First draft – imperfect action . . My learning?
QR code has to be considerably larger.
It was to send people to this page – we will do another run on my return .
This gets the Selfing teachers out of trouble – (and they can onsell).
If you wish to get one – or two packs – please let me know as I am posting Monday morning then gone . .

Here is what would have happened if the QR code worked . (I will take this para off soon)
To be here you have clicked on the QR code at the back of the FREE YOURSELF Action Card pack . .
Below is a bit more about the cards, how they came about and how/what I got out of the content on the card that you have picked . .
No particular order – the card project is in a draft state (Imperfect Action.) You presently have to go through the list to find ‘your’s’.
The numbering is random. It was for the Selfing teachers who when n virtual class, with no cards on hand could play the game by asking you to choose a number, and they then explain how that number shoes up in this list.
NOW is all we have
In our Selfing classes, (the intensives we run sometimes),
these cards more than other’s ‘Wisdom’ cards have been what brings up are always highly to the point.
You are the most important person in YOUR life. Essence of Selfing

Origin – I have an explanation of why they are in this set
These differ from the average ‘wisdom cards’ as they are not massaging ego. Not ‘speaking as though’ the ‘I’ listening is the middle.
WE ALL NEED TO MOVE UPWARDS – to awaken our own upper circle. (See below.) These cards are all based on getting out of our own way – through poking ‘self’ out of complacency – into service – at least for the reason we showed up on this planet at this time.

