Enhancing new life – Nourishing


Nourishing life is all about your ‘food factory

This series is about ensuring mum has what she needs to rebuild herself AND thus make the best baby possible.
This means – your Spleen energy is the key.
The strength of what YOU were bequeathed (Jing).
What care and attention was given to YOU as a new one -to regularity/safety and ensuring that your sovereignty was not breached.
How/what could I mean?
Let us look to normal and then you can see how the ‘we-don’t-know’ brigade have infiltrated into all aspects of what is totally outside their scope of practice – LIFE and creating/maintaining perfect. Sustainable Humanity.
YOU on the other hand – are vested in living as well as possible ans bringing forth perfection – in all you do.

PLEASE – ask yourself – why do I feel the need to investigate?
What d I see/think is ‘safe’ – responsible even?
To not TRUST that your body is doing the perfect job?
Who does my doubt serve?
No testing/scans are needed –
Your body does it all by itself – when you (middle circle – that thinks that it is in control) do not get in the way . .

What might I mean?
Here we deviate into my life’s discoveries.

This may need some unpacking . . what do you see yourself here as ? Dust to dust – or a soul being here on a mission?
The three circles – we are more than a body (bottom one) That in itself is misunderstood – that is your temple whilst here – you have been gifted a body – to play in – to live here and to learn and to serve . . who may be your question? At this time – LIGHT.

Why has this new being graced your body/life?
Maybe live now for them – the highest good of all concerned . .
Back to the circles . .
Living in the middle one . .
That is no sense of balance as that is programmed – and as such can get woefully out of hand. .

Are we here to appear to be in balance? The middle is as people are normally – thinking that they are in charge – when really the bottom is your foundation – and the top is why you are here – and what you contracted to do whilst undoing what is the residue of pretending that ‘life’ is the distraction that you have ‘bought’.
WAKE UP time is now. . . to get to where you ARE of service in this land we call ‘life’.

Balance? Being aligned with life – that is the bottom circle. Your entry/portal to the game of life here on this planet.
Your body MUST be respected/honored FIRST.
We are all here through the grace of QI – and Jing interfacing at the level of the three heaters.

WHAT KEEPS YOU ON THE PLANET – your gut . .here is the energy explanation

The three heaters – only ONE line in this poster is the choice of food consumed.
There is so much more to consider to have all working as designed.
When pregnant – you have the opportunity to be totally distracted – as most seem to think that the baby being made happens on automatic – but what with? You need more than food in to satisfy your stomach’s messages . .

Then we have – what do YOU call ‘food’?

Only one leg of the table of life is about INPUT – and that also includes the information that sells itself as being real – that is flooding the eyes/ ears and being processed through the programming by your computer – head. Not belly, gut instinct – where did that go?
Look to the bottom right – WHAT can your body do with it?

Healthy eating for a well pregnancy/baby/life – starts with not the food chosen, but what your body can do with it once within your belly. . .
GUT HEALTH – see more here . .
AND . . . Print this out please.

What is needed to grow a well being?
Fat, do click all of these as they take you to where you will learn heaps. (NOT SWEET) protein and minerals, vitamins included as it is ALIVE when you eat it and you reassemble to what YOUR body needs.
When making a new life – it goes into a very different than usual mode.
Starting with the bleeding years were you in fact ensuring your baby nest was to be perfect?
Now is the time to undo ALL ‘body’ issues that you felt were trouble.
Your body is in remodeling YOU as well as constructing a new being.

Women make the future . .
One body one heart, one being at a time

If you wish to learn more –
I suggest that you start here . .
What we would have been handed as oral wisdoms is gone.
Bringing some back is my mission