Sharon’s dilemma . .

Welcome – to solutions

I am still working in this and the page linked beneath . . .
Please also see this page

Pain in East Asian medicine is due to STUCK

Qi, Blood and nerves.
Lymph is likely the most important, hence the moves I send people to do – and our own hand can work for us.

All flowing? No pain . . .

Pain does get our attention

It stops us in our tracks

AND was gently likely whispering, as we paid little attention, hoping for the best it may have ramped up – eventually yelling, and now taking over our lives. Till we listen to the message – and it is likely not assuaged by pain numbing drugs, REAL action needed. . .

Usually nutrients and circulation – what is hindering both of these?

In my decades of working with people’s pain – I have seen that it is a simple matter of attachment – to outcomes. Then the pain that is felt is lessened.

When we feel safe, when we are happy, when we are connected to more than self and are at peace (one wonders how can you be when so distracted?)

Much as in childbirth – the body has a natural way to mitigate – and this is often not felt, when the emotions are running the show.

We all need more than the ingredients/nutrients to run a life – but what are they?

What is meant here is that
1 – the input – not only from our mouth s- but eyes, ears and inner voices play heavily into what we have as a ‘life’.
2 – What we can do with what we are consuming is dependent on many things – and the ‘stress’ we feel in living – due to expectation, a and events – can massively impact this. I will send you an eBook on Stuck Liver Qi and this is the culprit – we carry in our heads what reality we live in ..due to
3 – The past – and what unfolds gradually – or all at once – as the body remembers everyt8hingthat has ever happened to it.
4 – Structure – this determines the function of a body.

Usually what is felt is not due to the location – that is a key point – it can be a massive distraction

By now – all of us are very distressed – by the attempts to enslave all of us and the destruction of the biosphere.
See more here on spiritual aspects – from the Maya tradition.

Past the wake up call – pain – what is the message? When we are calm, pain is lessened. How to get past the despair of living ? that may be the question.

Physical pain stops us in our tracks.
What do we do with it?
I know when I have in the past few years damaged myself, except for the toe incident – physical pain has not been a feature – as I have been fixing it with what I know – thus helplessness and hopelessness were not part of the experience. Thus I offer online courses as I ah=have been only working that way since the clinic left me.

Here is a beginning . . heart rescues.
I will put all the links I left you on the messenger chat page next.

Exercises to help yourself – see more here

Meditations – who we really are – see more here)
Spiritual healing neededsee more here

Sent to you as helpers . . .
Castor oil see more here
Healing ion strips in padssee more here
Iodine – 15% Lugol’s solution – to put in body at least on ovary area a palm sized piece – daily. See more here.
Magnesium – see more here – two lots of roll ons – the red one for pain more .. the blue for general

To be ordered online
Vitamin D3
– See more here and where to get it. I have sent a few weeks worth I think – to tide you over. MUST take at least a whole bottle (120 days) and then be in the sun 10 minutes, front and back, middle of the day – as well as taking one of the capsules then weekly – as it is fat soluble and will stay with you. The entire process of bone strengthening 0is pull you out of the mess you fell into – and this also includes the peripheral neuropathy – that is a B complex (See more here) and structural – see Georgie, and maybe I start another practitioner course So you learn how to rescue YOURSELF first – then have a task here – healing those as yourself. . .

Glutathione ACCELERATOR – not the actual glutathione – the body breaks that down – so although naturopath can get it for you – is NOT used in the body, so is a waste of effort and $$$ – you have enough for a month at standard dosage – 6 with food in the morning – at the moment I would be taking maybe two lots a day at least after the initial few days – to knock some of the inflammation on the head. See more here
To be ordered online – ncd – liquid activated zeolitessee more here. Essential to clear out what is in the body and blocking nutrient =s being used as they are blinded.
Both to be used to take mercury (See more here ) (and other nasties) out of the tissues where it is hiding

WATER – at least 3 litres daily – tepid and not from a tap . . . see more here
Life Recipe – how to live well. See more here
What causes healthsee more here

It happened to me and what I did about it – added in as an exercise is what we all could do – if it were in the culture’s interests for all of us to be self actualised, instead of infantalised. . . and hopeless/dependent and worried sick. PAIN n what level? the spiritual is the one to be most concerned with/about. . .
Being around those who shed on me – what I initially wrote – see more here
Stairs see more here
Toesee more here
Shingles (in eye) see more here
Cow versus car see more here

To help yourself and others? Training – links may not be all in order YET- see more here