II Selfing 25th April


Reminder – this is a Selfing with those who have already been Arvigo Self Care teachers and my GW graduates.

Day before (CLICK)

Change your life (CLICK TO PDF) – read and take action

Here is a taste of yesterday: my Bao Mai Connector Meditation

Warning – there is a sharp bell noise a few minutes in.


What has your womb got to say to you today?

Your heart?
Will you listen?

With physical warnings ever louder

TO .    . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .  .  . .  . ..SERVICE

Maybe do this as an opening – as likely you are there by yourself – the one in this Zoom was for those also who were with others.

Quickish start (5 minutes)

1 – How is everyone?
(+ More on being Megan)

Megan is talking about her use of flower essences . . STUNNING
Matters arising – Belinda and Vanessa – anxious to know – How did Megan get out of the pretzeled womb state?

Who is here? – Leanne, Fiona, Nathalie – Yeppoon. Megan, USA. Lisa Kelly – USA
Belinda, Hilary, Evelyn, in NZ in the class
Lisa in Phuket area
Sita in northern NSW Australia
Vanessa in Vict,
Lenley and Julienne in S.E. Qld, Australia
Melissa in FNQ
Thea has a tooth problem – so not here . .

Opening meditation

Beginning meditative
10.30 – Bang bang to waken up body. .
11.45 Megan sharing and how she felt . .
12.30 – Thankful for our ability to do this.
13.15Julienne and Leanne are only here briefly
17.00 – Megan sharing . .and womb has three months to see what body has integrated the cycles. .
20.00 – gut issues took a year . .
22.00 – Vagal nerve entrapment . . . took 2 years to undo
24.00 – Aged backwards . . .and gradually got more womanly – when structure changed . .
26.30 – Liberation
28.00 – Broad ligament attachment in advanced course – was oral transmission – likely is like taking leg for a walk. Started ovulation after this
30.40 – Broad ligament move – talk to the body . . .in same position
32.35 Lisa K with broad ligament – sounds to me like the prolapse move . . Lisa K says – a lot of this got edited . .
35.00 – Lisa Kelly = Rosita was working in her VERY DEEPLY – this comes from possibly brutal . . I think is the uterine rake)
37.00Belinda and how it sounds like we do with the Mercier work . .
39.00 Lisa L and Rosita not working on her . .
41.00 – Physiogomy – sacrum . .and what it means – puffy /veiny for women . . men pubic bone (poke CV2) and L Pc 1 HEART DODG
43.00 – Julienne and the Balinese worker – VERY VERY deeply . .
46.00 – Navel imprinting . . including the astrological . .
47.30 – How the meridians form in the fetus. Phillip Beach – Balinese woman – was using diagnostic poke.
51.00 – Megan left
52.00 – Lisa K – Florida – couldn’t wait ill she got periods. . got into Arivgo work – was a massage and with a pelvic PT and attending births – and the Wurn method . . took Arvigo training instead. .
55.00Lee anne
57.30 – Mandy – can’t remember – til early 20’s
and very painful and excessive bleeding . .
59.00 – How was yesterday for you? Fiona – confronting and enlightening
1.00.00Nathalie recognising herself in a lot of stories – and the meditation connected her to 25 year old self. .
1.02.00 – Belinda – no connection with womb to date.
1.03.00 – Hilary – Inquiry of herself. .
1.04.20Lenley . . .
1.05.00 – Julienne – too busy with boys. .
1.07.00 – Melissa and how it was – confliction with her spiritual beliefs – and first time has been talking with her womb.
1.09.00 – Witch definition . . . .and the duality

1.12.30 – Feelings . . . awkward
1.13.20Sita arrived . . sat on steamer all day – and after that – could feel something has not before. .
1.17.30 – Vanessa – co-dependency with others in her space – and the importance of stories . .
1.20.0 Lisa L
1.34.00 – Hilary and her daughter starting bleeding
1.34.30Nathalie and her daughter .
1.36.00Belinda – and her daughter . .
1.37.30 – Me and tribal initiations . reporting the Tracks celebration – sons ripped away from us..
1.41.30 – Transitioning into bleeders – me being at Hilary’s with daughter and friend . .
1.43.00 – How do we get this message across to the mothers and grandmothers?
1.44.00 – Lisa L and her mother daughter – the woman within – monthlies – moves on puberty. NOT SUPPOSED TO HURT.
My version is Honoring Our Bleeding
1.51.30 – Lisa K – teenagers too hard ..
1.53.00 – Lisa L – Work with the mums . . .at least.

Mentioned – Tracks – NZ (CLICK)  Tides (women) NZ (CLICK)

2 – What makes a womb – and how does she hang?

Need to know about Spleen Qi and what it does

2.30 – Lisa L – how did her sacrum/tailbone get damaged? Neck issues mainly.
3.30 – Torsion problem is the whip lash . .
5.00 – Megan and her wondrous wombs . .
7.00 – Acupuncturists often start with terrible gyne histories .

