Originally I called this – Massage Moves for Acupuncturists
We do need to clear the Damp/Phlegm (CLICK)We are stuck till we do.
All else backs up behind it – and flows are thus impeded.
How can a needle alone move this?
If you are an acupuncturist, you may have found that it can’t.
I always used touch in my acupuncture – now called a ‘body worker’.
My major acupuncture lecturer was a chiropractor from 1977-9. His mission seems to me now to have been to get us as practically trained to help all as many as possible. This was prior to the coming of the drugs that now afflict the Western world. Before when pain was present – it was endured.
Home remedies, if not working – were then added to by folk lore. What was passed down. Now we know to take pills. These used to say – ‘when pain persists – see your doctor’. Now it is – more pills. Different ones – stronger – ever more.
What is in the online course Foundational Moves? Please go to the bottom of the page and download the document.
The idea of Pain as a message – in all East Asian Medicine.
Pain (CLICK) is present as flows are not flowing.
Answer? – Clear the obstruction and all flows/circulation is relieved – pain gone. Simple.
Pain is telling us something – decoding this now seems to be foreign.
In late 1970’s – as a new acupuncturist I had mostly pain walk in.
Any age – periods, joints, backs, necks – and life.
No pain walked out. I moved it on . . .
It had to be better – or I did not eat. As a single mum I quickly worked out what worked – and did that.
I call this Foundational Moves as we need to start at the beginning
Move the Qi
Needles are not always the first place to start. Hands – purposeful intentional moves – first.
AND – Why NOT cold? (Wastes Yang Qi) (PULL OUT THAT COLD)
Showcased on this online course:
How to undo pain – anywhere – we get the Qi and lymph flowing
Often this loss of stress/tension allows the structure to reconfigure.
We build on the Self Soothing and the Move Your Qi challenge and the Pelvic Opening from (What Dads Can Do’)
(All of these are found elsewhere – if you are interested in the entire or part of package – let me know).

1 – Loosening the Lymph Congestion/Massaging Upper Body
2 – Pulling Out What is Blocking Natural Circulation Restoration (COLD)
3 – Upper body incl sinus congestion
4 – Lower Body – incl prostate drainage
5 – Sacral Chakra
6 – Gua Sha
7 – Point Percussion
8 – Moxa Usage (especially in pregnancy – and all back ache resolution).
Seen through the different parts of the body and what we can loosen off. .
The lymph, once moving, will collect the toxins that are collected in the different areas.
We clear the cold away – allowing the past preoccupied more Yang Qi to return to heal all that it has missed.
A taste of what is in store . ..
Reset Your Metabolism – is a separate entity
The Secret to Being Well – (massive multi media step you through my 40+ years of perfecting the navel cupping)
Interesting Moxa Usages – (from my being a punk moxa queen )
Topical Iodine – the key to life now
Peri steaming – multiple traditions all cultures used warmth and plants and water to help heal

Holistic multi modality, multi linage transformative energy body work – always through heartful hands
PULL OUT THE (systemic) COLD?
Foundational Moves – hands – cups – gua sha – point percussion – lymph moving – touch therapy/gouging with intention – sacral moxa fan