1 – We are all of the Light and may have forgotten
(See more here) This work is based on my earlier times (1990- 94) in the Antakarana daily line forms found in the Rainbow Bridge (Part 2) – written by ‘two disciples’ see more on this on the links here https://heatherbrucehealing.com/healthy-living/meditation/beings-of-light/
2 – What does it mean to be me?
Option Process (1991) – to get past the programming – go UNTO it . .for now – this minute and what comes up.
3 – I own – “it is my feeling that…”
Option Process (1991) – acknowledge self and ‘gettings’- make it all about YOU (middle circle)
4 – I suspend judgement. (Especially of myself)
Selfing – love others – as THYSELF . . .. reminder – all this culture was based on – Christianity (some version of lip service – actually states in the Bible. Letting go the middle programming – to live in acceptance of being here in the Light.
5 – I came here alone. I leave alone
My having attended many births – it became very obvious to me that we come with ourselves – and leave with ourselves. And that here is (as in birthing into form from our mothers. A process of arrival/ welcoming when we leave . .with what? When we identify as the middle only – here may be seen as all there is.
6 – All that life asks of me is that I take another breath
From being Kathryn’s mum – life – one breath only can be lived at a time – and after that one – be present for the next one – and life changes when we LIVE – really LIVE in our bodies. .
7 – If I don’t know, what would I guess it be?
Option Process – going down through the process – and taking any possibility of judgment out of the deal. (Maybe see the Life Rescue) Peeling back layers of ‘self’.
8 – When I get out of my own way, magic can happen
Retreat from Middle Circle programming – the ‘only way’ is what ‘I’ think /believe – and maybe need to take direction from higher up . . .
9 – A fish does not know that it is in water
Middle Circle – same as ’I do not know what I do not know’ – awareness expansion (open to change) needed.
10 – I am not there, now
Programming – we live in the present yet most of what we believe/expect is based on past – and may not even be our own . .handed down. . Life/time moves on – have we? (Expectations/beliefs from the middle)
11 – What is my story? (The Pay Off?)
Self awareness . . what is coming up for the shift of perspective at this minute?
12 – What shifts – if I live from my heart?
Process – to ask the inner question – how would change LOOK like?
13 – When I accept the limitations of others. . . .
What happens if I buy into their box? If I try to live out someone else’s attempt to make sense of . . likely I lose myself – am I ready to go upstairs (Top Circle take over) yet ?
14 – I don’t know what I do not know
Open to . . .learning. ..growing . .. need to give permission to get out of the cage
15 – The gift of a question
Option PROCESS . .see the site.(CLICK)
Ask a different question – in innocence and see where that takes you.
16 – I look after me first
Reminder – most important person in life – only here for OWN learnings and experiences . . (Empty cup no use to anyone)
17 – Imperfect/any action is better than none
Procrastination – STUCK. Waiting to see what happens is letting another programme run/spend the time I have here – what pay off to what part of self is allowing this? )(What would it mean to me if . . .? Maybe go UNDER the resistance as it is keeping some aspect of self ‘safe’ – from long ago.
18 – How special am I?
Acceptance of SELF – how great thou art” .. .Undo the self talk that has been put here to keep self (as a woman especially) under – self abrogation got to go – who does it STILL Serve? Middle circle programming all over again . .”
19 – Any decision based on fear is the wrong decision
Programming – (What does it mean to me?) ALL ABOUT others controlling why /what here.
20 – My reactions are all about ME – not them
Reminder – PERSONALITY cage (Middle Circle) shows up what needs to be processed out into the Light.
21 – What others think of me is none of my business
Inclusion/exclusion comes up. Higher levels of distress for some than for others. The ‘safe’ programming about being seen to be ‘’good’.
22 – Times change
We are not there, now. Incredibly obvious in our lives now – we are not in the reality/ a ‘land’ we have had before and have no idea what is ahead – this we work on clearing what has us still stuck. The Anatakarana meditation is a basis of all of this – and how I got out of self in the early 90‘s .. see more here.
23 – My inner programmes block my awareness of their existence
What is behind the veil? Who is “I” reminder (see above diagram of Who IS ‘I’? –
24 – It is – as though
Choosing to move through and out of self stuck beliefs . . Which ‘reality’ is real choice?? What comes up if/when I let myself . . . . .
25 – I don’t always need words
We communicate best purely – without resonance/essence. Qi – and heart and spirit
26 – I have been gifted a body
Temporary temple to do/be. Here as a soul having a human experience in a mammalian wrapper. NOT the body, In a body.
27 – If I feel it happening, it probably is
Acknowledgement of inner knowings – innate (4 ways of knowing – reminder – innate, embodied, someone said, many someone’s said/write (It Is The LAW – the 6th leading to the 7th L . .)
28 – Near enough is often good enough
Get it done – a start is better than good intentions. (You do not own tomorrow)
29 – Now or never
Only pass this way once. NOW. Seize the moment. Maybe chose another as well – blocks? Waiting to see what happens is letting another programme run/spend the time I have here – what pay off to what part of self is allowing this?
30 – Home is where the heart is
Who /what is “I” again .. Not head/wishes/expectations. Connection to Self and to others and what that means. .again – what you CANNOT do without . . .
31 – All sickness is homesickness
Dianne Connelly – title of her 5 element book pub 1993 – Shen resides in your heart . .and are you home??
(Which “I” speaks?/Runs the ship?)
32 – That which I resist most, I need the most
What is under why I resist (whose was it originally – what belief?) – what does it mean to me if . . .
33 – What is under my resistance?
What is driving me? Gift of a question . . .(All attempts to keep STUCK – will come to no avail should you ask more questions . .and sideways/underneath . .unexpecteds – let them free – breathe. . .and let go.
34 – “It costs me too much” . . . .to . . .
How much can be spent on trying to stem the tide– of your life? Dynamic nature – change is life. . Alternatively – what programme (of self worthlessness- is running my behavour?) – What is the pay off again . .
35 – What if – I step back and wait/do ‘nothing’?
NOT be run by other’s agendas/limitations/expectations – why not try naivety – as that works – take direction NOT from this place . .
36 – I surround myself with loving mirrors
Why fight the other battle? Let go and love to be all of who I am. Allow myself to be seen/acknowledged and those who do not – who are there for me to finally and lovingly break out of where I was. (Hence they were ’friends’. Grown past there. NOT STUCK).
37 – I am in a bubble of Light, and only Light can come to me and only Light can be here
Protection. For all. Out Of Middle Circle and its attachments. Remembrance that all is not a self construction.
38 – Where is my line in the sand?
I ask myself – what is too much? When will I stop letting the encroachment into self – a boundary issue.
39 – Why me? Why now? Why there?
Only questions needing answering in any health ’alteration’. Clear intention. Play with what comes up. That is the message. (When the body says NO).
40 – I do not own tomorrow
What holds me back from acting NOW – what does it mean to me if. . ..
41 – One bite at a time
All journeys start with first step – take a stab and see where you get to . .
42 – Happiness is a choice
Option Institute – direct quote – seek more
43 – I can’t NOT do what I am here to do
DirectIon. Time is NOW . .(I do not feel alive unless. .)
44 – Fear – wins when I buy into it
I live in my truth. Not what holds me back – what is ITS agenda? (Straw man argument abounds – distraction from purpose/awakening).
45 – What does my saying ‘NO’ bring up?
What does it mean to me to be NOT ‘nice’ and happy to acquiesce to others??
46 – What happens – when I will lead with YES?
What is the worst that can happen? I may change. Direction to the Light is all about being mySELF fully. What drops off? What does /will it mean to me if .when? Direction to the Light is all about being SELF fully – not being likeable and happy to be a human door mat . .
47 – If not now – when? If not me – who?
What is holding back the tide? All are here holding an important piece of the jigsaw that only we have . .
48 – Good intentions die at the bottom of the fridge
Actions – Do It!!!!
49 – I can’t NOT do what I must
I am on a mission (Gifted A Body to Do It) – is not possible to ignore it – and if I try to – I will get redirected.
50 – Tomorrow never comes
Better time to make the change is?? Put off forever till ‘have to’? someone else /life makes that decision for you.
51 – I own the NO
What comes up when I resonate with NO?
What do I smash it down with?
52 – Mystery
The interface – what are you in my life for – maybe journal daily – on steamer is best – a daily self meditation – and start with the same – intentions – on your daily Selfing (Self FIRST) walk. Take no distractions. This is a gift. For self. Be busy with yourself. When are you truly with self?? NO distractions – no phone, no animals, no other people. Be with YOU FIRST.
SELFING? SELF FIRST – some of my online self paced courses are available for instant starting here NOW
Not been on the Gentle Selfing journey yet? First step – online paradigm shift/a walk through women’s traditional ways of knowing – in this reality for here and now – see more here
Living As Energy/ Living In It – these two owner’s manuals now show up now as eBook inclusions in the early courses. I self published theses as the ‘younger’/more mature /less reactive/fresh from being in service version of Heather. These 2001/2002 works allow us to peep out of the ways we have been given/led to believe as being ’reality’. Of NOT being a slave within the capitalist system. This came to the fore for all of us from 2020 (ongoing) as we were penned ever closer into a press. Of someone else’s middle circle making (See below) . We are on a new system now. It will take over – if you let it.
In the micro YOU – which do you wish to be?

LEFT – are we here ever in balance?
CENTRE – as most are – the self (personality cage) has taken over, squashing the temple, and willfully ignoring why here (Light connection).
RIGHT – In service – the temple (only here in a totally functional/non distracting/always listened to – see Life Recipe) body, and having a clarity that allows the Soul mission to shine through – the personality happily being the social vehicle for the top circle/Soul to BE.
Maybe visit Heather’s Gentling Ways to learn more