we are speaking BIOLOGY – body HAS to work

10.50 – Lisa and Laurie were in the S.C. teacher’s class – I went to the class prior – on Ix Chel class and the Queen (Empress) phase . .
Queen is FREE – forget periods – all over. .- image of Ix Chel dangling two gods – HAVING FUN – prior to being the crone.

LIES . . .
That you need someone to tell you what o do . .the 4 ways of knowing . .
Someone said
Someone wrote (and it is written) . .


See more here

Walking in

The issue of Soul Transfer . .and what we may do when we are here on the planet intentionally – for set purposes . .