The days/weeks/years – escaping . .
It seems that I have not sent out a ‘clinic’ newsletter since this one for Christmas (CLICK)
What are we all doing?
(Love to hear from you . . seriously).
I am no longer a kiwi commuter.
We are no longer visiting Australia, refugees, grey nomads or house sitters
We are now in our NEW HOME.
In Far North Qld.
The NZ life gone for good. We live past Ravenshoe (Pronounced Ravens – hoe) on the highest road in Queensland (higher than Arthurs Pass in NZ)
Are you “OK”?

Damp . . . .
Please look at an energy explanation here (CLICK)
Then also . .the elephant in the room .. .
A lot reading this will not be ‘OK’. Those around you are in deep trouble. Some may even be unexpectedly no longer ’with us’. . (I remind you that it is my job to work out how to fix the hopeless) I never was a straight acupuncturist, or a purist naturopath or solely a herbalist, or energy worker, and always merged everything I thought that would work.
Always hands-on and heart connected . . . .
Coping with change – it is all around us.
Live very differently – we are all being directed to – so – embrace change . .
Maybe look to the meditation work I did in 1999 – to assist patients cope with life THEN – for the non sleepers, the too tense ones, those who can’t visualise, can’t meditate . .
Free to download here (CLICK).
Many have been able to get themselves back to sane/sleeping and living better this way . .
More supporting info and graphics here (CLICK)
Life Recipe (CLICK) – what we need to Live Well . .
Maybe wonder if a consultation with me and a look through what is happening – what you could do somewhat easier is possible? Many have. .I can then get you in touch with the resources you need. And of course – as part of these sessions – I give you some extras to be going on with at home. Whilst I have been not in clinic I have been productive. . .
Do you or someone you know – have a pregnancy happening?
Instead of handing over responsibility and hoping for the best in these times – or if someone has a ‘high risk pregnancy – why not come to the one who everyone does eventually – WHEN NOTHING ELSE WORKS?
I have decades of being the one when all midwives, obstetricians and hoping it will all get better – doesn’t.
The kit for self help is here:
Easy Pregnancy Resources (CLICK) – this goes more than the actual What Dads Can Do book I produced in 2005 – and whilst it has the 2 videos and the charts to be printed and laminated. PLUS the a small eBook series about nourishing and sustaining a well pregnancy – in these times this is NOT assured.
I wrote it to lead those through who may have to go through a loss – sensitive and very useful.
Men Matter (CLICK)
I have a webinar for you – if a man matters in your life . .
Or you are one!! And your quality of life is important to you
And you want more than what you have /is ahead.
Maybe NOW you pay attention (CLICK)
What can I do to help you?
Especially if you have come out of the mish-mash of horror that we have had fed to us in the past two years . .
1 – I CAN see you – if you travel. Hands on intensives . . .
(Focused bundles of care still – as one off and see how we go in this time is not either what I do – or what YOU need)
2 – I can be available (as I likely still have your life history in my head) online Zoom – see consult info here (CLICK).
3 – I also have online courses that are being rejigged for now – and onto a different platform.
Also –
4 – I am teaching/training those who wish to help themselves.
Home Help
We start all with Selfing.
Up until life changed – I was doing these as weekend seminars. Many of you may have attended and found yourself transformed – that is what we need now to think through – how to be a different version of ourselves?
For those of you who are in the Northern Hemisphere, two teachers monthly are alternating two time ones to work with you. This is gentle, powerful and very respectfully undoing what has made you, you . .
I am now working in the Men’s Selfing courses.
Prostates/heart/pain/moods and life in general.
I will let you know when these are ready.
Maybe reach out if you are interested in any of what my dedication and life experience have to offer?
Heart Issues?
I have also . .congestive heart failure – brought in by a viral myocarditis in the late 90’s.
I am incredibly grateful that I worked out how to fix myself. After 18 years of being ON the A.C.E. inhibitors, I have been free of them for years now.
I tend to go through conditions that then make ne see things very differently.
Over the decades I have sorted out why – for me and all who show up.
It sometimes takes me a while. .
Thus heart issues – do not scare me.
Here we are.
You may need to know.
You CAN make such a difference – not only with mega topical magnesium – ask me. .
yeh medial ‘take’ on the jab damage is you have anxiety. .
Having had a severe cardiac issue myself – I know how deeply the fatigue/inability to live is
Thankfully I had no pain. I have stopped heart attacks a few times with my fingers – see the link for more.
My passion is teaching
The theory of life and wellness is wrapped around soul and heart and shows eventually in the body. Home Help. I am teaching online what I call Practical Pricklies.
(As an example, I recently needed an ambulance – from The Gap to the Royal Bne Hospital at 2am. It was to be AT LEAST 7 hours. To get a ride. I could have walked there faster. (That is a hint as to why the silence). So – as with the Ghostbusters. “WHO are you going to call?”
Might need to be YOU – who needs help.
Ever wanted me to teach?
Here we are . .
My students may reach out and ask what to do. All my students are stunned as even they may have with no prior awareness – they are able to help – even acute kidney stones – and who knows how useful the medical proves is?
Help yourself . .
There ARE online courses that are pitched at results based, and all of it works. .
As an example – the work I did on all – is totally replicable.
If you wonder what is involved, or you feel compelled, do reach out.
If you wish to talk with me – I am on the phone when it has enough signal – best to email me. The internet also needs boosting yet .. Good enough for Zooms as I have been teaching still.
My position statement

