Present – Vanessa (The Grampians, Victoria, Australia, Beckie in Iowa usually and Beth on the Tablelands in FNQ – I live 100 km away
Covering . .
introductions and
Undoing the Life Recipe . . .

7 minutes in – 7 rays (eg personality structure) – depends on which of the 5 bodies these are on.
8.30 – The bit that is held safe by us not going there. . .what are ‘we’ resisting?
11.30 – Three circles Service, sovereignty and slavery
12.30 – GV and right wing Christians. . .not spirit led . .eg Jabbism
14.30 – Selfing and why we keep doing these . .that middle circle and the programmes .. DRINK MORE WATER (CLICK)
17.30 – Need to cover Free Your Own Qi (CLICK) and then Life Recipe (CLICK) and What Causes Health? (CLICK)
21.30 – Vanessa and losing weight . . .10Km is average day walking.
22.30 – Glutathione (CLICK) That one – not any other . ..and the detox drops (CLICK)
28.00 – Jing – women in 7 years cycles and men in 8 year ones.

30.00 – Beckie’s story
31.00 – ‘road hunting’ . . we do not have guns . . they do.
34.00 – Our different countries’ cultures and guns . .
35.50 – me broken down in NZ back blocks . .and guns.
37.30- Vanessa’s boat and gun story
39.00 – All here as we have a calling to help .. .hence we start with Selfing – undoing ourselves. . .
40.30 – Where we are in birth order . . impacts on who we are.
42.00 – H’s mother’s birth story – shall we unpack what happened??
43.00 – We have to go THROUGH what we are stuck in . .
45.00 – Active – play with own body . .and then belly
46 – Start with sacral area . . .
FREE YOUR OWN QI moves and pages on them
1 – Stuck Liver Qi (CLICK)
3 – Cupping out the cold (CLICK)
4 – Moxa usage (CLICK)
5 – Sacral wakeups (CLICK)
If it hurts – it is stuck . .
46.30 – Start with belly moves – slowly – through the clothes. .
48.00 – Across the chest

49.00 – the upper lymph moves – to assist the diaphragm and the lymph congestion

51.00 – Belly moves
51.30 – Diastasis – and Beckies’ story
53.00 – Resistances – we need to look at this. Beckie and ‘bawling for a baby . .’.
55.30 – Having different parents as we siblings did .and Beckie’s early story (I wonder when she went to school)?
59.00 – Closure of the marriage story . .
1.01.00 – ‘You can’t make everyone’s sky blue.
1.01.30 – My question – my sacrum and moxa. .
1.02.30 – In Selfing book – the Energy changes For a Better Life . . need to see this as well as the Life Recipe – if you are watching this and you do not have this – ask me for it . .
1.04.00 – Variation of the belly work – from Bob Flaws . . Nine Ounces
1.06.00 – Sugar as a treat.
1.07.00 – Vanessa and her grandmother and sugar starting
1.08.00 – All need the FAT not the sugar . . see more here (CLICK) the solutions site is here (CLICK)
1.11.00 – FOOD – we have to start there. .
1.12.30 – We recycle around the personality ‘stuff’ – we need to clear ourselves. .
1.15.00 – Champix as a very dangerous anti smoking drug (CLICK) is not seen as being so when you look for it (CLICK)
1.21.00 – Beckie’s end of story.
1.22.00 – How important is the release of resentment? (STRESS – CLICK)
1.24.30 – The table – not only what goes in the mouth . .

