Welcome . .

A first time for everything
Weird day for all
I slept in.
The Zoom recording did not happen . .
Thank fully
I wrote notes . .
Here we have some of what we did . .
On the call we had Bronwyn, Georgie, Vanessa and Lenley . .
Quesha (California) towards the end.
I have written up the sections we covered – and life is not linear, thus it will be not as we did the Zoom – but more structured.
Even saying this – the tangents are massive as I am imparting decades of clinical expertise in a page. .
It may take a while and concerted effort to ‘get it’ all – thus I tend to ask what you need as that will sink in more.
As Vanessa and Lenley said later – they get a bit more each time. .
Do remember that pricklies is my second language, how I think and I have been immersed in it so long that sometimes I can assume.

This Zoom was called as Vanessa had hurt herself and Bronwyn was in trouble. Pain is topical as I have come back from having had x2 my jaw worked on. It seems to bring up trauma hence always we start with .. . .
Calming self
However we choose to.
In these times, we are all carrying burdens. Pain is a large one.
We need to lighten ourselves. Being in distraction mode is another.
So much unwellness about. Let us begin .. .
In any situation – First Aid is needed. . I speak of Triage – and will again below.
We do need to get the person to be back first
However that looks. Then we deal with the acute presenting problem.
Once we have gone through the classification of moves (CLICK) as in checking to see what w need to do, clearing what we can that is ready to move on, so the them as ‘stuff’ comes up (Shen again) we may attend to the FIX – and then settle them, go back through the other stages.

Shen calming – (CLICK)
Easiest is to press Sp 3
To find – run your finger up the inside of the bone of the foot.
Most acupuncture points are found in the holes in the bone – or junctions – depressions.
Pressure, pumping it – firmly is the answer.
Can bring people back from small shocks/to where they are able to be present again .
If you were sing Bach flower remedies that would be Star of Bethlehem.
Kaliana’s remedy is Aftershock.
When would we?
When there is unconciousness/vagueing out/ being ‘out of body’ however it looks.
For anyone this is a quick easy fix. If they are in recovery position – they can reach it easily themselves.
If in a faint /shock to get them to come back here.
Loosely we are giving their Shen (CLICK) a home again . . From 5 element theory – the earth needs the earth . .and can then settle.

More on Shen calming is to be found here (CLICK)
Then there is ‘anxiety’
Almost always driven by RAGE – buried.
Real anxiety is a bit hard to find sometimes – as the person is so stuck in it – it has become who they are.
These are some tips – How they may seem/feel (CLICK)
What to do? (CLICK)
Reach for the gold moxa
This is stunning in simplicity and profound effectiveness.
Another instant ‘rescue’. If it is serious/they are dying (heart attack in the past – (consciousness retrieval).
GV 26 – see more on the page of Shen Pricklies (CLICK)

This is a stop yourself from fainting/bring self back point.
It is invasive to be this close to someone’s nose .
When they need it they are likely unconscious and will not notice you there.
See the page on Shen Rescue above for more.
Shen calming – always will need to calm the Liver Qi
Likely will also need to sedate Liv 2
Why? When STUCK the Liver Qi (CLICK) is then stuck, and we get nothing working as it was designed to.
See pages 43 – 55 in the text book What Dads Can Do.

When it all flows – so do we – on automatic not needing to be in survival mode.
We have apparently unlimited choices.

Regardless of body system = from bio mechanics – everything must be in balance and flow easily. When not there pain happens.
Secondarily we can get very irritated/depressed when we have nothing flowing /seemingly nowhere to go . .
Survival reacting/thinking and reactivity are then likely.
The points on the digits are the most reactive – both in response to clear things and being the most hurtful with needles.
Ting points (CLICK) are the ones at the ends of the digits.
I include the tip of the finger/toe as the tendino – muscular meridians are servicing these areas.
Also where we may have so much scarring. Incidents with knives for one – falling through windows/protective instincts . .
Liver points

See the map of the circuitry to the right
The meridian/channel runs up both sides of the body.
The areas of grey are more internal connections and can also be influenced using points on the skin.

