#4 – Adhesions – holding all fascia hostage


Moving towards revision deeply for the ones who have done this several times and are getting ‘aha’ moments – and for those who are coming in – this is the deeper WHY of what we could do . . and do everything Gentling Way. Heaps to look at here

This picture?

This page – a few years ago will keep you going

Past scars page – again – heaps to watch here

As the adhesions have to be let loose . . .

FASCIA – see page here

STROKE RECOVERY – why Vit D3 and all ingredients needed MATTER and why we start there first.


Present – Sita, Lisa Levine (some of), Lenley, Vanessa and Trish

Why people come in?
Feeling hopeless . .

Georgie’s consent and RICE forms . .
Lenley’s opinion .. . good points ..
So we have something covering our backs . . .
Body heals itself – what is stopping it?

Can’t FORCE it . . what stops flows? OBSTRUCTIONS – could be DAMP /STUCK . .
ADHESIONS? Also in the middle circle = beliefs/assumptions .. that we will be helped? Heart attack story here
Pricklies heart rescues page

8 .00 – Scars as well . . need a clear picture of what needs moving – Vanessa’s ‘hole’ and Sita’s navel to top of sternum – we almost all have been cut about Adhesions have STORIES . .. add-ons . . . in (spiritual bathing needed – and the Anatakarana work.
Body remembers everything that ever happened to it . . and adhesions are there .. to hold it all together – YES – and it blocks things.
the energy field as well . .
11.00 – PULL OUT THE COLD – can;t flow through the stored cols.
12.00 – Marlene’s story . . who deals with scars – and the stories involved. . .
14.00 – scar is simple – all have a story . . Vanessa’s healing after the physical was well healed. .
18.30 – why we do this in this order – we have to pick up our OWN stuck and see how it all shifts. .

Remembering Classifications of moves

23.00 – WHY we need to undo the role in the family of origin – it is a template . .
24.00 – What is the person’s intention? That needs investigating – R.I.C.E.
25.00 – WHY is the adhesion there? Not necessarily surgery.
26.30 – Fluids offered all through – and topical supplements . . setting up to win – and we have been relating as a carer/tending wounds. .

29.00Welcome Baby and Women’s Healing package – as they ARE buying a package – make it special . . .
30.30 – can start your own tribe this way – gifting as we go ..
31.00 – Need to investigate the Nourishing YOU package – please let me know if you have not received the free to you link . .
33.00 – HAVE to fuel them as their body has to come up with nutrients to get the job you are giving it done. HYDRATION – and warm – all of the time – and feel safe . .. and breathing – essential . . can’t move in till they do.
34.30 – Sita’s learning – slow down, put self first, walk my soul’s path
37.00Serrapetase – take for three months – is not forever = but TAKE AS DIRECTED – 1 x 3 in the middle of eating
39.00 – Vanessa and her learning from it . . esp around nutrients – and having been vegetarian in formative years . .
40.00 – Sita also a veggo. – insufficient nutrients .. .now on bone broth
42.00 – Not only ‘womb work’
44.00 – Sita – need to MOVE (love in the body, not carting the head around only) SELF CARE IS FOR LIFE
47.30 – initiations and celebrations of change needed!
48.30 – CHECKERS so needed – especially when checking the O.S.L. area L2/3

Mirror X page on a bit of this

50.00 – Trish sharing about her ‘stored stuff’ catching up with her . . why we redo Selfings a lot . .
52.00 – to be somewhat less judgemental /unconditionally – of ourselves. .
55.00 – We are all so special . . . shall we look at Selfing again?
56.30 – we all need to undo ourselves – starting with your OWN birth . . to make different sense of . .

58.00 – Trish and the going back to work 6 weeks later .. . a difference between primal bonding and social

Leading into next week – Mammalian Maternity – do ensure you have all of this on board as in back ground – and is NOT essential though do catch up at some stage – me teaching decades ago – still applies.. The Role of 8 Extras in Women’s Lives and Maternity
THAT PAGE’S CONTENTS ARE HUGE – and also has the 2006 Practical Fertility Solutions day.