1.26.00 – Beth’s story with being co dependent with the women – we all live vicariously. .
I am off to the garden as the rain has stopped.. .
Will complete later
Part #2
Who was there – as above and Lenley (briefly) Quesha kept trying to Rachael off camera, and Georgie.
3.20 – We hopefully will get to Sarah and what is in the way to healing choices. . .
4.00- 1 – We are all of the Light
2 – Duality
3 – circles
4 – Ways of knowing . . and the table
5 – Flows
6 – T’s –
7 – The page here (CLICK)
6.30 – Rachael off camera, Beckie OK and
7.30 – Lenley . . and different stand point
10.30 – Georgie and her perspective .
13.00 – Different stages of Self Discovery . .
15.00 – Beth and how she is working through this info . . .
17.30 – Georgie and being an oncology nurse differently . .
21.00 – Action cads – and how appropriate they are . .
22.30 – The context of a ‘patient’s life’ . .
26.00 – Breathwork (CLICK)
28.00 – Anatakarana meditation (CLICK) also here (CLICK)
30.30 – Beckie – how she found me and the work . . his chiro is amazed at the changes in the past 6 months. .
also second toe and tailbone still to let go . .
32.00 – ‘Negative’ self talk . . . we are all our mothers. . how did this happen?

35.00 – Beckie and NEVER finding what she would expect to be covering when coaching others. ..
37.00 – Which part of the inner child is running the show? Go to Self Discovery Also R.I.C.E. (CLICK)
38.00 – Option Insititute (CLICK) And Life Rescue (CLICK)
42.30 – Very different way of being and learning – life – not linear . .
44.30 – PAIN – what is it? STUCK Also look at this (CLICK)
46.30 – The LIfe Alignment Centre – was my last clinic as I DIDI NOT want to say acupuncture .
49.30 – Holding us hostage. .. Georgie and her needy person – we all need to be heard . .
52.00 – TRY and JUST – let us find a different way to say this . .
52.40 – Vanessa – and sugar (CLICK)– and tea . . nurturing .
54.30 – Holding hostage. . . . Vanessa and her sick sister . .
55.00 – Spiritual bathing (CLICK)
58.00– Back to the THREE CAUTIONS . ..
1 – STUCK self talk
2 – External discreditation
3 – What pulls you out of your centre (me and Duncan)
1.00.00 – Lenley leaves. .
1.01.30 – we need to let go the teenager and her stories FIRST . . see my red (Living In It) and blue (Living as Energy) books Owner’s manuals
1.05.00 – Sarah – looking the same as she was at 12 weeks. . . Hiatal hernia syndrome (CLICK) and Hiatal hernia reasons (CLICK)
1.09.00 – How do we negotiate ourselves FIRST? How Do We Cope? (CLICK)
1.13.00 – Cheryl’s story . . part 1 (CLICK) and Part 2 (CLICK) also strokes (CLICK)
As an added extra – as this shows well the ingredients and flows – need to be there so we can be in life .

Rachael was part of the class. . .
What others said after the ‘show’.
Vanessa . . . . Connecting in with Heather on a Zoom Call or in a Workshop comes hand in hand with one ‘aha’ moment after another, and then after so many of these spread over years, there are more! It never ceases to amaze me as to how there can still be more, but as a human I can only see as far as the horizon, so each time something clears, there is a new perspective and more opportunity to see more clearly. Today I saw a different perspective of ‘Having Been Held Hostage’, and realised that a few months ago, exactly this happened to me. I have been puzzling over ‘why’ ever since, and now understand the challenges of being pulled into another persons world so strongly that nothing else can exist. This is why we learn to cleanse and clear, imagine if I had not been cleansing and clearing during that time, the impacts could have been far worse. Incredibly grateful for the reflections and also the ability to stand temporarily in the other persons shoes and get a glimpse of that which they have surrounded themselves with. We can offer support, experience and knowledge but they will only be able to accept that which fits within their scope of reality at the time, so we can offer and set the scene, but each one of us is the only person who can actually do the work for self, we can’t go to someone for treatments and buy it, we can’t find it on a shelf in a shop, library or in a new home. The challenge is to find the one thing that opens the door of possibility, curiosity and opportunity….and start that journey. How fantastic it is to have those who know walking beside us and leaving trails of wisdom. Thanks Heather.
That is so beautifully written, such wisdom, such inspiration! What a wonderful thing to just “Be” ourselves and hold the space for others to do the same! The simple awareness of our own awakening is priceless, and we get to do it everyday in this journey called life! It was a blessing to meet you all, and thank you for the wisdom bits held in my soul, from each of you! Thank you Heather, your work brings such freedom to our lives, empowering us to serve others. Beckie