
There is a holiday period ahead. .
Maybe time to renew YOURSELF?
What are you doing?
Hopefully resting as far to much has been happening – and catching our breath may be a good start leading into winter.
Is life as you would have liked it to be?
Change (healing) is possible. . .
Do you have some time spare and are in pain
Or know someone who is?
Maybe look through here – answers may be as easy as drinking more water (tepid, non tap).. .
And help yourself – or them – guided belly care
CAN YOU SLEEP WELL? See more here
Not sure what your definition is – mine is the ability to adapt to change.
All levels. . . .
We have had a changes/worries recently . .
Is it time to reset yourself?
Is your body in total harmony with life?
Winter is coming – and who knows what.
Do not like options offered?
Mostly people call me in when desperate.
I LOVE DESPERATE – that means you are ready to change.
Also to listen and follow what I have found works.

In times past, you would have been seeing me a few times at least – a year – to tidy up what was going off the rails – bodies let us know. You may have tried many other suggestions and eventually stumbled upon me.
You still can – I know it is not the same when I am on Zoom – BUT many answers are often easy to unfold.
Although all feels hopeless to you – often complete remission on PAIN/DISTRESS and body not working is easy – when you know what changes to make . . I can direct you to these.
Do you want to stay STUCK?
Or get started in flowing again?
1 – REMOTE assistance
Online consult – you answer questions of forms, we talk – I record/write up suggestions to radically alter your life what you are to do next .
The whole page of answers/suggestions is yours to ponder – and life is good again . . you are in the driver’s seat – not woeful troubles.
2 – Seeing me Far North Queensland
If you want to jump in your car/a plane and come see me – if you know anyone on the Tablelands – or stay at the local pub – highest in the state – 6 km down the road from us – welcome! I have two treatment tables/couches and can see you and your spouse/daughter/friend as you take the time out to look after yourself. If you have signed in for a consult prior and we have started the healing process
IF YOU CANNOT GET TO ME. changing a few things about will make avast difference to your health – always starting with the Life Recipe
I work intensively – ideally at my place – 6 sessions in a bundle of care – that usually knocks off anything that is ailing you. At least 2 sessions consecutive days) and the rest within a few days of each other. Why? It all works brilliantly that way – not seeing me sometimes at your choosing – or even weekly – too much has happened to all of us to let things slide back to where they were. When you have an intensive – everything on all levels shifts.
What have you got to lose?
Hopelessness for starters.
What have you got to gain?
Your life back.

They block Qi and life flows..
Have you been – never the same since?

If you are planning surgery:
or going back for more:
or about to embark on ANY medical intervention.
Shall we at least get your body
ready for that onslaught?
And possibly with some rescue work – what is planned in panicky times.
Or maybe keeps being rescheduled – may not be needed.
You likely remember I was always needling the ones I found on your body – however small. Making sure Qi flowed through.
Massive changes happen when the river is undammed ..
I recently was running two 3 day teaching intensives in SEQ – and my students were directed to get very deeply into MY body – as so many obstetric incidents had left it in a mess . ..yes – there is a reason I am so oddly interested in different – I have need it – myself. .
And the work FIXED ME as well . .
So grateful . . .
You may not know what is possible – till you get shown – we all get so used to what is happening – called ‘aging’???

Second opinion needed?
Maybe you want to feel normal again – after the jab? After a fall/accident? After surgery? A short easy and gentle way to dissolve away adhesions and upsets here Maybe try out whether you want to learn online – with this free taster course?

Scar workshop here – Unblocking Your Scars ($40 AU)
You maybe amazed . . You may then be able to touch the scar – or it no longer ITCHES – or is unsightly/full of memories and even – as the adhesion breaking is part of this – maybe even – allow your body to work as it used to AGAIN??
You can move your STUCK (pain, distress, not flowing well/thus not working well).
STUCK hurts
Fascia and organs are designed to slide and to glide over each other.
Especially with the C section scar – or any belly work – you may find yourself NOT standing tall.
I have always asked different question
Which may be why you found me over the decades.
I also know that here is always more to learn.
I LOVE ‘hard’/hopeless – as it usually is not and as a challenge – I have to think . .
And you usually get a change
Fees – $250 an hour first hour and $150 after this – when I come to you – minimum three hours . .
AT MY HOME – $150 an hour . . as YOU get to help cover the travel /set up charges.
HOME RESCUES – How you can help yourself

Let us be our OWN 1st Aid
This is the heading of the local paper – TODAY!!
You may well need to know.. .
Heart Rescue
Life Rescues
Breathing Rescues
Pain Rescues
You may need to be your own healer. .
As I did – needed an ambo – and told – 7 hours at least wait ..
In the next month – I will cover . .
Weekly . . . what to do to help yourself and others.
Heart Rescue – and maybe check out the Life Recipe whilst you wait – or if you have a worry – maybe book in for the online consult
Life Rescues – First Aid – I have used many times to save others from dying.
Breathing Rescues – Asthma? Cough not going away? Or breathing always a struggle?
Pain Rescues – any pain – is simply a matter of getting the Qi, blood and lymph flowing and the nerves firing properly.

Get in ahead?
Maybe look to the Life Recipe?
It really helps to have a bit of a routine . .
More easy and effective online courses found here