9.30 – Womb and how she is made . .
11.00Jing – Kidney ENERGY – 7 and 8 year cycles . .

14.30 – TEETH . .. and sugar . . and fluoride . .
17.00 – ‘hormones – Liver energy . . . and your Life Library

19.00 – Follow nature . .
19.30 – If womb is somehow wrong . .see DES and Debendox (Bendectin (United States), Debendox (United Kingdom), Diclectin (Canada) and Lenotan (other countries).) and of course thalidomide ..
26.30 – Times of starvation – esp in teenage years – great mess – as will have created a wonky foundation – do NOT need Jing disruptions. Normal periods are found in the eBooks you have on this page .. (shame my period app is unavailable.
31.30 – Periods are NOT supposed to hurt.
32.20 – Bicornate uterii.
35.00 – Barbara Lomis and her work – alignment monkey sign up for all her work. .
38.00 – Me with my props . .
Woman Tides  woman tides 201801 (CLICK to download)

Wandering Womb by Barbara Loomis describes this well.

40.00 – What is found in the eBook – and how do we move womb in different position . .?

Dr Jennifer Mercier’s diagrams

42.00 – retroverted womb issues. ..
44.00 – anteverted. .and bladder issues abound.
45.30 – Hilary and Glorianna’s feet – toes have varicose veins. .
46.30 – Lisa K and vv on a Russian woman – veins gone when we take the uterus so venous return can happen . .
49.00 – need nutrients and Vit C and E
51.00 – Lisa K and fixing ‘yoga ladies’ as she fixes the bumpy sacrum.
53.00Love Your Body Better – I need to get this back up and the raw ingredients part of the phone apps.
55.00Iodine absorption and selenium and so on – liquid activated zeolites. .
57.00 – Respect growing bodes. .
59.00 – Nathalie questions . . . for her own pelvic contractions . .
1.00.30 – Stabbing – Stuck Blood. . (stuck womb in the way).
1.02.00COLD causes contraction and hardening – so things can’ t flow.
1.04.00Stroke . and a recipient of care I worked with -AND Vit D3.
1.06.00 – Lisa L and her ex . .
1.07.30 – Mandy is asked – what do you have left if you take FEAR out of the medical conversation .. Flexnor Report (CLICK)
1.11.00 – zig zag move – and do pull-ups.
1.12.00checkers needed (part of the 5 classifications) .
1.14.00 – Need to know what to do instead. .. FOOD . . can’t just go off the meds – need to recover health . . magnesium
1.16.30 – old man and off ll meds. . and what happens .
1.18.00 – Nutrients needed for connective tissue. AND no cod, raw, sweet and mobilise your Liver QI – or all the heat and so on – will mess up with the stomach being attacked.

1.20.20 – H’s prolapse story . . and my early life in the ’60’s . .
1.22.30 – 1st prolapses . . .both parents had tissues falling down. Connective tissue constitutionally – my stupid food intake.
1.25.00 – 4 times now – the shingles in eyes episode – those eyes again – so I knew i was in trouble . the mechanism for prolapse in 1978.
1.26.30 – 2nd prolapse – again obstetric violence . .
1.27.30 – Oh dear all over again – Manchester repair that wasn’t
1.28.30 – Next belly at birth hit.
1.30.00 – Me reading from manual – PROLAPSES. . could be worse with fistulas . .
– Wim Hoff – not for women . .
CAUSES of likely prolapse/adhesions to hold it in.
What can happen as well . .
1.37.00 – Down there in the WRONG PLACE . .
1.38.00 – Must undo what happened and nourish so it all can . .
1.41.00 – Different paradigm is needed.
1.44.00 – Sita – what does the Spleen do? /Spleen Qi . .
1.48.00 – Vanessa – telling us about red meat packaging.
1.49.00 – Sita and almost dying after eating meat.
1.50.00 – Toxic extras on our food – not helping life . .


Treating Amy – Bladder prolapse- after 3rd pregnancy (CLICK)
Treating in pregnancy – 14 weeks and 35/37 weeks (CLICK)

3 – Energy creating – connective tissue breakdowns

Present – Julienne, Hilary, Belinda, Sita, Nathalie, Fiona, Mandy, Lisa L, Lenley, Vanessa

Start – me explaining what to do as your own Challenge – after the workshop . . (Now is a led weekly catch up on Zoom)

3.00 – Fiona’s first experience with sacral moxa fan . .
4.30 – Do a pull up then get to your own scrum and attack it – yank it a bit – waking up circulation into the pelvic cavity.

6.50 – Do the easy as above and retest yourself . . all will happen again – Free Your QI next session . .
8.30 – Need to get a sheet out and tick it off – as I did with being on Doman programme with Kathryn as a baby.
10.00 – Me being upset about being stuck in NZ – and it getting cooler.

