Why Sperm Quality Matters


Men: listen up.
“OK” in relation to your semen analysis means what exactly???

Years of ‘unexplained’ miscarriages and IVF failures?

It is as simple as taking a farmer’s or a gardeners’ look – and sorting out the quality of the stud FIRST before attempting breeding.

1 – Reading sperm results

2 – The wrong person shows up for help

3 – A bit too obvious

4 – pH – are you drinking enough good, clean water?

5 – What is ‘normal’ and how many do you need?

Jing Markers-Men

Sperm analysis report

Sperm quality parameters

6 – How many are ‘enough’?

7 -Those swimmers – how fast – or quivering?

Question for you to ponder

8 – Why are the non motile and non progressives here?

9 – Making Naturally Better Babies

Do stay tuned . .

Come in and see me
Making Naturally Better Babies is as simple as starting from Nature and following her lead

Mother Nature is saying NO presently

Shall we find out why together?

Two weeks later. . .

Why not make the very best baby you can?
You choose even a phone more consciously .


Step one:
Are you ensuring that your seeds are the best you can possibly plant?

Pre requisites for great sperm

Historically – men were reproductively dangerous!

Revision – one man’s sperm results

Men matter . . . .

It is simple to change the course of your parenthood status


What to do?

  1. STOP “trying to get pregnant – if you need to put an effort into it – Mother Nature is suggesting otherwise.
  2. Check your sperm results against the above.
  3. Get another test done NOW as it is what was being made (and still nurtured in your body via the prostate gland)
  4. Start with all I suggest – especially get yourselves as a couple to see me or one of my Gentling Way practitioners to undo what has been stored in your body stopping perfect from expressing itself.
  5. Sign up for the Fertility Home Help Package 
  6. I am a ‘hard case’/been everywhere practitioner. I help couples overcome what seems a major dramas.
  7. If you can – see someone who is able to work holistically with you.
    (Not protocol driven – but for you – now).
  8. Take these online courses. General health retrieval home work you need is there.

Seeing Heather: Intensives together are best as you then have the tools to continue with life affirming habits in clearer and aligned bodies and as a couple. Are we aligned? R.I.C.E.

Maybe having a brief Zoom consultation may be your best way to see what next

Fertility – is a measure health

If you are a practitioner who wants to learn how to replicate my extremely easy programme – and the naturally better babies approach . .See The Gentling Way . .

More about me here/contact

Online consult info

What has happened to YOUR babies?
(Missing so far)