Covering : Gift suggestions (self first)
Self help (Whose life is it?)
Taking Charge
Online consults with Heather
Your hands – and your commitment to change
CHRISTMAS SPECIAL – Retrieving our (sexual) lusciousness
Courses – online self paced – and a one-off – ‘Problems Down There’ with Heather online
Healing packs – as a gift to you – or for others. .
Gift suggestions – self first . .

1 – YOU – What to do?
Maybe worried well?
(can’t sleep?/ Upset and want to Get Past It?
OR/and . . . need a Life Rescue?
This course is also here as a gift as so many find themselves SO UPSET . .
Change? – we are awash with it.
PAIN – easy ways out – see more here (Plus Move/Free Your Qi)
Or NOT well . .?
Heart rescues page here . .
YOUR hands and knowing what to do can help . . I also had a viral myocarditis – in 1997 after a bad flu season . .
And was on medication for 18 years before I worked out how to wean myself off and be in much better shape ..
I eventually fixed it myself – read how here (written some time ago – not sure all the links on this page will work).
BUT/ although – the massive blockages that are being grown in the bodies of some (see anything from the world wide embalmers and look to the unusual death rates and the ‘suddenly dying’ – no hope of unclogging their arteries/veins. .
or listen to those who (until they were telling too much truth) were ‘canceled’/censored.
SO – what are you – if you took the jab for the team/to travel – to do?
Maybe – you are like me are super sensitive to anything that is being shared around from the bodies that are now spike protein factories? For life? We are all in a tither if we stop to think.
Additionally – some of us HAVE to do something different as this is not the life we were either designed for – or have skills for .
We could play the ‘hope it will all go away’ game. (Head in sand). Unlikely that it will.
Maybe you, or a loved one has been diagnosed’ with a cardiac issue – for life . .
Free calm down? Sleep help? Let go . .
Reunion guided mediation audios. .
2 – You may need to take charge.

Not live in fear – but awaken to the FACT of your being an energy being FIRST and that when you change your thoughts – so does your energy/Qi . .
What causes health?
A novel approach . .
Look to how a body works and how it heals itself – when WE (and all that “what if” horror) get out of the way . . .
Heart rescues page here . .
My latest contribution – You Have Been Gifted A Body
Plus – what to do . . Free Your Own Qi
Online Self Help courses found here
Always more arriving – these are only the ones I have put n that age – there are considerably more other ones – Men’s Healing Practical being one of them – reach out if you wish for any of the assisting making better babies naturally ones also.
(I always over give – as an example – what you will find in the Selfing (SELF FIRST) course ..
ME with YOU – as I was . . .
Am still – if you make it up here.

I am online and can help massively from there.
The online consults have assisted so many
Including a few who are now parents – who were past desperate as IVF either had not worked, or was not an option. At less than the ‘cost of all that false hope – we can return the body to where it was intended – sex making babies. . . . I am an expert at ‘hopeless’ as many know.
If you know someone who is struggling/feeling worn out by all the options – maybe a restorative consult with the me as a couple online could show the way. Often I did not even touch them – maybe they have seen one of my Gentling Way students – or maybe we did it all by Zoom/ and following up on the suggestions/products that came their way.
YOU do the work . . it is YOUR life).. .
4 – Your hands – and your commitment to change

At least you can Free Our Own Qi
You HAVE been gifted a body – let it work for you.
And you not against the flows of nature. .
What happened to me nearly a year ago – and what I did about it
What you may need to do should something similar occur to you or a loved one. The idea of waiting for at least 7 hours, to then be ramped is NOT an option) And then what no one being given what prior to 2020 was considered necessary care and attention.
Self help is likely needed.
(In my case – to keep the shock/trauma from stopping me functioning as my own First Aider – and at least in repairing after the stitching).
ANXIETY/Worry/distress/feel broken?