12.00 Sita – ‘What to do if the rage comes up – when doing SLQ’ (tomorrow for them)
13.00 – MUST be careful of the skin and lack of elasticity .
14.30 – Robin Lim – Placenta – The Forgotten Chakra (2010 pub – glysophate and the connective tissue no good.
16.30 – The problem with amino acid lookalikes. . and male fertility disasters.
17.30 Diastasis (CLICK) – see if you can find your own . .
20.00 – Nathalie‘s question about a stand out ziphoid process (under the sternum). . maybe do SLQR – and see what happens .
24.00 – Why we do not go in deep – Reichian armour bands .
25.00 Lenley wondering how to gently break through the bands . .try three totally different things – Hilary – create a permanent star=e of confusion . .so are scrambllng frequencies (Lenley). Hilary – like going round the round about – till they work it out.
27.00 – Go back to bottom circle – need the nutrients and other survival issues complete.
28.00 Life Recipe
33.30 – Books I found at Rosita’s in Advanced Spiritual Healing – Soul Retrieval, Lost Souls and Soul Retrieval Manual/ The Journey Home
36.00 – What are you holding into and why?
36.40 – pages after a session


39.00 – Need qualified people – and they need a pre qualification form – of too overwhelmed – they do not come. . (Arvigo form)
41.00 – Be selective with who comes – and they are desperate . . (eg Amanda with twins and SIta coming to watch).

ME setting boundaries . . . and YOU have to change first – to see what dictates (to get better) – brings up for you

47.00 – We are not here to save the world . . although we may be directed to . .
48.00 – Why we do classifications of moves . .
49.00 – With ONLY Accident Recall – all sorts come up – as eventually we had a rape and all sorts come up . . and towel and bashing house then birthing the rage. Need to come up with what to do??
52.00 – Hilary – and not sending them out with their ‘knitting half unpicked’. . Duty of care – need to send them out intact . .
54.00 – Lenley and ‘false positive’ with Acc Recall . .does not matter.
55.00 – Evelyn arrived in.
56.00 – Lenley treating her son ..
58.30 – Diastasis – structural integrity missing – Vit C, Zinc and minerals. . . people try hard and often are actually breaking themselves . .
1.01.00 – Change yourself – not the family member (they are half you).
1.02.00 – Vanessa sharing she changed, then her son transformed . .why we do the challenge – we do what we expect others to.
1.04.30 – Gall Bladder cleanse – is part of the Detoxing eBook – use castor oil packs all over the abdomen every night . .
1.07.00 – We are NOT their mother – thus we have R.I.C.E.
1.08.00 – Old people’s wisdoms versus making $$$ from keeping people not well.
1.09.30 – They write down and go off with a list .. .and then you heck they got what you meant – changing habits are not easy.
1.18.00 – Lisa L – people listen when they can. Sabotuers again . . .
1.20.00 – Keren and her 3 kidneys – and the very demarkated diastasis . . and how she fixed it.
1.23.30 – Sita and her ‘overdoing it’ . .
1.25.00 – Nathalie and the amazing scar changes with a moxa stick . .
1.27.00 – Hilary and Belinda – we can’t always see what we have ourselves. – things to do in between . .

4 – Finishing up and meditation

Start – Nat telling us what happened with their playing about (this is NOT usual Selfing – we are all practitioners and Nat’s lot were all workers of her company).
2.50 – Lenley – Feeling scar and then attack the sacrum and try it again . .
4.00 Vanessa – also – use castor oil . . keep doing it . .
6.30 – Hilary – and her story. Self care. .
8.30 – Evelyn – C scar again – we are all practitioner and patient
9.30 – Sita and her son (me calling her out again . . .master – apprentice) Enabling an adult to NOT be adult.
13.00 – WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO ME?? Life Rescue
14.00 – Finishing off before we off out with the meditation . .
15.15 – Why the medical solution (hand out hormones) will not work – Megan as the example again.
17.00 – Sita and story of friend’s story of the mesh coming out from the skin . . (not a G.P. problem)
19.00 – Nathalie – anything that is foreign to the body – needs to come out . .
20.30 – Was to do Discovery – but I left the country and life was no longer STUCK but change constantly . .
24.00 – Need more structure in YOUR OWN life.
25.00 – Belinda – prices rising . .
26.30 – Nathalie – and being in service . . BUT few were doing homework . .we all have this – and work on self FIRST
29.00 – ‘I don’t feel like it’ is not good enough
Gratitude and connection
Today – acceptance (not forgiveness).
Soul choose lessons and outcomes – if not there yet – what do you need to give up – so it can . .
31.30 – Soul Mantra . . see more here .
36.00 – getting organised for the meditation

Meditation – coming home

1.03.00 – Getting out of the space slowly . .
1.04.30 – Lenley and stabbing pain with mother mention . .
1.05.30 – Mandy feels blocked in third eye . . Natalie giving helpful suggestions. .
1.08.00 – Vanessa –

Moon phases (CLICK)
Men’s business – transitioning to being men – NZ (CLICK)  Australia (CLICK)
Treating Tender (CLICK)

Other meditations are found here