
Here is the ‘why’ in the use of a case history form – to ask different questions . .
We start unpacking a mother’s story – and look what comes out . .
Where is safe/respected/honored/revered?
Birthing in a ‘safe’ place . . . supposedly in care and tending . . OR – a baby extraction – and what a mess!
After care?
Look at the Spleen Qi (CLICK) – connective tissues – broken tailbone as well as the stitches and the haemorrhoids and the care of a new baby – and the mastitis and the NON supportive surrounds. . Where is maternal support?
How I have been adjusting the horror that walks in with people – see Kaliana’s remedies (CLICK) as they have been brought through for now

8 minutes in – the miscarriage saga . .
How to help at that point? Ki 9, moxa sacral fan, undo the triage required –
1 – Shen calming,
2 – Pull out the cold and
3 – Address scars – loosely – what created the deviation from perfect – to have ‘wrong’ happen . .
Get the Easy Pregnancy Resources – what to do to correct non perfect . .
WDCD written in 2005 and the two videos produced.
2018 – the charts = and the eBooks in 2019 – as nurturing women in/ and after early pregnancy loss (CLICK).
How to CREATE a pregnancy loss?
IGNORE LIFE processes. .
Be like a gardener – look after the soil FIRST and then the seed quality . .
And then support LIFE (need to know how to run a well body/life) (CLICK)
Easy preg resources (CLICK)
Not necessarily about ‘genetics’ – but what is leading the physical into disorder.
PREVENTING – early pregnancy loss info . . how we help others. .
Ignore the lie – under the LIFE ‘line’ – we DO NOT need men’s medicines.
We need to undo WHY and not gets – distracted – The Story – what is the ‘why’?
What do I mean – what is her life showing her?
To stand up and roar safely . . the heat in the blood will have created the ‘let go’.
16 minutes – historical Heather stopping miscarriages – in the time prior to the ’90’s –
men were not creating disasters with their off sperm a few short decades ago.
Stopping the carnage – maternal losses. .
After Early Pregnancy Loss (CLICK)
Baby coming too soon (CLICK)
18 minutes in – 2015 – me seeing 20 couples (3 different locations) and NONE were fertile.
Including 3 men with NO normal sperm forms and all in IVF to make sure ?? what happened?
Why is cervix ‘incompetent’? See Spleen Yang Qi (CLICK)
Are people getting pregnant or choosing not to in these times – or is this a result of the designed human reduction?
Maybe the trained and caring midwives could retrain to be helpers of women who have lost??
How do we work? Reactively (bio medically)- or seeking to find what is running the changes from perfect?
Later potential pregnancy loss – the premature rupture of membranes – what to do?
Always a problem will be a mix of LACK of ingredients to run a body well – and the circulation to allow perfect extraction of wastes and enhancement of needed supplies -all within an inner sea -of mineral rich fluids. . amniotic and placental blood and what supports all of this?
Mums’ gut function and her sacral integrity . . need to know more? See all I have to start with in the Easy Pregnancy Resources pack (CLICK)
Flows HAVE to flow –
There is so much more . .. that may ‘go wrong’ if we do not get the nutrients in and the wasters out . .
We could have what underlies the placental break down – and Blood (CLICK for why you may need to here) ) improving Chinese herbs maybe a large life (and sanity) saver.
I have seen many cases of . . .what is called ‘unknown etiology’ V.U.E. . .(CLICK)
This will be placental distress – which MAY be saved – I have done so many times. . .
As a multi modality worker – I do EVERYTHING – we do not need to know ‘what worked’ so much as something DID . .
We gave the body what it needed and The Body Heals Itself . .
As it does in pregnancy – goes in to a very different (higher) gear – renovating mum as the new baby foundation is being laid down.
Scans and heat added in . .(CLICK)
D and C’s and potential Asherman’s syndrome – (AS) is an acquired uterine condition that occurs when scar tissue (adhesions) form inside the uterus and/or the cervix. It is characterized by variable scarring inside the uterine cavity, where in many cases the front and back walls of the uterus stick to one another.)
?? Do not know why? Past messed up endometrial lining – need the Selfing package to undo naturally (plus Chinese herbs and specialised Moving Blockages work via Heather’s Gentling Ways).
NOW it is NOT the planet A we had and worked in – helping nature – but an alternate non biologically respectful reality . .
Jabbed pregnancies and the rash of ‘late miscarriages’/pregnancy losses . .
HOW to avoid further losses?
Sperm? (CLICK) BBT (basal body temperature)of both potential parents? Allows us to improve gut and metabolic thus reproductive functions.
Making Better Babies Naturally . . ask more of Heather .
MUST start with understanding What Causes Health? (CLICK) See more here . .

TRIAGE – declutter, reset and restore. .
PRACTITIONERS’ PACK (CLICK) – Kaliana’s work is so needed..
Dead baby stories . . Renae’s horror story. Likely V.U.E. (CLICK)
Plus who knows what lies in store we=hen we ‘hope for the best’?
My suggestion – enhance normal . . .
Read more here from Dr John Shen (CLICK)
HEAT (CLICK) – destroys life and inflammation is fueled by lack of hydration PLUS excess concentration – SUGAR (CLICK) ..
See what is written in WDCD – (Hot Blood (CLICK) as I have given the TCM text book download of what. why and how to undo trouble there.
As part of the package online – why are we NOT undoing unnatural – so Mother Nature can replicate perfectly . .
Renae’s baby SAVED . . (Ki 9 and Reiki . .and maternal care package (CLICK) Easy Pregnancy SOLUTIONS the collection of eBooks added in.
Maybe you may know someone who needs the Welcome Baby package?
And is prepared to ’till the soil’ to ensure the best crop (of children) possible?
Reach out as I have some here (Tumoulin) – at the tree nursery (where my energies presently sit)