This was a ‘clinic’ newsletter. .
Are you interested in helping yourself?
And those you love? Or – do you think that a health system is waiting for your every problem?
To be receiving this, you likely saw me as there was a hole in what you wanted – versus what was on hand. But it is so much worse now – especially as so many are being told that they have ‘anxiety’ – as yes, you would with the world as it is now. In mid January it would have taken apparently at least 7 hours to get the ambulance the 10 km from The Gap to RBH . it is so much worse now.
See First Aid here.
Life is not as it was. Bodies are under assault As are the people who ‘believe’ anyone tasked with ‘helping’ is aware of the games being played in plain sight. and who is able to do more than they are now ‘allowed’ to do. Thinking? Maybe seen as way too dangerous. If this is not new news to you, and you find yourself in need . .
Maybe keep reading?
What is this?
Why is this?
In the past who was likely to catch’?
After decades of working with ‘hard’ cases.
When I got it myself – it was the super dooper version – and in my eye.
When Duncan succumbed, it was on his head.
We were both ‘shed’ on – transmission is a’ thing’.
Also – you have to be out of balance to have this happen – in the past.
Then only sick people got ill
We may need to go back to asking the question –
What Causes Health?
A paradigm shift is available HERE.
What does a body do when its defenses have been breached?
What can anyone do?
What might be a protocol?
Always look to the 6 ‘T’s – Temptation (to believe what others say), Tension, Temperature, Torsion, Trauma and Toxins.
And the 5 Flows – they are all involved – Qi, Red blood, blue blood, clear blood (lymph) and nerves.
The body heals itself . . when it can.
What stops this?
Often what is between the ears.
What a person will accept as being reasonable and even ‘possible’.
Body heals itself – needs the ingredients to do so and circulation to be enhanced.
Nutrients – to repair.
Time line . . .
Sunday – Duncan – thought he had a case of scrub ticks, and was going to shave his head (sparsely populated with hair anyway) I suggested getting in the shower with the castille peppermint soap and give it a good soak.
(This is how I killed fleas on my dog. 46 years ago – I popped him in the river to soak, then soaped him down, massaged it in and let it go down the river – the dead fleas all popped up to the surface) . . This helped dog a lot.
DUNCAN – Over the next few days, he worsened.
Tuesday – I realised that it as all on a very definite side
took to treating him for SHINGLES
Need to know how to fix others. . .
Questions I asked. . (as I was suspicious)
Is it crossing the midline? (No) Is it intermittent? (Yes) Does it feel stabby? (Yes) Also had a funny sore throat – only on that side. And the skin his scalp got more and more sensitive. ACTION – NORMALLY THIS WOULD BE THE STARTER – but I can’t give him Panaxea AV/AT which would have been the mainstay. He is allergic to it. That is the answer for anyone else – acute – 3 is a dose – EVERY HOUR. I did not have any Panaxea ReGen – for him. That is specifically helping with the blood problems that stab in the dark gifts all of us – actually jabbed or not.
Is in East Asian medicine as
Blood Stagnation – (stabbing fixed location pain in East Asian Medicine). Also for clearing the causative factor – the spikes that are getting all of us – jabbed or innocent bystanders.and this is after consistent (they stayed overnight and all day) close contact with his adult son and granddaughter. No extras stresses – he has had so much worse and not gotten this.
Admittedly is a mild case – but he was not been ‘himself’.
1 – Daily acupuncture from me. To clam and enhance healing – not directly for the lesion.
2 – More Glutathione accelerator (CLICK here to learn more).
Dosage is usually 6 in the morning with food. Now in acute stage – THREE lots of 6 instead of one dose daily.
3 – More topical magnesium on his body. This is maybe TWENTY applications – and all over large muscles – can only help.
4 – Healthword Myoplex at night – 3 lots of 3 last thing prior to bed. This is a great product that I have used in clinic for over 40 years. It allows the calcium/magnesium with a couple of nervenes (I was trained as a Western herbalist before I took up Chinese herbs).
5 – Negative ion pad on his affected side neck.
6 – A patch a colleague sent to me to assist in inflammation – figuring all will help. (He only has a minor version).
7 – More doses of VitC liposomic daily (from 2 daily to 5x daily)
8 – Vit B complex 1/2 tablet x 3 daily not only once daily.
9 – Homeopathics – also have some very diluted (I am highly reactive to even a drop of alcohol – some of us are canaries in the coal mine) – made from the snake venom – which is for scrub ticks and also to undo exposure to the whatever is in that jab all have been coerced to think is a health benefit – at least for others. That has helped as I did not get my usual reactions to being around the jabbed – in fact I was me and popped needles in to help his injury – so there was much skin contact – and usually I would be in deep trouble 1.5- 2 days later – I was fine.
10 – More rest (too being ‘taken out’ means one has not listened to the body saying ) ENOUGH – now I really put you on notice!!!
What I did not do
For him – we did have the prescribed western drugs on hand – to take (in case I had a re occurrence).
Both strengths – but I did not want to suppress this in his body.
BUT a I thought I could manage it without – we did – and successfully.
My version – what happened to me? August 2021
We took NO pictures of this dire time in my life. Special healing strips are on the safe intimate care products from this site.
These ion strips for the panty liners HERE were after I had 7 months before managed to NOT kill myself – another adventure elsewhere.
Shingles – we get when we are under great immune stress. Yes – we both had had chicken pox. More is happening than this.