One of the Foundational Moves (CLICK)
Stuck Liver Qi Release (CLICK) – now you may see why it is so important.
Regardless of the ‘problem’ being experienced when we let go some of what is STUCK, all else settles . .
Seeing what the Liver Qi services will help you understand that this is key.
Not how to fix anything in the physical – but in the energy that is running the body.
Colon 4
One of the most useful points.
Both these points cool the Blood – reducing the heat that is experienced.
Heat Pricklies (CLICK)

Thus any acne/pimples – think heat. Teeth/gums
Smells/bleeding/redness/rashes – HEAT.
Using needles – we try to get a drop of blood out as that cools the blood. Blood moves with Qi . .
When it is STUCK we get PAIN . .

Why might you have this? (CLICK) Esp what Vit D3 does..
Hand moves for anyone to reduce their own STUCK (CLICK)
The STUCK (always will get Liver Qi damning up – and then ‘stress’ (CLICK). .
Where ‘stress’ goes (CLICK)
STUCK to be in pain . . .
UNDO STUCK! – 5 Flows – not flowing – Qi/red blood, blue blood, clear blood (lymph), nerves
Acupuncture in China was learned master/apprentice.
It was in the form of stanzas to be memorised. .
Helpful formulae – this is one of them.
4 Gates . . Colon 4 and Liver 3
Liver points are best coupled with colon points if you are putting needles in.
This coupling/’Mating Stems of Unlike Qi’ is to minimalise the systemic effects.
The 5 element theory info again . .
To find the first Liver points
Inside the leg and through genitals up front breasts to the top of head via the eyes. This covers all ‘women’s areas’ .
When STUCK causes grief that eventually kills
Cancers. Prior to this – almost all gyne/bladder issues.
Run your finger up between the ligaments until you stop – and there is Liv 3

LIVER 1 – is at the corner of the root of the nail.
Vanessa – actual Colon meridian(Thumb was ‘pruned; as she was hacking fruit trees)
Bronwyn – her tooth /jaw abscess
Me – the oral myotherapy
All the Stomach and Colon meridians involved. . .
Most important points – Co 4 and St 36 (brings/draws energy downwards).
Triage . . .
We do need to be gentle. .
Classification of moves (CLICK). . .
We calm the Shen
Clear out cold (stops QI and all else from flowing as it causes contraction, hardening and STUCK=PAIN)
Deal with scars /what is not supposed to be there. .
All of which are blocking Qi and Blood and thus creating PAIN and dysfunction
Start with Free Your Qi (CLICK). . .(lymph, SLQR, sacral moves. .
Here is the first segment we did earlier on this year (CLICK)
Introducing using pricklies and the ear as a micro system that is foolproof – hurts and works!
Vanessa’s hand
What she did Reiki – first thing always .. 24 hours later – painted with Lugol’s – done x 2 on 2d day . .
Negative ion pads (CLICK),
Ting points (CLICK)
Bronwyn’s jaw. Cracked tooth under the capped one – and degenerative changes in jaw.
Had an abscess drain on Friday night – and after today’s session – tooth OUT (instead of a root canal).
Also cracks side of mouth VIt B depletion and why when under attack – we need so much more.
Heat (CLICK) turns into wind inside our bodies.
Heat travels in the blood . .
WIND and points to use (CLICK)
Damp (CLICK) – infections, and smells . . use iodine (CLICK)
Sugar and the sweet taste will bring in heat problems.
AND – gum disease – heat in stomach Qi and often organs. .
SHEN CLEARING – see more practicals next week . .
ST 24 only RHS and HB’s version of this (CLICK)
NAUSEA esp hyperemesis (CLICK)
Stop this:

To press. Where the angles change is the point – in a depression.
As this can make a difference – me in a small tinny (sea sickness) whilst 13 weeks pregnant
Ideally I would not have been in the boat -being pregnant then may not have been such an issue.

About where we wear a watch.
Quesha asked about Bartholin’s cyst
Here is what I have done already on that (Problems Down There) (CLICK)