I am aware this is not what you want to hear.
I do not want to state the obvious – but here goes.
What sets me apart?
I am not a coward.
You know me to be direct (the kiwi way)
I am often told that I am too blunt.
Some of us learned the hard way that not all is as it seems.
I am good at my job – being a natural health detective.
I ask questions and look under – and around . . and often where I do not want to go.
Disclosure – some of us are different.
You are possibly also.
Too sensitive?
Food/environment upset you?
Mold especially.
All my children are vaccine damaged.
Tends to run in the family (my mother’s side only).
I did not imagine that anything we ‘all knew’ was ‘good for us’ actually was not.
My cousin died of a bad batch – 20 years later – the NZ medicos tracked it back to this. She was not the only one.
My sister nearly died in front of me of anaphylaxis when I was 4 years old. She was massively affected by egg white – how?
Vaccines were (and often still are) Grown on chicken eggs. And – since mid 90’s – with the explosion of auto immune ane autistic issues – human diploid cells from aborted fetuses – as are the current fashionable ‘must have ‘ jabs . .
My two elder sons were never themselves again after a real vaccination.
I took a lot of effort to undo what I could . ..
As a trained observer, who works at the edge of possibilities. I use logic – if I can’t prove it wrong – it must be right. Not the other way which is flawed (and highly dangerous) to the core. When unsure – wait and see and follow nature, rest and drink more water, be happy would be a good start). Let the body work it out itself. .
As designed to.
My daughter is dreadfully handicapped – she is still in nappies, profoundly autistic, at 35 years old. Massive life misdirection.
My youngest son was not vaccinated till he was 12 1/2 – at my initiation – he got 3 jabs and he was never the same after this.
I have been continually health damaged if I signed up for more vaccines (never a flu one).
We are all different.
I got to use all my skills to rescue my children – and as adults. Thus – when a non vaccine comes along and we have to – or else – after I already lived after the actual Wuhan ‘variant’/mutation – I had a few words . . in the early on clinic newsletters – to get you to question – as this is not what we were told. Given you know me as the one to go to when nothing else has worked, it will be no surprise to you that I have been somewhat silent.
Real problems . . .
YOU may have no idea how distressed those of us who are here to help.
Really to assist in the coming times. as Lightworkers and healers feel.
Used to be that when medicine got it all wrong – you came to be mended.
Used to be they were APPARENTLY operating in First Do No Harm.
Used to be that they cared – and referred it o those they found who had skills where they did not.
Used to be that they knew their place – stopping dying – reactively – as their scope of practice was NOT and still is not – enhancing life.
That disappeared a while back.
Left all with the superstitious notion/fairy-tale of ‘there to help’.
Lofty ideals – not seen in practice for decades as I have been at the ‘coalface’ catching the ones who thought it through and were directed somehow to see me. Then I got to work- thinking – returning the body back to what it s template could . and did – with an improvement in circulation and nutrients.
All conditions – regardless of medical label/prognosis and apparent ‘hopelessness’.
As those of you who came with terminal cancer diagnoses can attest – if you do not undo what is happening – and the body is warning you – ever louder – things will eventually ‘go pear shaped’. Usually when all hope is lost – people say (for decades now – go and ask Heather.
Here I am . . . (STILL).
In early 90’s – I was teaching my colleagues how to work with AIDS – as I was teaching under and post graduates. The Brisbane college I had designed and written and was the foundation teacher in 1981 – I went back to try to rescue it in 1992 – so the teachings were back with what worked. (This did not happen – thus the VERY LOUDLY INSISTENT push in me now to resurrect what DOES work – Move the Qi . . ).
I had been one of the three people from Australia at an AIDS and Chinese Medicine conference in San Fransisco – and ended up with a clinic 1/3 with frank AIDS , 1/3 trying to become parents, or being pregnant – and 1/3 general everything seen a being too hard/’hopeless’.
Interesting times.
Did we forget?
Thus I look at what is happening now – and I wonder WHERE DID THINKING GO?
Some of us have not outsourced it.
I am ‘putting my neck out’ as When Good People Do Nothing – we get the media bought off and The Story as it is,.
Do you look to see what is actually happening?
A few weeks ago I watched Ottawa, Canberra and Wellington – humans being treated beyond contempt. By ‘the government’ . . .
Kindness? Logic?
Out the door.
Did all forget that we all bleed red?
That w are all here as part of a whole?
That we are all connected?
That we are all here together to experience, learn, grow?
The medicos – (Whatever happened to First Do No Harm??) if they all stood up and said what was happening – none of this would be our ‘reality’ now.
If you did NOT get a non active/’I am OK – what is YOUR problem’ shot – watch out – for the third . . . the ‘powers-that-be’ decided that AL get done. Only 6 months grace – no placebo’/ inactive trial group – so if you had no problems NOW. You may need to know. I will do a specific ‘I was jabbed – what now?’ newsletter next week. . Do send this on – as pretending all are ‘anxious is not all of the story – of course secondarily . .
What about what instigated? My old line again – ‘you were OK till?’
You are ‘OK”? Really????

