2022 – Towards Living Ligaments I #2

Welcome . . .
Elke and Kelly join us

The moves – all on this page

Why and how we cover the Reconnecting work
Ingredients, castor oil packs
Classifications of moves
Scars . .

Elke – intro, Rhonda, Quesha also.
11 – Change of pace for all of us . . R.I.C.E.
12.30 – where is the women’s work? Body heals itself. .how to get out of the colonisation from bio-medicine
14 – Hastening all through from all born of woman . .

17 – Who comes to see us. .
20.30 – Checking my tongue -they do change instantly – when you do the right thing. Need to have straw and take pictures . . it will change.
23 – Light, lymph, connective tissue, adhesions, scars
24 – Need nutrients – water, protein, fat and minerals. . ZINC
26Fibromyalgia and precocious puberty
28.30Glutathione accelerator
29.30 – Roundup – glycine is nearly glyphosphate
31 – Quesha – changing her body – doing the basics .and consistency.
32 Helping Yourself to Health and Vitality .eBook
34 – After C sections – 2 babies a year apart and still b/f 3 years later. .
36 – Adhesions
37 – MUST process grains and legumes properly . . as older cultures had to.

Reconnecting – MUST rehydrate and give great minerals/foods. . .
39Castor oil packs
40Women’s healing kits
42 – Why we all started in on this work . . Our goal – to not live their lives for them – Let go HAVING to fix anyone. .
44 – Pricklies is the easy way out . . Qi Moving
45 – Viscera need to slide and glide . . most of this work I was taught as part of the acupuncture course in 1977-78
47 Classification of moves
52Scars . . . a workshop a year ago
54 – C sections and what we are left with.
55 – Why we ‘need’ the scar.
57 – Teneale and her horror gyne stretch after the HPV at 26 years old.
58 – We all have different stories around the C section we had to have.
1.00.00 – Queen years . . at 50 as Rhonda is about to .
1.01.00 – Stuck Belly Blood – is P.T.S.D. as well as angina, endo etc.
1.04.00 – Gaston St Pierre – Metamorphic technique
1.05.00 Ethics – Playing the Fix It Game .
1.09.00 – The emotional/spiritual healing needs to happen – as well as the physical moves.
need to have set it all up to win – at least the steaming and the SLQR and moxa and belly moves. .
1.12.00 – my awkward -beginnings and Body Talk
1.15.00 – Intention – checkers – have we achieved this?
1.17.00 – First , Do No Harm (have to set them up to win).
1.18.00 – Modesty and cultural appropriateness – esp around male/female practitioners and ‘patients

Structure determines function –
Rhonda and structural reintegration

Foundational Moves – prostatic work is in there . .
2.00 – Men have all we do – different spots and sizes/functions – bu from the same tissue.
3.50 – Rolfing – Rhonda learned all this
4.50 – My experiences of rolfing . . structural integration (reshaping them)- personality shaped by the way we use our bodies – fascia.
8 – Start at the feet . . And the man who hated his penis. .
9 – Kelly arrived. . .
11 – The Joy of Feeling – Iona Marsha Teegarden

13.30 – Mark Seem – get all of his books also . .
14.30 – Starting all patients with rolfing (my version).
16.30– Elke – what it looks like with watching me
Lymphatic movement and getting rid of trauma – and then what ever else. STUCK is the world I use instead of trauma. .
18.00 – Acupuncture is NOT needling .. short courses
20.00 – Racist – and what is really acupuncture . .
22 – Ann Cecil Sterman – written Jeffry Yuen’s work.
23 – Jeffrey Yuen and the Qi moving – for AIDS in 1993..
25.30 – Korean acupuncture – who knew?
28 – Windows to the Sky points. . .yet to find the nites to write them up.
30 – HB fast tracking through the Arvigo work – then Mercier. .
31.30 – When we go further than what is on the selfing belly work – Arvigo – peritoneal untanglng .
33.45 – Rhonda explaining how to do the is as Arvigo teaches . .me – the gentling Way . .
35.30 – Need to be a bit more solid to do this work – as it IS heroic. .

37STEP ONE – This work needs you to pace yourself.
This work is not something you are doing one after the other – or daily.
39 Treating men – as with women – same moves. .
But for the function of the foreskin. Men get the prostatic drainage one (another from JV in late ’70’s – I have not seen anyone else with this technique). . . circumcision .
40 Peritoneal untangling is not the first thing you do- is in the midst of having loosened all works. .
43 – Your Healing Hands – Richard Gordon Case of # brain/head and using this work . .
46 STEP TWO – Peritoneal untangling – use a sarong . .
A RELEASE . .shallow and gradually deeper. Then checkers and clearers and soothers.
50 – Break time – and after loo visit and go to the back . . sacrum/SLQR/steaming . .
51.30 – To the front again – HH correction and the I.C. correction – when the latter – sometimes appear to not need the HH – but do it anyway try pressing Left Lu 10 is sore.
55 – Adhesions – appendix scar . . may undo this area with Acc Recall, and/or pricklies . .

57 – Need to visualise this
Sensitivity training and take pics of tongue – after the adhesion breaking
!.00.00 – Adhesion breaking demo on my leg.
1.03.00My finger wart scar