Did You Get Cold?


As we are in the transition of seasons, it is likely that you may have been distracted
when you needed to pay attention

Did you come back from camping, being in a breeze at the beach, at a BBQ – and now are a bit sick? Or maybe – you got yourself Bells palsy? (In East Asian Medicine this is called wind cold in the face channels – that is easy – take the culprit away and restore balance – which you DID not have before – as you let it in!) Western medicine will tell you you have been sneezed on – or ‘caught a virus’. Well – you CAUGHT it – why not let it pass you by?

By being well and resilient. Vibrant even
The odd climatic change is brushed off – when a body is happy (and you being sensible).
Common sense – and too obvious – as it is TOO SIMPLE.
All cultures knew – and when a fever happened – they knew also that it needed to break – otherwse death followed.
How did they know? Observation -not always – but often enough ,

Answering this little asked yet simple question (did you get cold) leads you to maybe understanding how to help your body work better. Work WITH not against your inner flows.

Of course as we have a dominant ‘medical’ reality that assures you that what goes in your mouth, your life habits and what you expose yourself to – as long as it is NOT smoking or ‘excessive’ alcohol – all is well. Maybe ask these experts what caused my a,b,c,(whatever you have) and they will say ‘ BUT you have to x,y,z. .partake of their solutions regardless. Their standard answer – ‘more research needed’ is not required.
Instead – undo what you did to yourself.


1985 – Son at 18 months getting really bad cough and not ill – but cough. As an acupuncturist/lecturer/teacher asked myself what I would I tell a patient? Warm the night air. Before he went to bed 7.30 pm – the heater warmed room. I went to bed later – 11ish and reheated. Got up around 3am and repeated.

Two days – later – no cough – TOO SIMPLE

All elders knew this. As youngsters also – they may not have wanted to hear what they were told as younger people – but they worked it out the ‘hard way’ – that their parents actually knew.

The current fashion (and these were debunked in 2014 by the ‘inventor – RI.C.E.- still are what is expected when any damage is done – reach for the ice – this SLOWS any healing. Icing a bit of your body to numb it in reality – stops the blood flowing. Leading to all sorts of catastrophes – including you being ‘dealt with by professional structural ‘helpers for a fee. This take much longer than it could have.
If you had listened to your body – NOT added in ice.

PAIN is a message – do not use.
When you shut that warning down – trouble can be expected .
You will be out of action for longer than had you STOPPED – listened to your body to let it deal with it. (Less wilfulness is needed).
When there is a swelling, the fluid is there as protection.
Tissues need warmth to allow the blood and lymph to do their thing – all East Asian ‘hit’ medicine knows this.

In clinic – I regularly started back at the beginning. Where all the other therapists had missed their cues

You can see more in the online course that you can take RIGHT NOW and get the gems of my practice in Foundational Moves
This showcases a session for one man – who left in a state of wonder. He knew that it would be so. I was the magic life changer. They followed what I said to do (always a good idea) and he and his wife become grandparents. They came to see me in 1986 – supposedly infertile after 7 years of trying. From the age of 16. They had two girls in quick succession. Here we were filming thirty years later – two grand babies.

What did I do for them? Then and for everyone ever since?
Cleared out what was stopping nature doing its thing.

Starting with – take the cold out

Always. .,
Regardless of what people came in with. And often boringly (esp for me) every time I saw them – as they continued to GET COLD). Thus when you go about being smart – and acting tough – (granny would say stupid) plunging your whole self into an ice bath, camping out, sleeping with the window open (as it was hotter when you went to bed), ‘earthing’/standing on cold ground that allows the cold to enter the very core of your body via the point Kidney 1 on the sole of your foot and travel into your wombspace, your intestines and your gut – to massively impact also in your back and ability to comfortably LIVE in your body), drinking cold things and generally being cold out in a breeze, or stuck with insufficient clothes/shelter in the weather – this messes with your body’s ability to keep itself within the limits that allow life to blossom.

COLD – what it does to life
Causes contraction, hardening, loss of circulation thus PAIN
See what it does to water.

We apparently are 70 % fluids

If you have seen me in my decades of working with apparently hopeless when no one else seems to have answers – you likely remember I put a glass cup on your belly, left it there for ages, lit a bunch of moxa on ginger slice, placed it on your navel with warmed salt and you walked out WITHOUT whatever you came in with. You may wish to do this at home yourself – as that is where it WAS already – in so many cultures – cupping was the first thing to do – and /or scrapping/spooning – called Gua Sha.
Too simple – because it is – this is what people did before seeing anyone to spend money on their ‘health’.

