
What YOU can do to help yourself:
Go back to simple.
Look after your body – it is where you live.
As my mother said – it is the quick or the dead . .
Survival of the fittest – who is now?
Measures have been taken – to ensure cradle to grave servicing . . .
Living i snot supposed to be micromanaged.
1 – Seek an online consult – If I have seen you in clinic sometime over the past 45 years, I likely still have your story and historical issues in my head. – If you are new to me – I am a natural health detective and will likely ask all sorts of apparently odd questions that when answered, lead you to where health is more likely to appear.
We have had rather too many of these enforced upon us and more apparently are to be thrown our way . .
2 – Take some of the online self paced courses I have been developing in the past decade to allow YOU to get wiser
3 – Show up for one of the online Zoom self growth courses (we all have to put ourselves FIRST – run by one of my teachers.
4 – AS all my classes for professionals starts with OURSELVES – should you wish to finally get short cuts to health – look here.
HEALTH – what is it?
Ability to adapt to change
Next we could ask a question few seem to. Our grannies did – we died if they were not on the job. Then gradually with the advent of cities and profits for goods and services, the elder’s were apparently not needed. How to live well was toppled – and instead – we are all led to believe that what we want we can get – including getting those tasked initially to help to chop bits off at a whim.
I watched the takeover of life in birthing – the ‘I want baby cut out’ was not possible in my youth – when I ran the first women’s health centre in urban Brisbane. In the times I quickly became to ‘hard cases’ person – as I used all at my disposal – not only acupuncture so all body work, natural eating and what had always worked across many cultures followed.
Aids to help others
(Besides my co-designing and writing acupuncture courses and teaching acupuncturists from 1981)
After my own health and maternal journeys – I am now looking back to what I did and forwards to what is missing and seek to redress this for whoever as the wit to see. In 1999 I produced the meditation CD – now free to all here.
With the visuals – my first website was for all the meditation work found here .
In 2001 I write Living As Energy as a patient manual – for those who wished to understand what I was doing and how they could help themselves. The Inner Alchemy (rainbow) poster was allied to this.

The following year I published out Living In It – a trilogy – Honouring Our Source (gut – what supports us?), Honouring Our Bleeding (what is a woman indeed) and Honouring Our Selves – why are we here?
The red poster accompanied this.

2005 – I thought to rescue pregnant couples with What Dads Can Do and the 2 CDS became videos, then with simple charts and eBooks – as a package here – if you wish to have your loved ones coming through into maternity easily – this is it.
It all works – when we STOP handing over to paid others and DIY – doing it yourself – as life is easier when we take charge – see what I have written here. R.I.C.E. –
We will all have to step up . .

(What Causes Health
Nourishing LIFE
Includes Love Your Body Better and LIFE Essentials – so much info that is what is missing and seems to have been forgotten – what fuel we pop in the engine – and if the engine is able to run – all gut issues addressed so you can live with a happy body . .
Many self paced online courses are here – there are so many more – these are for now to get started. .
This last SEQ /northern NSW visit was 2 weeks as a whirlwind – and getting much accomplished.
I am writing this from Flying Fish Point where I will be working today, then will be back ‘up the hill’ (the Great Divide) to go home to our retreat from the world – the garden – for a few days before venturing over to USA . .
In this time, I saw several people whose health adventures are shocking – the retail illness system that is vastly expensive is not answering a basic question – WHAT CAUSES HEALTH – and seeks not to retrieve this, but keep all in a falling state.
No need to use curiosity – or even basic survival (from the past ) skills . .like what are you feeding that cancer with?
The last person I saw – a friend – I took here to the Emergency – A and E department. Caring? It was the Mater – no longer about compassion – it is a people processing unit. We all will need to take better care of ourselves as the factory system is not doing so.
People who likely were trying to be helpful . .
BUT – they were totally inexperienced. English was often not their first language. ..
As I had gone with her at the behest of a GP – she was horrified at the cavalier attitude – no IV no Antibiotics – no overnight stay and not even blood tests . . And no help . . still going in unabated regardless of what I could do – which is why I took w=here to where IN THE PAST we would have been helped.
Not even any water dispenser – I guess it may be harbouring ‘germs’!
We may need to go back a few centuries – to looking after as nursing was.
Not anti-septic, but health enhancing..
Bodes heal themselves – when allowed to – what is health?
Granted to us when homeostasis can work well – please see here.