Would we have ever thought we would have capitulated as a culture?
Handed over thinking and lived as slaves to others?
Been told that you are anxious?
Well – fix that – and what you are anxious about.
YOU will HAVE to take charge as almost everyone is in a mess . .
And maybe as I likely still hold our story in my head – reach out for an online consult and GIFT yourself a better life?
5 – CHRISTMAS SPECIAL – usually all the courses are in $US
For the month of December . . Selfing is offered in $AU

I am offering the online component of SELFING in $AU See more here

In times past, when in doubt, in pain, or/and needing a second /tenth opinion, someone likely said in the past 4 decades
“Go see Heather”
they would say . . . .
Time passes:
2020 happened. . .
Now we have . .
Whatever we can find : and then ‘who to believe?’
Maybe – what feels right and what works.
This may be for the dedicated recipients of care (‘patients’) who in the past have been well aware that when nothing else works – likely me working with/on your body to return easy circulation.
Before you had me – being practical and having the answers – to put you back together again . . and often a few magic potions – did the trick.
I am now in far North Qld. Usually hanging out in my garden . .
That is ‘What Causes Health’, ‘Soothing’ (belly gentling) and ‘Peristeaming’. ALL THREE – and for now – Half price.
6 – Maybe – you are broken ‘down there’?
Enough is enough . .
PLEASE SHARE if you know someone
Do you suffer from/have you had/still have
And /or do you know someone who has .
Bartholin’s cyst?
Lichen Scelerosis?
Dyspareunia? (Painful sex)
Vaginismus (painful involuntary muscular vaginal spasms)
Damaged perinenum from whatever cause
Other ‘breakages’ that you are carrying – maybe from earliest childhood?
Including – various medical ‘fixes’ that either did not – or left you with ‘other’ issues.
Endured a Fentons procedure?
Perhaps dive in here?
(Welcome to your lady bits)

1 – Need safe intimate care pads – regardless of bleeding or drip catching, these are super helpful in healing – anything.
2 – Intimate steaming – see the Selfing online package.
3 – Castor oil to break down adhesions – see more in the online course Unlocking Your Scars
(When you sign into the Selfing online course, I shall send it out free if you let me know this is your challenge .
4 – Mineral and other essentials nutrients – see more on this here (as likely also your breasts could do with nurturing)
5 – Depending on your challenge, I have a personalised answer in addition – if you are in the online weekend class we will cover all of this: PLUS the after effects of unwanted sexual and medical incursions into your sovereignty.

Is this you?
(Whether or not you are still bleeding, you still even have the bits . . .?
What if . .
You ring in the new year with YOU as the priority . .
If not now – when???
I know at THAT time of year? YEP – especially.
Albeit online – with me over Christmas. .
As you have the NEED to help yourself (6 spaces only available).
Retrieving our (sexual) lusciousness
We may feel as though we are broken ‘down there’
Regardless of age/stage of life.
ACTION needed – sign in for my in-person online Sat 31st/Sunday 1st Jan –
Small group – uncovering what makes us tick and how to Let It Go . .
An opportunity to be in a class.
Finding yourself in need of large help?
A whole weekend class?
It is all about YOU – putting YOU first.
I will take you through the Selfing process – uncovering how we as women – sorry men) are in the state we find ourselves . .
It WILL change how you live from now on – and a better idea than being New Year’s resolution
In addition – you may wish to get some of what I found in clinic made such a difference
7 – Helpers . . . all in one place
For you?
For a special other?
A healing pack?
Besides the online courses:
Why is there marks on the sides of my face?
Cupping does that – we are intending to get me out of ‘Humpty Dumpty’ and back to me again . . healed version.

(Not only gyne challenges)
Especially if SCARS are present. .
Or /& you have taken my
Unblocking Your Scars course

You can:
Contact me (0452 407 667) and we can organise to post them to you . .
Welcome baby
Pregnant or want to be – or have been and need to know more?https://vimeo.com/778700778

You can:
Contact me (0452 407 667) and we can organise to post them to you . .
What next?
Look at the Life Recipe
Drink so much more (non tap) water
Breathe . . .
Feel safe – up to you to be YOU ..
Love yourself . . .
Love life . .