
The ‘show’ notes are under the vimeo
Feeding babies – need good strong – Blood energy (CLICK) and easy breasts – the ingredients . .(CLICK) and all else on that page.
Order from Panaxea (sales@panaxea.com) Subject line is Heather Bruce’s patient and your name
They will send yuo an invoice, and usually it goes out the same day – next day you get them. Hope it works that well for you.
Getting 2 x Procreation D and take 4 x daily.
This will radically improve your milk quality – as your Blood energy needs a lift – as well as more liver etc.
Also get a big container of AV/AT – I mentioned about my then 3 year old getting glandular fever – for 3.5 days?
Dosage is 3 at a time – when you feel something coming no – take them hourly – often only need a few and you are all better.
Grandmother needs – Vit D 3 . . (CLICK)
Sweaty babies need Vit D3 (CLICK) Baby shock (CLICK) as well.
As you do – 1,000 iu is all we are ‘allowed’ to have in NZ and Aust and is half what Norwegian newborns get . .
I get all to take 50,000 iu DAILY for a month to get back into even waters. At least a week’s worth. I will send some down in an envelope for yourself – and order a few bottles from here (CLICK). Look at what else they have as B complex and liver together would be ideal – they do sell desiccated liver tablets ..
Strokes – (CLICK) you see on that page the 2 relevant pages from the book WDCD . . hence I send it out as a textbook to most people. .
Stroke patient and what happened is on the same web page above.
Mercury (CLICK)
An accursed legacy (CLICK)
Take the drops – 5 drops x 6 daily and drink more water – presently the stuff going through the milk will then leach out your pee and poo.
Best ones are in plastic and as I have them on this site ..(CLICK)
Castor oil packs (CLICK) etc are all on the scar workshop (see email for link)
I mentioned the medicos being suicided – Nagalase – follow back on tim ]e through the ‘not fact’/ the negatives.
Figure was over 100 in years 2016-20 I think (CLICK) to this current psych op.
Baby shock –
Some of my family vaxx history (CLICK)
Flexnor Report (CLICK) – why food is not mentioned in medical ‘science’ . ..
In your care package Pads (CLICK)
Why use the green panty liners – they work
See the story of my face and pics of pads (CLICK)
Your Q and A
Need to know what wellness is FIRST
We begin
What causes HEALTH? (CLICK)
Then there is this . . .
I forgot to add in epidemics – (BUGS)!!!
YOU NEED TO GET MY WDCD – add use it as a text book – have you got?
I can send you a baby/welcome women’s healing pack
What does the Yang Qi do? (CLICK)
What wastes it? COLD
What cold does to us (CLICK)
Cold invasion (CLICK)
Wim Hoff
He may be able to ‘get away’ with this
As is a man. We all have different pieces of the puzzle.
Good luck to any men doing this and NO women should.
Is this why cold causes colds??
Wastes protective (Yang Qi). Getting ‘a cold’ – and ‘a chill’ – all people knew.
Ice is for dead people . .. Blood and QI have to flow – will get cold otherwise . .
Analgesics to reduce fever.
Need the heat to kill off the virus . . . that is how the well body works – raise temp – virsues can’t live.
Swimming in the ocean – cold water is invigorating
If you are NOT Yang QI depleted . . (CLICK)
Kombucha/yoghurt/kimchi/fermented foods/probiotics kept in fridge
Will ‘go off otherwise – ad you have a little not a lot and not on empty stomach by itself.
Would you have your kids sleep in socks – cold tiles throughout house!! Me too?
Rugs . . need to NOT have cold coming up from the floor/definitely not ‘grounding’ on the earth/wet sand – always cold .
Is this why the Japanese wear slippers inside?
Practical – will not make more mess so shoes outside. Do the Chinese too? dirt poor/floors
Would you blow dry your children’s wet hair in cold weather?
NO I would do what all mothers did – do not put kids in breezes (drives the cold inside and makes it worse) and have them warm so ‘the cold night air’ does not get hem – old wive’s tales. .
Did the Chinese sauna?
Doubt it to poor as peasants . .
Do the Chinese believe in germ theory, contagion, viruses, bacteria
See the video I did above. Need the Wei Qi (Yang Qi) strong
My COVID story – have not written mine up (late 2021)
“Is the belly or butt always cool to touch” My butt, yes
Low thyroid sign
Always had cold hands at school
As above – thyroid not happy and may also be from falls/incidentd that set the tailbone off wonky.
Vick’s on kids you recommend? Kids feet?