Where was basic sense?
All corralled into watching a massive TV screen.
No water, no food dispensers, no help – all robotic.
When she finally saw a doctor – his command of English was not super dooper.
The advanced problem she had was not addressed. She had me – but I am off to other places – what does everyone else do?
This is why the resources available from my decades of asking awkward questions – and why so many found me as the last resort.
At the hospital – anyone in pain was given a Fentanyl unit.
Never mind what needs to be undone – again – where was even water?????
The water cure
What could be done about this? Beyond Pain – see what YOU can do to get out of pain – as it is only a message – that you have NOT been following the owner’s manual – as I wrote about them in the early 2000’s. As all our grannies knew – they kept us alive.
Regardless of the heroics of the surgeons and pill dispensers we have to have a healthy environment to live at all. What with being sprayed with stuff, water ‘enhanced with stuff, food and all consumerables also – we are not being ‘allowed’ to BE.

Reiki? Touch – that works . .
Compassion – we went to Mater – I forgot it is now not run by the church – my friend was raised and educated Catholic, and was her choice.
Get at least involved in touching yourself and your loved ones – see my Foundational Moves – all I did minus needles in clinic that made all the difference for everyone. Anyone can and it all works – and stunningly out of pain is only some hand movements away – no training? Do not need is all in there. We did this recently as me teaching for a weekend as one person is being retrieved from palliative by all I am able to impart – and constant in hoise nursing – how? What I an m easily showing – as all of this is transferable. . WHAT STOPS YOU?
Any lymph movement – especially when afflicted by ROUGE CELLS – otherwise called cancer – why be scared? Is your body having had enough of you NOT paying attention – delivering – you have to – or else message. Undo it.
A bundle of extensive research on what we need to live better – nutrients – one portion of the 2 course set is what I produced (updated) in 2013/14 accompanying the phone apps (maybe I get these done whilst out of the country for 10 weeks soon) and Love Your Body Better – how a well digestive system can work – we all need to know as our grannies did and this is all being lost to ‘buy-a-pill/potion-sellers’ – natural and pharmaceutical.
Oh dear . . . ask anyone medical why something has happened – the cause of whatever – they DO NOT KNOW – and say ‘more research needed’. Looking very much like a pack of incompetents. Ask anyone over 70 . . . . Look at the state of the world now – go back to what did work – helping each other – living from the heart – not profit. . .

The healing power of touch
Being there for each other .. . .
Compassion – where did humanity go?
Let us retrieve ourselves first . .
So many of us are needing relating with at the level we crave. if you feel to – the Selfing workshops are designed for this – focus on YOU first
I have been running these for many years now – if you have been to one before – they are all different – depending on the participants and my advanced students are now also running them.
What are you doing Saturday/Sunday?
What to help yourself?
Want o meet loke minded otehrs who in teh space created – learning to reframe all your women’s live and that of undoing the past and the hurts carried forwards trauma is STUCK – this is it. Midwived through by a very loving capable Self Care and Selfing teacher.
She has decades of this work under here lt –
Next Selfing workshop is THIS WEEKEND – online as Lisa is in Asia – and the times after this will be for the northern hemisphere. And in $US
So many people say that they will do the next one. We do NOT own tomorrow – see the action cards . .
YOUR STUCK LIVER QI is the cause of all your troubles See more here
DO IT . . .. change life and you will flow easier with the changes that are and have come.
Cover of the box . . .

The Action Cards that accompany my workshops will be out soon – see more on this here.
FREE YOURSELF – self transformational
Workshop this weekend with Lisa – at your place – all the prices for this are in $AU it is usually $US – will be after this weekend .
SELFING ONLINE COMPONENT – jam packed with what YOU can do NOW. You can do the initial online part (learn the women’s ways that no one taught you – and are lost in time). You could catch up in a class to do the intensive – later online. Cover of the manual is below . ..
We all could do with a tune-up – this is maybe yours.