Welcome to where I sincerely hope you find some help

Never having heard of this before in 40 years of ‘safety net’ practice means that I said – of course I can help – and did!
Sphincter of Oddi – Some questions that may need answering:
What is pain?
A warning of blockage of flows. .
What can the body do but scream at you when it needs help?
Where do you go for help?
Ideally where the answers are likely to be found.
Start here – calm and soothe yourself
What you do not have . . .

Start here – as cramps/spasms are due to a lack of this . . .
Liquid Activated Zeolites – to pullout of your cells/body what is blocking the assimilation of the nutrients ingested
Baths – MSM and Himalayan salt alternating with Epsom salts and MSM
Periods, gut function and emotions – . . All of your body is involved . .
Let us take a quick look at Free Flowing – as your body is not for you to be in pain . . .

The Liver (energy) lines of flow . . .
When Liver energy flows well: there is no disruption to anything in the body.
There is no pain – all happy

When it is NOT flowing . . .

All that flows – means no pain . .
Liver Qi is not happy – as you have the condition of blockage in your belly – and it will ‘leak’ into all that is you ..
See more in the adhesions section – coming soon! Pink uterus. Tan – bladder

Get out of the cycle . .
Use your hands and lose the need for the drugs.
What a liver organ looks like when stuck to the surrounding tissues. .

On the right – after C section – if you have been through this also . .
Organs can no longer move .
Totally messing with the way a body feels and works . .

There are so many solutions – medically – surgery to create more adhesions – whilst getting rid of what is currently there may seem like a waste of time – though it may make life more comfy.
As an acupuncture worker over decades I know that using our own hands – and gently freeing what needs a soothing touch is best – and hence suggest the simple solutions here.
Castor oil is one such.
Perineal steaming another.
May sound odd as this culture is not prone to offering home help – as ‘fee for service’ is a retail industry.
You need prevention of further mishaps – not numbing so you can’t feel!
The acupuncture model works best when you see it as the electrics . . Up until now you may only have seen yourself as a collection of bits – not so!!!
Try these solutions They all work and all are safe simple and reliably effective.
Avoid all cold – and take out what is stored in your body . . Look at yourself as a whole being . .
Your hands – See Free Your Own Qi

When your Liver energy is not happy – nothing is
Ideas – and thought/vision
Emotions – all the ‘hormonal’ ups and downs
Gut – in all aspects
Gyne – all Blood storage and circulation affected
Structural – musculo skeletal pain and inflexibility
Pain – aches and feeling ‘full’
Flows not flowing all then mess with
Anything worse with ‘stress’ – that is your Qi stuck further. . .
EVERYTHING is better when it flows
The secrets of my clinic – DO IT!!

Your hands . .

You can be free