Painfree and happy!

Please also look through all I had on the messenger chat . .
Issues . . .
Declutter, get rid of what is not supposed to be there
Reset – back to ‘template’
Restore – work as life can – in season, and within your means. .
Triage – what is stopping your sleeping and why do you have such awful Shen disturbances?
This is shown as the sleep disturbances that have been mostly with you since being little.
Also anxiety .. hence I send you to here
Also here – (Stuck Liver Qi)
And then what is Blood energy and what they do within a body.
Scars – the pelvic one . .
Castor oil packs for at least a month nightly with a hottie or similar on the front, whilst you have the wadding soaked in warmed castor oil – start with the scar across pelvis and sacrum if you like – as is easier, less messy – AND STEAMING
PAIN /immobility issues . .old STUCK needs moving in. Gua sha – is something that all Asian countries tended to do. Home remedy. Called scraping or spooning and often with something as simple as a Vick’s vaporub old metal cap. Not a normal spoon – as you do not want to rub off the skin. This is often a magic fix. . please watch all on here

Most people tell me that they have changed their diet – or taken different supplements – that is a very medical/mechanical way of dealing with life. The set up was more complicated – for everyone..
Hence the table – as structure is as easy to mess with as a fall – especially with women as we have a growth plate on the sacrum, which fuses at 27 prior to this – any fall can mess with life as the pelvis is crucial in our lives.
How we were treated when little .. the past – and how that messes with what we are capable of from then on – the weekend will fill this is a lot for you – as will covered in the courses.
What we can do with – the present and all the social rules and constraints etc
Input? everything assailing us – and the diet/food and its temperature etc are small parts of this. . .

Another version
We need to work on all of this – and it can be substantial bits leave almost immediately and some are more stubborn.
Your belly/pubic scar and the calming you – (me being the acupuncturist) are vastly needed – as well as getting the cold out . .
The cupping of the navel to pull out cold – is again a home remedy from Asia. .
Also here. The strength of the suction is not to be o much as it is a bother – not alarming. The flame goes out with the warmed cup placed on the belly. The coin – MUST be used. The idea is settle in for a while – sometimes I would have it on for an hour – as it is the most powerful thing to do to so many a the stored cold is wrecking the bodies ability to do anything here is what we did for Amanda to clear up her massive complex regional pain syndrome – regardless of what label is on you – the issue is flows not flowing . . thus pain ..
So what to do first?
Breathe – and get as much good air in as possible – all has to move – so here is the free to you link on Free Your Own Qi.
Very simple to do many times a day. Energy? Usually it is due to being extraordinarily peeved. It wears us out . .

There is a big difference between LACK of Qi and being stuck . .

Here you are so incredibly STUCK that it may have been your whole life- wishing things were not as they were.
The inner fury and rage – this is why the anti depressants etc – whereas the answer was in freeing yourself – and this then is also the pain – STUCK.
No magic answers- but large chunks will likely leave as you let go – hence I suggested the weekend – as it is a huge thing to change who we are . . and feel that we are.
The resistances met along the way are to play with – as this will change all of what is happening with you.
Stuck Qi means also a lack of available magnesium and you can’t get too much of this. . .
Anything will start the changes. Who knows what will leave you first?
Expecting a supplement to magic it all away – may happen – but the body has been under so much for so long . .
The hot feet out of bedclothes at night is a telling signal .. You need to be drinking AT LEAST 3 litres of TEPID and slightly salty/not out of the tap water DAILY. I get in as much as I can before11am – and eat after then – the flushing out and rehydration is vitally important.
Daily Early Routine (from my 2001 Living As Energy)
I will send out this eBook as part of the weekend workshop. At the moment – getting wastes out of you is the key. Not so much adding stuff in. That is the foot spas and the skin brushing and of course the water consumption . . too simple – as always