
We are not beginners on this page
If possible – brush up . . before the Zoom on 26th September
This is also needed under your belt . .
We are now talking about how to HELP those who have discovered that they need more than what is on offer.
Current project – Problems Down There – for men – together
Only ‘qualifieds’
We may have (as I do) people in my orbit busily doing all the ‘experts’ say to do – and dying unwell and upset in the process.
First – find the one who wants help.
And THEY do it.
You are the signpost only

The Gentling Way . .
Multi modality – across many ways of knowing
Multi Lineage – across many times
Multi Dimensional – across as many as we can access
Transformative – expect CHANGE – radical
Qi and Body Aligning
Why men?
They are our fathers, brothers, friends, lovers, sons.
They make up half the world – arguably the loudest and when distressed, most in trouble as they hide it till the volcano goes off – as they have been taught to ‘take it like a man’ ..
We may have the residue of trying to help them in our own lives . .
Why men? Why not . .
No real answers for them either ..
And they are easy . . Men are going through the same as women with endo – body burden
Thus we start them with paradigm shift .
I suggest you see how what you offer can easily be spelt out as this is – whether for anyone or condition
Commitment – not them coming back when they feel – this is about R.I.C.E. which you likely get out of being of the *Selfing Challenge* – and is why you do it a few times – as a participant to really embody the work – and what comes up . .
He is charging because he is offering different.
AND not as well as you will – is all wrapped into the R.H.S. of the page – and when I was listening to him in 2018 in UK – he did not use castor oil or steaming – or much in the way of empowering the men – and no emotional component. (Broken Bao Mai)
He is offering the biomedical validation via physios etc also .
We all can do so much better.
I have many pages on this topic:
Beginning moves
Pelvic Opening and here
Men’s Pelvic Opening
PLUS Foundational Moves
Reconnecting – revision – the moves.
Demos of me on men
ALSO – saggy baggy – also now applies to many men – as they are inside, eating sugar, feeling fairly hopeless (no warriors needed?)
My beginnings for the prostate webinar
Different practitioners reaching out –
Cara (Canada)
Belinda (NZ) – standard ‘hard’ case
watch all as the essence needs to be ingrained in you
Using all you have been exposed to – me and Paul
(Cancer grade 4 and reversing it).
Men have had lives – often way more interesting than the average woman.
Accidents and near deaths galore.
And the emotions?
All buried.
Add to this the aging/accumulation of body burden – and there is considerable likelihood of now change or death nastily.
Esp with the recent additions to likely heart troubles/clotting
The page I had/have still up to bring men in – if I was wanting to get recipients of care
Bundles of care – and pre paid and intention is all.
the moves are the same as with women – AND the nutritional overhaul plus the emotional relieving is massive
AND the body burden – is an investment into NOT going into old people’s homes or dying unnecessarily early/awfully.
Esp if they are looking at hopeless options as none really offered by mainstream as it IS a multi modality/self help approach – involving CHANGE on all levels needed.
REMINDER – Life Recipe . .
Will all help to get you to here. .

Men Matter
We know what would make a difference
Well – at least – I know . .
You may need to watch it and embody
Marketing. ..
All who ‘know’ otherwise argue for their own limitations.
We all ripple out – who do you know?
All we know are to be impacted against with the men in their lives.

Why not?
Their resistances?
They have to be qualified – desperate enough to become empowered.
Prostatic webinar going to what?
Free Your Qi
Pelvic Opening
Foundational Moves
Love Your Man Better
Reconnecting and Living Ligaments work – YOU can do . .
Men’s Healing Practical
End of 2022
We are here.
What more playing with life as we knew it – is coming?
Let us suspend that and look to service . .
What you came here for in this now and why we are all still here in the Living Ligaments Tribe
PROBLEM – they have . . .?
We must look at ours first . .
Over the past 2 1/2 years life has been dislocated.
Some of us either are not clear on if and how we can work –
And for some – as myself – we know in our efforts of inclusion –
we are taken out by whatever is being leaked into us when we touch the jabbed.
Paring all of this down – what to do now?
1 – Can you work with those who are jabbed ?
Some of us are taken out – by the transmission of their spike proteins and whatever else and find we are resonating in their wake.
Can we work like this? How to? People more than ever need us.
Do we need them?
In service – how can we?
NOW YOU HAVE THE BASICS – and have run it through your body and life . ..
Likely have the modality/training already done to come to the Gentling Way.
If midwifery based in any form – we have the Pelvic Opening to Bonded Birthing.
If massage/touch based – or any variant of body work – the Womb Whispering.
If Qi /body aligning – Pricklies
As you are in a body – The Life Recipe/Owner’s Manual.
(Declutter, Reset, Restore).
Looking back to ‘the manual’ – default seems to be the What Dads can Do . .(WDCD)
The basics start with ‘Who Owns Your Thinking?
People come to us – as we did to those who led us to here – with something that is resistant to healing/change.
Remembering that those jabbed are now not as designed, and what USED to work may not.
We have some of the work done in 2005 for this book.