All simple ‘grannies ways’/’old wives tales’ from varied cultures warn of getting cold. Use head coverings, protect/cover your waist – so as not to get cold in the kidneys, staying out of the cold night air, bring in all the kids inside when the ‘cold fell’ – and generally soothing – warming with broths, stews, and warm beverages on cold nights. NIT a coke from the fridge.
Everyone knew to warm up all foods. fluids before offering them to small children.
Everyone knew – how to Live Well. Lost – as we get told the next new (retail driven) bright idea.. YET

Homeostasis is what all living beings most work with. Constantly. Inner controls.
Very minor adjustments are what keep life flourishing.
When the body is NOT able to work as designed, trouble ahead . .
You are told that you ‘caught’ cold – or a chill – if you live with the older ways – ‘old wives’ tales’
If you are inDOCTrinated into the dominant medical ways – the only thing that gets you ill supposedly is something that you need protection from – hence get your jab/pill or stay quaking inside in fear – being daily told how dangerous it is to not follow dictates..

BUT – is this really how a body works?
Being shut down, inside and wearing masks for the past few years – possibly some who brought this notion are starting so wonder.

Maybe my 45 year career of being called in – when all else fails – may be of assistance?
people were directed to e after seeing the old lady on the bus get ever more spry – by their child care worker’s dads story magically no longer needing an operation – by their neighbour getting pregnant and not miscarrying as usual – by their own dad going off his medications as he was getting younger everyone said – ‘maybe Heather can help’.
All I ever did was undo what people had done to themselves so the body could then heal itself.

As a natural health care detective, I started my first Brisbane city clinic in 1979.
From there, I left no stone unturned to discover what could possibly assist – me as anew mum – and those who came to me in deep distress as back then , no anti iinflammatories, arthroscopies laprotomies, progesterone or HRT – no key hole surgeries scanning or even stomach and duodenal assistance – so people were desperate and thus were likely to do as I suggested – follow nature- allow their bodies to heal.

When I was asked to wrote anew acupuncture course and teach it – I knew we needed to start with HEALTH – what is it?
Do you ever wonder what causes health?
What trips this process up?
NOT living according to the Life Recipe would be a good start.
Then – not being aware of what causes dis-ease?
In East Asian Medicine, there are three factors

1 – Emotional – internal climates
2 – External and accidents
3 – Miscellaneous. ONE of the 15 or so is bugs – viruses, bacteria and the like.
ONE of the fifteen – is the focus of a retail industry. That recent version of how to live (since 1908 with advent of the Flexnor Report
Prior to this – all cultures had their own traditions. They were perfectly capable of working with nature as they had been around making a different sense of life and thus were in tune with . . the elders and their wisdoms and their lineage of rituals and initiations and ‘staying within their lanes; – lost forever as the push for profit took away what wove families and communities together.

This helps explain why possibly you are not in great shape

Shall we do something about this?

You may wish to learn more – what causes health?
And what can YOU do to free/move YOUR own stuck – body. pains and life?
Did you think that the Foundational Moves course sounded like a great place especially as then you can undo your loved ones’ upsets and they then can play with YOUR body. Here is a half price deal – for this brief newsletter only.
GRAB the ways that YOU can change anyone’s life – all and any of these techniques, suggestions and life enhancers work.

Just your own loving intentions and your own heartful hands

In pain?
Maybe look here – as it is STUCK (trauma – as body is storing stuff) that you need to move on.

More options here
Being Woman (a free taster)
Unblocking Your Scars – your own hands and a few simple tools – ($27 US)
LIFE Essentials – why you need to eat a rainbow on your plate – simple wholesome and in season ($97 US)
Easy Pregnancy Resources – a gift to anyone who wants to have naturally easy parenthood ($97 US)

And of course – Foundational Moves (usually $197 US
If you click here it will be half price for you

WHAT DO I GET? What you will find within:
How to undo pain and suffering – with your own hands. 
Plus get yourself some tools – massage cream or oil, large glass cup (large coin, matches, moxa wool, moxa stick, Gua Sha spoon)

1:Introduction/welcomeIntentions/HousekeepingApprox 4 minutes2 posters
2: Pulling out what blocks flowsCupping cold out /using moxa/ginger/saltApprox 8 minutesMiracle of moxa eBook
3: Lymph – upper bodyClearing with fingersApprox 7.5Poster
4: Lymph – lower bodyAs above + pelvic clearanceApprox 8 minutesInstructional poster
5: Upper body manoeuvresChest, flank and SLQ release, butt for the upper body & ribs from behindApprox 12.5 minutesInstructional poster
6: Pelvic/sacralLower lymphatic & prostatic drainage/sacralApprox 11 minutes 
7: Gua ShaWind & old STUCK removalApprox 6 minutes 
8: Point PercussionFinishing offApprox 5 minutes 
9: Moxa UsageMainly with the moxa stick/poleApprox 7 minutesMoxa in pregnancy eBook,
2 pages of WDCD
10: ConclusionPRACTICAL & going on furtherApprox 2.5 minutes 
What to expect ALL UPHow to help yourself & others of OUT of stuck/ pain/congestion.Approx 72 minutes2 eBooks, 5 posters 2 pages from WDCD

Simple hand moves – plus this cupping . . . too simple and worldwide wisdoms –
SELF EMPOWERMENT starts with YOU being in charge. .
YOU are more than capable:

It all works!!

Link to my last year’s autumn ‘clinic’ newsletter
So much that you could do with actioning . . .
Better health gives you a better life!