How did this happen?
Normally a well body does NOT get this – as we have an immune system that is quite educated.
Not now. ..
After a solid week of me teaching and treating intensively 3+ hours on each body) those who had been jabbed for their jobs. My usual herpes /thick head/’Damp’ in general did not happen. I got ocular shingles. It may have been stirred on as I nearly took myself out going around a corner in the middle of nowhere on a dark night, on a ‘warning – stock across the road’ at 70-80 kph and hitting a Brahman cow.
Car still driving for about 10 Km. Windscreen did not let the beast in. Tuesday evening.
By Friday morning I knew I was in trouble. Shocked yes grateful to be still here and not damaged.
What I did?
PV exercises (CLICK) at least 20 times daily. To avoid a whiplash. Air bag did not explode – t was as gentle as it could have been – the braking I did was not severe, and we stayed in a forwards undeviating path – still mobile though at half the speed – now 35 kmph ish..
Whilst taking more supplements against stress – BOTH eyes went funny. I knew that trouble was ahead – this has happened 3 times before in my life – prelude to Hepatitis A. (breastfeeding a 13 month old son at the time), malaria (14weeks pregnant with the 2nd son) and when I had CMV and Cok-Sackkie together – whilst breastfeeding a dying baby – she is now over 36. (To see more here CLICK).
To be teaching the next 3 days – I worsened. regardless of what I did.
It took the 4th doctors’ appointment to get what I knew was needed – a very strong anti-viral.
Taking all I could meant I had it in check, but it WAS worsening and I know my sight would be at stake (my previously ‘good’ eye is now not).
Not suggested to get shingles on your eye. We did not take pictures.
Highly swollen, very red, tearing all the time and I had it permanently closed for a few weeks got very good at automatically not opening it.
I gave my clinical skills a good work out. As I had worked with the elders (up to mid 90’s) in the late 1970’s, I knew what I had – and it took several goes at getting medical people to listen. As there were no visible lesions. They were probably were in my eye – but I could not open it. First sensation there was as though something in the top outer area was pushing my eye down and towards the corner of the nose. A very full feeling – as well as the rest of not usual sensations. I lost all strength. Eventually I was losing balance and needed to be held onto when walking. Not sure if that was the disease process, the medications and my healing or ???. .
Took the 800 strength tablets – so many a day – plus all else – ReGen – 2 x 3 , AV/AT 3 hourly, much magnesium, VIt C and D3 and zinc. .
Eventually I remembered Lysine and got that with olive leaf extract with it and took many daily.
Plus +++ garlic capsules – I did not need an infection as well.
Garlic is anti everything and helps circulation massively. I took at least 4/5 4/6 times daily.
Negative ion pads on my eye are.
Reiki almost constantly (pain relief and fixing it).
Acupuncture often.
Much lying down.
Too sore to read.
This was a time of reflection.
My body has been through a few wars recently – as the stair incident I wrote on earlier.
Also as a past cold sore, then herpes 2 survivor – the other herpes viruses are actually found passed through the vaccination schedule – (CMV, Cok Sackie, if you go looking into this as I have had to with all my children vaxx injured. When Kathryn was little – she got sick almost to death after each usual childhood vaccination – some of us should never be injected. Doctors decades ago asked a question – not knowing about the genetic drams many of us have in our detox pathways – thus MTHFR/pyroluria/ EDS etc . ..
They would ask ‘do any of your family responded badly to vaccinations?’
If yes – no one in that family was jabbed – as they needed to be kept safe and that concept that was ridiculed by the drug companies still recently ‘herd immunity; was accepted.
Herd immunity is NATURALLY immune – the bodies of the young ones having been exposed to the weakened versions through being made then breastfed by mums who had natural exposure thus antibodies were passed along and when in the pre school year – they ‘caught’ whatever – it was a minor case – if seen at all. So we lost this as the powers of persuasion have been louder as more $$ to be made.
If you think I am over the top – look around you. Where are the resilient happy kids? I was not even are asthma was possible when growing up.
That is why I got into acupuncture and all natural medical ways at all – my then husband had been an asthma/eczema baby – often in hospital in oxygen tents – that was before the sprays and steroids were used. Thus I was always a step ahead. . .how to avoid – and thus my 46 years old was the way into this and me writing to you. My cousin died from a vaccination injury – decades later – the NZ government (when this was a scientific, not religious dogma issue) found this to be so – a bad batch – she had the last few years of her life in a hospital kept alive whilst she slept her early 20s away till pneumonia got her. WHAT SETS US UP may need asking . .
My already compromised with intra utero toxoplasmosis baby – due to my body not working well after the amalgam being spread over a tooth stump then capped when she was 5 months growing inside me. MERCURY (CLICK) and how to get rid of (CLICK) – mercury poisoning (CLICK) and my body thus not absorbing zinc I suspect – her trying to leave, me stopping this and she never being the person she would have been – 36+ years later – I have rounds on the board of First, Do No Harm.
If you want to get any of these – maybe also take the time and resources to talk it all through with me (online consult).
The current world hostage taking – NOT a conspiracy theory . . What has happened for profit.
It IS time all actually look wondered what sort of life they who to leave for their children’s children’s children.
There is this . . . Did you feel called? February 2022
Please watch the links above and below
It may be becoming more obvious to you
We are all in a war – beliefs and ways forwards to choose.
Grace and evil can’t live in the same place . .
Choose . . LIFE