Revision time – Reconnecting and LL I Nov 2020


We are gathered around the world to celebrate.

What we can do  when we open our minds, hearts and lives to change.

It is happening – we may embrace this

In this – learning styles, teaching tools, human boundaries may need a jiggle.

Just as we are to gentle away what is stored within others we start on ourselves.

Refraining from judgements/finding reasons why may be the way forwards.

To be called to this – there will be rough spots.

Please get together with someone and play with them

‘House keeping’

We all have different ways of learning and of knowing .
Must drawn to this work are aware of the dynamic/organic nature of flows.
If we were not malleable- 20202 is teaching us to go with the flow – or get stuck.
This style may be challenging – or refreshing for you.
A nightmare if you like linear.

Life is not.
I am using as many props as possible to get the maximum engagement.
This is not primary school.
Whilst I do hold a degree in adult ed – and vocational training – I know that this work is experiential – you have to ‘get it’
These four ways of knowing  ..

  • 1 – Just do
  • 2 – Embodied


  • 3 – Someone said
  • 4 – Lots of someone’s said (and wrote about it and are seen to be ‘experts’ – so forgot all you (1 &2 ‘know’).

We are learning to become ore clear and more sensitive – thus we need to always look at SELF first.

Reconnecting (Bao and Dai Mai)  is usually the bridge before Living Ligaments I – where we have enough tools to allow the centre of our bodies – our womb – to realign herself. Missing? Cut out? You still have the space that holds the energy.  And the ligaments – and the echoes of the life dance she lead you on.

To print out . .

General Order of business
The Gentling Way protocol – Donna

If you wish  . . eventually all of this will be in a step-through unit by unit course – I need a few P.A.’s!!!

Do at least read – Wandering Womb by Barbara Loomis – this is the basis of the Arvigo work we came into with the Gentling Way Self Care – if you have not been at that workshop – please spend the time prior to LL I to read through.
And maybe print out for the ones who sit on your steamer to flip through in a plastic sleeved booklet.
(As with my steaming/cold is not a women’s friend eBook).

Initial Belly Care 13th March words

Advanced Belly Care2(a)-4

Pelvic instability causing pelvic pain

Moves and what they do

Sheet of work to do

Prostate Care

Pelvic Opening

For ourselves – time??? Which minute -1

Foundational manual

Belly separation

Hiatal hernia syndrome

Symptoms of Chronic Mercury Toxicity

There may be double ups. I have a computer in bits and some is missing
I will get it all in time in order – here is more than you could hope for. .

Back moves revision

Belly separation

Sheet of work to do

BackPain Acupuncturists H 1st April 2018

Cheat sheet

Reichian Armor Bands


Schedule/teaching programme and each move coming.

PAGES to look through. .

Please also check your email