Mostly on stuffy chests. Kids if looked after properly – do not get ill (if not jabbed) NO cold drinks or food and never packaged fruit juice – no fruit from fridge and minimal at that. Sugar hits create dramas (CLICK). Also here (CLICK) .
Your advice helpful to my mothering. Have never protected myself from the cold. Will protect my kids now – good that is your job!
When to use moxa on kids?
Not usually
Moxa on babies? Cupping babies? Ginger bath babies?
Not usually
Running in the rain! Moxa after?
Not usually – always have a hot bath/shower after . .
Your Short Cupping Course – sign me up!
Link in email
Where (specifically) should I buy moxa sticks online.
The people why I buy from tend to be ‘thingy;’ of those not buy practitioner tools.
Thus I send out – will ask in a few months time to see if still.
‘Qualified’ to gross punk moxa wool.
Do you have a regular practice with moxa eg once a week, preventatively
Use at the end of winter on all my kids – moxa cupping and ginger bath?
PREGNANCY (see more here – CLICK)
Molar pregnancy,
(95% is the male issue), spiritual reason
Thrombocytopenia in every pregnancy
All problems are due to lack of nutrients to run the body appropriately and circulation not good. Thrombocytopenia is a part of a bunch of vaxx damage S &S – where you may be eating – but nutrients not getting there – is why I concentrate on making better babies – we start with the garden – mum and the nest AS WELL as the seeds (dad).
How do you feel about your caesars?
I had one and would have died without as there was a clot that would explode (and did as they forgot and hit me not 1x but 2x to get bub to pop out the cut!! They also forgot he was transverse and that would never happen) .I have had maternal medical adventures.
Your thoughts on twins.
Either overly fertile – 2 eggs coming at once – or script is/ body wants to make 2 from one. What does TCM say? No idea – they would not ave many – is also a function sometimes of resources available mums often reabsorb one (lack of Vit E especially) Twins in history see here (CLICK) for recent trends. I have looked at before – and where they are is reduced food – esp protein – they are rarer.
Contraception/the snip/Billings etc
Get him fixed. Is easier on your body. No natural system works – unless you want more. At 40 at C section I got mine done – as we all know when we can’t look after any more as well as we would like. I have worked with women who are NOT ALLOWED to not make babies – as machines and they are totally wrecked – do not have to be – but they were like baby farming. What quality do we want is not asked.
Your opinion on stitching a vaginal tear, it seems you don’t recommend?? Not sure where you got that info. We have to be intact.
I was stitched for 3/4 hour as he hacked my back to the anus – one long stitch . ..
Totally depends on how deep and long.. ..And the perineum SHOULD NOT have torn – we are lacking nutrients to have this happen – and bad nursing practices – some cultures NEVER tear as they are aware of women’s initiation info and know what to do with plants and self care. .
My massive bleeds post miscarriage
Same as any – need to be well to get pregnant as this is really same issue as the thrombocytopenic tendencies.
Medical wisdom is to watchfully wait and pretend nothing you do makes any difference (WRONG!!!)
What it felt like when I stood up 36 hrs after casear – your comment “reshapping mum’s inner being”
(AND what was not done to enhance your body’s own healing.)
Does pregnancy “get easier” at the end in your experience? So you’re feeling good and ready to birth?
Should be the healthiest you have ever been. Please read/watch Josi’s story (CLICK)
Laya (5yo) “sore waist”. Many kids seem to have tummy pain Layla’s age??
IS NOT NORMAL/HEALTHY and needs sorting out – nutrients first – minerals needed.
Also maybe my hands as I do sacral and pelvic circulation improvement – get the Foundational Moves package . .
and start helping everyone in your care.
Magnesium baths for babies?
YES – also slather them with the creams now available – esp from Amazing Oils.
Can you get too much magnesium or does your skin absorb only what you need?
Not likely possible as we have all such depleted bodies that are stressed by being exposed to all we are – is used for so much (CLICK)
Applying iodine/magnesium on kids. Same as adults?
Yes – but sensitive skin – so the iodine – draw pictures on their bellies – different spots always and a little bit.
Magnesium – they will be calmer/digest better.
3yo and 5yo each have a small spider angioma (quickly found this name on google, not sure it is correct) on their face. It doesn’t bother me (or them) I was just wondering if this meant anything to you? STUCK BLOOD
Cod liver oil to babies “One of the best first foods you can give your baby… Consuming cod liver oil is an ancient tradition. We’re sure if you asked someone of your grandmother’s generation, they would know all about it!” Would you agree? Only to be used in winter at most. NO – we are not in UK in poor country areas eating only white bread, potatoes and meat – get them fat fat minerals and sun. Outside living.
