Escaping from living in the present

Almost all my professional life was about helping those who were STUCK in something hurting – by now – it could be your life. It has been mine for several years now and letting go of what was to what is and what may be coming as a trick. We all need to look at what being human now means. Maybe spend a minute ticking off the life recipe – and see how we are shut out of being the true human we were to be/were in the fear overlay.

I call it STUCK – Living in the past, not in the now moment. We can clear this or stay ‘triggered’. Is this comfy still, or . . .
Move through it – there is a free online course you can dip[ into here. Life Rescue. Also see all that this survivor (Dr Gabor Mate) has as he is tremendously compassionate. As is Dr Edith Eger. It may have missed your attention – Happiness Is a Choice – the work of the Option Institute’s founders. This is what I based my life/practice on in the past 30+ years .. . ‘what does it mean to you when .. . .”? The message within.

My suggestion is that we all clean out lives out and start all over. What if we ad 6 month’s left? Would we be spending it doing what we are? I have asked myself this for decades. Those of you in the original Riding Rad clinic – started dusky pink walls and I repainted to cream/yellow – if I had only had a week left – I would still have been showing up – and then the alternate days in my garden.

I loved my life. Now is where we all could be asking ourselves – not a future that was on Planet A – we are not there now.
That elephant in the room . .

How to live when we are not present?
We can only do our best .. starting here – what keeps you going – what can’t you do without?

I did a lot of work on this on the site here:
look to all on sugar,
and of diet and food in general . .

Ask some questions ..
Feeling the best you have ever been?
Want to improve??

Sleeping is how we repair
And when we need to – often we cannot

Decluttering ourselves (CLICK).
That is why I put the Reunion meditation together back in 1999 for patients who had major issues settling., letting go and actually unwinding – see more here.
Then a few years ago I discovered all of this – please set aside time to watch the neurologist who accidentally discovered that Vit D3 is the key – to all pain, all neurological issue sand living well incidentally – more on Vit D3 here. NO – sunlight (especially now the sky is being tampered with) is not enough – especially as all have been told that the sun will give them cancer! Not enough will and does. The amount you are allowed to buy in Australia and NZ is enough for a mouse – we need to start at the beginning – hence I did up this page on what we make hormones with.

Please pay attention – the ‘medical’ profession is run by the Flexnor Report (7 minutes to watch) – STILL and anyone who thinks that the ‘nice man/woman’ they go to is there to help them – is misguided. I know – big sentence . . . maybe turn ear and eyes to what we are living through and within now?
As it had been and most did not pick it up – too distracted – and now even more so.

HURTS to be in a body / and to have to pee

A page on what you may hopefully never have to deal with – interstitial cystitis my personal story – answers still unfolding

See more here – It is similar to men’s prostate sufferings . .and is all fueled by HEAT and when we are not happy. See a page from my What Dads Can Do 2005 publication here – we reach for what will short term soothe us. Long term – more troubles.

It is now colder – as it must be at this time of year – seasons. Starting now the weather is cooler with less water drink as it brings cold into our bodies

Solution? A thermos – and we carry that boiled water about and add it to what we are drinking – will rehydrate you better than the hot chocolates/coffee and teas . . and with a bit of salt and lemon – your body will thank you by turning off all the warning sign that may be being presently medicated against

PAIN? See more here.
The constant taking of pain numbing medications helps not you.

Living in the past, not in the now moment.
Over the decades working with people coming in initially in the late 70’s when smoking 40-60 cigarettes daily was common – those wanting to stop sought external help through hypnotherapy, or acupuncture.
No pharmaceuticals to take over the route of the nicotine to continue the addiction were thought of back then.

I had at my disposal my Western herbal tinctures, my natural bent of solving problems, my intelligent use of tools from my acupuncture training, and my history of being the daughter of a rampant smoker, (he died of lung cancer secondaries, as did his past-chain-smoking second wife – a few months apart – they both smoked up at 60 a day and died around mid 70’s horribly.)

When people said – ‘my father did’ after I asked why they smoked – I wondered what stopped me – past the fact that I HATED the smell. Back then in the 50/60/70’s smokers had more rights than any of us – thus they had us all smoking with them.

1 – Maybe listen to what I have on here ?
This was for a friend of someone who was attempting to get off what was their best friend. Acknowledge the whatever you can’t let go is your best friend. It is holding the space that you cannot, alone. That is now not – stop smoking,drinking, whatever – but – undoing why.

2 – I would send people away with a task – journal every smoke /drink and why it happened.
To get the initiators was the first step as from then we at least needed two for more other options that filled the bill.

Is it possible that rather than the ‘family’ trait this is a tendency to be in a category of nutritional depletion due to a familial trait towards a syndrome?
This will not likely be investigated by the ones who sit under a medical shingle as they are now bought and told what to do more so than ever before.

This means this (often said to not even be a ‘thing’) is ignored – pyroluria. There is a questionnaire here that may help you. What to do if this is so – as zinc is vastly important in everyone’s make up – without zinc there are massive life issues – and if you have ever been as recipient of my care you will know the Zinc Tally test featured – as without zinc, your gut, wound healing, ability to live well was vastly impacted.

Particularly so when pregnant and also when you were ‘diagnosed’ with PNDD/PNP (post natal depression or post natal psychosis . See more here.
Nutritionally often a turn around within a day – Zinc getting to where it needs to be, B complex all day and magnesium.