Who is likely to seek your help?
They are desperate as the usual is not working.
As here , .
What are they prepared to put in to this?
Can they afford to take the time out to remake themselves?
What will it take from you?
Those who have done any work on themselves know that it came at a price – had to undo what past habits had them comfy – to the point that they were not – into.
we have deal with this through the earlier work – Selfing – especially if you have done several of these and taken on a challenge. .
Self Discovery and on into Healing the Wounded Healer follows in that trajectory.
Reconnecting – the gut and visceral calming through the classifications of moves – and the fascial aligning to allow the past scars. form operations, incidents, accidents, falls and life to restore the blueprint you were designed for physically.
Emotional settling after trauma STUCK ) is gone.
Now we have . .
Womb whispering
Are easier to work with – once they know they are in trouble.
QUALIFIEDs – are easy
They may be ready to to themselves – over pain on many levels.
We peel back the reside . .
Seek them out
Likely the Shen
Taking out Cold
Working in scars . .
in whatever format you can is enough
How to do this?
In blocks of sessions – not one here and maybe another three. .
As with chemo – or IVF – a ‘protocol’ – and different to this – it i s to be self funded, is not validated by what people are told to think and needs to be pre paid so they have committed to the deal and whatever comes up is not in the way . .SABOTUERS are out and about.
Commitment to change . .
Whatever the inner cost may need to be spelt out
The actual hands on is easy . . Now we start
PRESENT – Lenley (G.C. Hinterland) Gail (Adelaide Hills, Vanessa and Marie (Grampians, Victoria, Hilary – Rangiora, NZ
Why we are here now . .
All have our stories – and hold ups. .
Marketing – and how do we garner outside interest . .
Presently am also sorting out he selfing teaching manuals and am on the Prostate Project
3.00– The table . . and how we work with this –
We know We Will Be Tested – by life – and the stiff that comes up within you
Same for those we work on .
5.00 – Survival . . . and all actually need touching . .
6.00 – Why we are working initially with men . .(Hilary sound was not working initially )
7.00 – Life a year ago for Lenley . .
8.30 – Biological division of labour/energy /social conditioning and our partners and sons . .
What to do with these people prevention fo teh cancer that WILL happen . .
10.00 – Medical fear based . . men easier to work with – BUT the volcano will blow . .
11.45 – We are the ONE for the men – so they have a relationship with the damaged bits – and the Viet Vet patient –
12.45 – TURPS and Rezume (Rezum is a minimally invasive transurethral water vapour therapy for benign prostatic enlargement which uses thermal energy for treatment.). .and playing with the BITS – but these like our womb – is CRYING OUT FOR HELP.
TURPS – (A transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) is a surgical procedure that involves cutting away a section of the prostate. The prostate is a small gland in the pelvis only found in men. It’s located between the penis and bladder, and surrounds the urethra (the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the penis)
Medical horror for men also
14.00 – All need to be doing intensive bundles of care. .
15.00 – Physical survival has to be managed – and the ones that keep on happening . .
16.00 – Hilary and her current issues – who would have ever thought – how we cope with the following 3 years ago .
18.00 – All about us and our own inner circle – family we made then maybe one of origin – though most of us have little impact on
19.30 – Vanessa and can she would with the jabbed? (one son and father is)
21.00 – Can’t expect to get quality medical
21.20 – Hilary’s ankle screw removal and what it entailed. . We need to be aware . .
23.00 – and what she did about it . .
24.00 – My proposed nasal surgery . . (Stair incident)
27.00 – We have a lot of the cement to hta holds it all together . . (See what is on offer above from the medicos . .)
28.00 – Gail in now
28.30 – Hilary and the help psychology of this not the wife – our role and circumcision – Bao Mai
29.00 – boys will be boys . .(and their ext bits).
31.00 – ACCIDENTS men have . .
33.00 – More to concern ourselves with . . now life
34.30 – Out of OUR survival issues – into their’s . .
35.00 – What we are here for – churching in early lives? Most come to see us due to PROBLEMS
36.00 – What problem can no one else fix?
37.30 – Men’s lives are also complicated . . .
39.00– Men need to find us first . .
42.00 – Traveling Heather
43.30 – Past the obvious. . have to have PAYING recipients . . They HAVE to be desperate. .

45.00 – Peeing problems can be fixed . . Lenley’s husband’s peeing issues – Kidney stones . .
47.00 – Vanessa and supra pubic catheter . . after first birth. How to live with?
49.30 – Lenley and stent in ureter . .for kidney stones issue
51.00 – What do people have as Plan B? When usual does not work?
53.00 – Me not realising that men get external catheters also . . Male anatomy issues
57.00 – Marie and her partner – lower back fixed . .
It is same as a womb – need to undo STRUCTURE not happy.
58.30 – Pain, peeing and panic with prevention – Duncan’s family trauma – not fixing it – following bio medicine . .
59.30 – Love Your Man Better – is an online course I need to sort out . .
1.01.00 – We are all qualified . . .and are working with LIFE – following nature . .
1.02.30 – Gail and how to use moxa? – different answers
1.06.00 – being a traveling GW worker?
1.07.00 – Three bricks of being an employee of your business. . .
1.09.00 – What is YOUR problem to accept what you are worth to them? And how much is in YOUR way???
1.10.00 – YOU have to be able to be the one to be also teaching this . . eventually . .
1.11.00 – Be creative – Free Your Qi 3 hours for Pelvic Opening: see what Mercier workers charge – or they are NOT allowed to be on her site.
1.13.00 – Work out your OWN boundaries, then what you are offering to help them FIX what problem of their’s.
1.14.45 – Watch out if they can’t get it up . . they can merge into seeing us as healing goddesses . .
1.16.30 – What you CAN do – is far more than what else is available. .
1.20.00 – YOU
Inner negative self chats. . .
External discreditions
Whatever it is that undoes your sanctuary – where you live ..
And get to function as you intended in doing all of this life and these studies . .
For others.. .

Men’s Healing – start all with Foundational Moves and the Selfing packages.
After that – Men’s Healing Practical with the various male fertility add-ons is essential for ANY couple wanting to make a baby .
As he is holding the babies back – no farmer would be that silly . . .is the byline.