Neural Therapy NO you need the scar workshop.
Here is free to you link (CLICK).
Breast Cancer mammograms
NEVER – fear based marketing – what causes cancer? (CLICK)
Lack of nutrients (CLICK) and excess rubbish in and not removed – how to here (CLICK)
Taking out lymph nodes in cancer treatment
Surgery MAY be needed – but body HAS to heal itself – and no one seems to follow the basics – rubbish out as it has overloaded the person. (See the Selfing course (CLICK) to begin with as the What Causes Health section has 12 eBook to get a handle on living in a body well).(CLICK)
Cold cap chemotherapy (39yo friend undergoing treatment for breast cancer)
Get her to have a consult with me – for what to do to support herself at this time.
Spider veins (always had)
Stuck blood (CLICK) Same as the other issues you have had – needs repairing.
Haemorrhoids (from pregnancy)
As above – all fixable – my magic work on putting womb back in right spot (CLICK).
Always had a little bit of incontinence – competitive running races x 3
See here (CLICK) – has nothing to do with how many children – but the care during and after birthing.
And so many non mothers have it anyway. .
Glutathione – glutathione accelerator – Dr Keller – tell me more (CLICK)
Only one that will work – get an autoship – 3 month’s worth at a time – is about $200 AU and take 6 every morning with food – you will be amazed – more important than supplements – have to clear out what is not supposed to be in body.
How do you know Frank Golik?
I went to him maybe 20 years ago.
Can you recommend a natural heath care worker in/around Brisbane?
No – sorry – I am out of the loop ad no one seems to be thinking multi modality or in any way that I know is needed.
I have students dotted over the world – none in Brisbane.
How old do you feel?
Depends on whether I have been taken out again by the various nefarious influences that are at work – usually in my 40’s.
Tell me about Dr John F Shen!! (CLICK)
Tell me about “liquid activated zeolites” to detoxify
We all need (CLICK)
“Find a source of sea minerals, take diligently” – brand?
Geri Amena (CLICK)
Specific suggestions for first aid kit. You have said arnica – what else (specifically)
Keep Chinese herbs on hand to be taken at the hint of a cold – which ones? From where?
AV/AT from Panaxea – iabove
Would you do perineal steaming at all stages of life? Even if asymptomatic/no pain etc
YES – is a health maintenance – see my Selfing course (CLICK)
Home Massage Course – I want it!!
Called Foundational Moves – in the email – the 3 courses all for $220. . total
See email for today’s offer on the lot to get you going.
You mention parasites. What do you think about parasite cleanses etc. How do you treat parasites?
Will do later
Biomat – Dr Sircus
Good idea
My broken shoulder. How upset I was. Releasing trauma?
See the Foundational Moves course (CLICK)

When sick ache kidneys lower back back joints behind eyes neck – related to TCM?
You need help!! See email
What are you looking for on tongue? You mention “tongue shows cracks
Blood depletion (CLICK) mainly – central
Yin (CLICK) when depleted are lateral – and can be stunningly bad.
Also where is the gut health and self care?
(See the Selfing course)
Too long a topic
Heather’s Home Helpers – tell me more!
Am assembling – ‘pricklies’ first aid first.
“Needing to pee a lot, especially at night. This may be seen as being normal in pregnancy or aging – it is not!” – Can this relate to mouth breathing? No deep sleep, release of vasopressin?
Kidney yang depleted mainly (CLICK).
What’s your opinion on giving blood. Affect on body Do not donate.
Friend had a blood transfusion recently – happens in modern childbirth a bit
Need to be healthy. This is NOT natural or biologically expected – is all bad management – believing dr knows what to do /best.
Donated blood is all full of spike proteins and vaxx debris. .
I have had 2 – and was highly allergic to them both – and not the same since.
2nd son’s birth 39 years ago . . . – and yes we could be doing such a better job.
My cough – lungs grief – acupuncture
Steaming also – in Selfing course
See the Gua Sha (CLICK) and cupping sections in the online courses – you can fix yourself likely.
How do you view aging? What is “the norm” is not normal I gather
We are designed to wear out – how fast we do that is up to many factors and most are directly related to choices
When young.
This realisation that what we think is normal/true/correct often isn’t is exciting because it makes me feel like anything is possible
YES – it is . . we get to make decisions and when we choose a better life – body heals itself.
What does “old age” look like in traditional cultures??
Is part of the Bell curve of life – look again at what is in WDCD.

What does dying look like without chronic and acute use of pharmaceuticals? Have we lost the art of dying?
YES – is a natural part of life – Lost the art of birthing and of living also.