Who will you call?
Those tasked with helping – who have another agenda????
(We can all compare the levels of alarmed action 2 years ago and the REAL issues now ignored . .
A lot of you reading this will not be – or those around you are in deep trouble. Some unexpectedly demised.
Bullied into doing something that felt wrong – now living in an abuse situation – nationally and globally – as all seemed to have a servant mentality – a ‘make nice‘ gene – following a leader – even when – you doubt – you do – why?
At least 30% of us are at the core – unable to follow.
I be one.
That is why you found me initially . .
And often stayed keeping an eye or ear open in my direction for sometimes over 40 years . .
If you wish to talk with me – I am on the phone when it has enough signal – best to email me. The internet also needs boosting yet .. It is good enough for Zooms. I have been relating with the world this way – teaching all through this crazy time..
You reached out to me at some point – I am still Heather
How I got to be here . .

Here to help.
There are so many courses and ways you can directly help yourself and those you love.
Again – at least have a listen . .
(See if I put you to sleep).
I designed this for a patient who as a new mum – was dying (she did) .
Who addresses the midwiving into elsewhere?
Known mainly for my assisting the maiden to mother/midwiving into this life – I also have been here for those when the often heartless medical machine is bereft of ideas we are not here ONLY as bodies. .
if this resonates – may be reach out. .
Free meditation tracks . . (CLICK)

(I still have these as posters should you wish . . .
Thank you for being in my life
You may have come upon me in many of these guises . . .
Much love to all

(It really WAS that big)
Best wishes to you,

Heather Bruce