The magnesium and zinc may be blocked by the exposure, long term and maybe now short term and from now on from the aerial spraying all can see – t hough they may call it ‘condensation trials’. Not so . . another rabbit hole for some to turn the other way. Back to the topic of nutrient depletion – once the mercury, aluminium and other blinders leave – see all I have here on Glutathione.

You need to get this accelerator and maybe take it for the rest of your life – it turns back on your mitochondria and also is the major anti oxidant, anti inflammatory – hence people are now taking NAC and so on n the belief that is all that is needed.

I have massive stories on this Glutathione Accelerator from decades of using it with people who were previously terminally ill – often with cancer taking them out . . also for all who had tried everything and nothing worked – simple – get the body to be cleared of what is blocking normal – was and still is my mantra. The other detox is liquid activated zeolite drops – and whilst expensive to get into the control – they are the mainstay of real change – as we MUST get rid of what is stopping our bodies from healing themselves. Both these products together form the arsenal I have been wowing people who have previously been hopelessly ill. Simple strategy – take out what is not supposed to be there. And then nutrients from food (and the gut health/life health) can return.

Besides the not mentioned pyroluria there are other contributors. . .’Trauma’ – living in the past, not the now. The coverup of the emotional pain – is easy with a suffocator – a numbing devise. Whatever is chosen – and often that is all that keeps the person from killing themselves – thus I say it is their best friend.

Maybe if this resonates look to any of Dr Gabor Mate’s work – he is past brilliant at this. Also the book ‘Chasing the Scream’ and the later video from the author.

Addicted to what helps us get through the day may mean sugar – and this is a group addiction – especially as now ALL children seem destined to get the maternal ‘diabetes’ screening and that is a poison that wrecks baby’s chances of having decent sugar metabolism – see all I did up on this elderly site (maybe all links may not work as I am noticing that so many sites of truths are being taken away . .

Anything Dr Robert Lustig does is brilliant – especially in relation to the cholesterol lies (sugar being the upset) and our liver organ being the one under threat – back to why the alcohol, the fat eaten is NOT and never was the problem. Investigate more here.

So many unfortunate truths that the past 4 years may have lifted off for you to see now. Or not .. . BUT – you can ask yourself – who wins when you sign up for whatever you are supposed to take for the rest of your life? Who wins? Not your body, whose warnings were ignored and are now silenced . .. that the body needs medications forever. Loaded word – ‘needs’ if you do not get to the bottom of why it is not healing itself. As designed to . .Even trees do – all does – if it is able to. Hence many of you reading this came to me a long time ago and maybe are still intrigued at what I am up to.

Sitting back watching has been all I am able to do as the group think has been sit at home and hope it all goes away whilst being fed fear at every turn.
Where does it leave you? Maybe see what is left of your once bright future – if you do not STAND UP and fight for what the wars were over – sovereignty – not servitude. It is enough to upset anyone. . if you pay attention – or live in the TV world of what is allowed to be known.

Self medication – even if it is ‘only’ all that sugar – slowly killing you – cause of all the inflammation – see more here

Enough to turn all back into the addictions – too comfy is the big one now. Pretend it will all go away. No one is coming to rescue any of us. I send this out as I have been ‘sitting on my hands’.( Though not really – planting trees . . . training up my apprentices – and going through a lot of experiences that people would in the past come in to see me in my clinic to resolve for /with them. A lot of this is due simply to the new world we are stuck in. Not able to see a way out – as we have no idea when we are to be next got at – and how.

I choose to do the best I can each day still to assist those who find me.
Presently i am in transit. I will start a series of posts on “It Happened To Me and What I Did About it’ as a lot has.

Completely misunderstood condition that has recently floored me for months. Taking antibiotics without undoing WHY the pressure on the bladder is so short sighted. ALL FALL DOWN (internally) this means also varicose veins and haemorrhoids. .

This has been and still is my mission. Hence I travel about teaching in the hope that there will be someone who can help me – and also – help all – as I am NOT ALONE. So many – especially after C sections long ago – are in this camp.

Interstitial cystitis. The male spin off is prostatic hyperplasty – enlarged prostate so can’t pee well.

For women, we have a mal-positioned womb and that is enough to wreck our lives . . . lower back ache no one can fix and all the prolapsing and varicose veins and so on – supposedly elderly – but not so – is womb falling down – and if she is taken out – all that was above – falling in the hold – as the centre of our lives is the bub – the womb . .hence all the work I have been up to..

Hence my trainings and immense amount of traveling I have done under these new conditions to reach the stalwarts of my work – who are still learning – with me showing up to have hands on them – and theirs’ on me – every so often.

Too comfy is the biggest seduction – but – what next? Suggestion – change is life. Stop taking supplements and CLEAN UP YOUR BODY – so the food you eat may work. Start with popping vast amounts of topical magnesium on your thighs/hips/bum all day every day. All day. It will only aid everything about your life – especially if you feel ‘stressed’. My next adventure was FALLS .(2 in the past 2 weeks – NO BREAKAGES) I will do up that page in a few days . . . after CONCUSSION .. as this is also stopping me from being all I was.

We all need to declutter – Inside our bodies first.

I suggest that – you start with a three month auto-ship of this – as it will allow all nutrients to land as that are expected to. As someone said a couple of days ago. Sleep improvement – radically better – 7 hour’s no stopping! and then That first one was last week – the second after three doses of glutathione accelerator! Slept the whole night. Double dose of glutathione accelerator today that stuffs like rocket fuel. Very productive day”

And hopefully you look after yourself FIRST

Hence my offerings as the year goes on – in the meantime – at least look to soothing your own belly
Can’t hurt – can only help . . .