1.00.00 – Woman with cancer in R ovary – and the scar? On all levels – how to trust yourself as well?
Now pregnant and pre eclampsic and baby dies . . and now a year plus later – wants a baby or two . .
Glutathione accelerator and liquid activated zeolites needed to clear out the chemo and then the why HER GETTING CANCER ISSUES ..
1.03.00 – Baby factory ‘buggered’ – pregnancy failure .. Maja and castor oil and the heat dome – infra red . .
1.06.00 – All about the sacrum. . and tailbone .. . gentling it better . . .
1.07.00 – What set the cancer there? No mumps – used to train the immune system – research done in 1960’s. (Never mind the HPV issue)
1.08.00- Drbil St 2, CV 6 and also Bil St 30 . . VB – and
1.09.00 – Stuck Belly Blood protocol – uses Xi -clefts, Luo and M.P of the 8 extras . . THE GENTLING WAY . .
1.10.30 – how to do the HB peritoneal untangler . . .

Exampleperitoneal untangler . .
So simple and so profound – Qi Moving – see one woman’s triumph – after so many years coping with pain – medical fails abound . .
Need peristalsis – see one stunning example of what the adhesion breaking unleashed. . (we did ‘set her up to win’ first)

1.13.00 – Need to sort out he scars first – see the scar workshop – it has how to undo yourself. . .
1.13.30 – Tailbone needs to be central . .and the O.S.L. needs to be aligned – .. is why I called this work Living Ligaments.

1.16.00 – H’s maternal PhD . . . Kelliands rotation – see birth story here . .
WHAT COULD HAVE HAPPENED . .. steaming, roasting, binding, resting,
all the traditional looking after mum post birth – never mind’ post natal doula ing’ – we need that Red Tent back . .
1.18.30 – web we go this way – there is kitte to ‘fix’ at the end. . we have been allowing the body to shed itself.
1.19.30 – this is intentional FIX ing – on their terms – THEY have to do it themselves – we are midwiving the process only.
1.20.30 – BREASTS – here is one tutorial on this Breasts too big? Mercury . . Hot Blood – toxins
I write the site here for this – but I got diverted into the lactation/ingredients side of things. .


1.22.00 – Need ingredients to grow – iodine . .
1.24.00 – Breasts growths – and cancers where? Aluminium in underarm stuff . . accidents.incidents and sea tbelts – breast damage
1.28.30 – Intensity, frequency, duration – constantly
1.29.00 – Selfing – radical self aced transformation = signed up for now and need to change FIRST
Paradigm shift – living as energy – need to start seeing life as not only physical . .
1.30.00 – CHALLENGE – as a teacher – see what happens if you have no agreements – need the hierarchy . .. and an agenda – all there for SELF only RESISTANCES – challenge is – to do it . .
1.32.00 – WHOSE LIFE IS IT? We have to make choices . . . and make time for us = NOT selfish – selfing ..

We ARE our mother . .


Are we going to set ourselves free? Cards

1.36.00 – Merry in GV s still alive as she is being diligent with what Heather said . .
Rachel’s story – and whose programmes? We explore this in Self Discovery . . .
1.39.00 – Flows can’t flow – adhesions – all gummed up . . . beliefs . .
1.42.00 – WATCH OUT – as we age – what was holding itself together – may not now . . .
1.46.00 – Trish rediscovering passion again . . . COMES ALIVE!!!

Do look at all that is on the Reconnecting page that holds all links.

Eight Extras page – must get a handle on the Qi side of life . .
WOULD LOVE TO KNOW IF YOU CAN ACCESS THE AUDIOS – is too slow for me to check here . .

PRICKLIES? text books – a selection
For pregnancy – we restore normal – I have way more to do on this yet
That simple. . .. bodies are meant to reproduce effortlessly . .
A page – and you have Gliorianna’s legs – 13th pregnancy veins . .

Dr John Shen – cardiac – personality – cages we all sit within and how we need to break free.

Sets us all on a path . . .

Leads into #5 Mammalian Maternity