2022 – Living Ligaments #5


Covering – revision – zinc, what I did with one for acc recall, castrating women (ovaries out).
Demo of recent move pics, how DrJen and Rosita started and their burning questions, under the sitz bones.
Arvigo anterior and posterior moves

PRESENT – Jenna, Linda, Elke, Vanessa, Lenley

Start – we are having a catch-up pause not another working on people today . .
3.00 – The people who converged at my place after the last session (Accident Recall reminder and P.V.- to clear out ‘stress’)
5.00 – Linda and 6.00 – Lenley arrived
7.00 – Soft palate ‘fixed’ with his tongue up at the area . .
8.30 – What happened has to be undone. 22.5C feet!!!
14.00 – Linda’s impression of my visualisation for them
16.00 – Need to treat what shows up . .
17.00 – Zinc
18.30 – Jenna and where am I working on for the ‘leg for a walk’ . .

20.00 – Correcting what I showed as to heels to bum.
21.00 – Vanessa – how great it is to revise
23.00 – Great anatomy book – Frank Netters
24.00 – It is not about the moves . . .
25.00 – All must have done these classes – prior to the practical.
26.00 – Where is the beginning?

Reconnecting revision
Light – 7
LINE BELOW we do not need . .
(Lies/litigation/lizard fears).

28.00 – Elke arrived
30.00 – Teach sufferers the ovarian and uterine moves. .
31.00 – Diffs between Arvigo Self Care and Gentling Selfing – boundaries and prioritising self- not ligaments (we need to understand the Blood energy and where that comes from – plus Liver energy distressors . .
31.30 – ‘Hormones’ – think ovarian whirlpool.
It is where the hormones are made – if the circulation of nutrients IN and wastes OUT is happening
32.00 – castrating women . .we NEED our ovaries – they are not spare parts. Jo’s story . . CANCER treatment sequelae
36.00 What we make hormones from
38.00 – INGREDIENTS – people need more and better if they are to repair/regenerate – hence you MUST offer nutrients in clinic . .
40.00 – Why Jennifer Mercier and Rosita Arvigo started off in their careers . . What was their burning question . .
41.00 – What drove Dr Jen? Her wanting her own babies not IVF – then C section repair . .
42.00 – From 2013 – the work was lessened – to be P.C.
43.30 – Need qualified recipients – what question are you answering? Yours and their’s.
45.30 – What is THEIR question? Can they even hope? Lies again . .
46.30 Duty of care – while at your place – you are in charge – set them up to win – CARE
47.30 – Why are they still stuck? need to be in Selfing and on the Challenge . .
49.00 – Being held hostage – by our precious others . .
49.30 – Vanessa . . .how she has discovered more of herself – in SELFING . . the depth of understanding – in SELFING – see what you find next time = there is magic hiding there.
51.30 – SELF first is the message in Selfing . .
52.00 – and Vanessa realising she has a body – not the remedial massage stuff.
Quadratus Lumborum What is the quadratus lumborum muscle? The quadratus lumborum (QL) is the deepest abdominal muscle. It’s located in your lower back on either side of the lumbar spine. It starts at your lowest rib and ends at the top of your pelvis. It’s common to have pain here because you use this muscle to sit, stand, and walk.
More about tendons
More about vertebrae
More about ligaments of the spine

Quadratus Lumborum muscle

53.30 – NZ and Healing the Wounded Healer – Vanessa’s beginning into SELF. .
56.00 – Gut function. lymph and holding all in place /connective tissue – is Spleen/Pancreas energy = and thyroid . .
57.00 Elke – what is NOT included in massage courses these days. .
58.00 – Lenley’s question – what if nothing is bitey . .
1.01.10 – Mercier moves a la Heather

1.02.30 – Do not work on a woman with an IUD in . . Linda’s daughter’s doctor will not take her’s out,
Me reading out ovarian and uterine moves
1.09.00Leg for the walk
1.11.30 Sacral smash and then do the sacral wake ups!!
aponeurosis – a sheet of pearly white fibrous tissue that takes the place of a tendon in flat muscles having a wide area of attachment.
1.13.30 – Under the sitz . .
1.15.30 – Why we are NOT doing it that way – they need to feel safe. . Elke gone . .
1.18.45 – you may ask- how do we find the womb and ovaries? We are NOT . .too forceful . .and invasive.
1.20.00 – VERY very gentle – and take a breath . . . guiding body needed.
1.22.00 – What the PCT manual says . . protocol . .

I have included this for comparison
PLEASE do not do as you need the 5 classifications, the breaths, the pauses – the everything GENTLE

Before you go on

What I call O.S.L.(ovarian suspensory ligament) – see me working on people here and also here
PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS BEFORE YOU GO ON – as the womb placement is pivotal in all we do from now on.

AND HERE another version

Anterior PCT

Posterior P.C.T.

1.28.00 – All is out of kilter – wrong order altogether – and we do NOT do it this way.
1.29.30 – Vanessa in limbo after going through this course. . .(this why we do it this way).
The flowing of this all . .
1.31.00 – We MUST cover the energy of being in a body.
1.34.00 – Vanessa and agreements and why needed.

1.37.00 – Cultural eating issues. . .
MUST look after the Spleen Qi
Look after your source!! Your Yang
Take out the cold

1.41.00 – Detective – needed
1.42.30 – MUST do the protocol/moves LAST – we are wandering through the body with what ever wants to be seen to – as it does – so we treat what comes up . .
1.44.00 – Being a mum carrying kids is an occupational hazard.
1.45.00 – Lenley – we guide the body
1.46.00 – Vanessa – setting up to win . .and how amazing this work is.
1.47.00 – Jenna – Ovarian move – to make hormones. .

Gillies Range Road – windiest 9as in bends) road in Qld apparently . . 263 turns in 13 Km