Sarah #1


Layer it
Gifts are within!!

There is much to discover .. .

Endo – can it be that simple?

START – .end of pregnancy . .
2.25 – Tongue tie – and had the life been different ..
4.00 – Failure to progress. .. not actually HORMONES. .
5.00 – Endo? Mirena did not help it – need progesterone cream . . adenomyosis. .
7.30 – Need to get him snipped . . Sperm quality??? Not maternal age – or ‘labeled condition’
10.00 – Miscarriages- why? As these are indicative of nature saying NO .. .
11.00 – BBT – what is thyroid doing?? Womb needs correting
12.30 – why period so early? (Should be 2 x 7 = 14 years old) – unwanted sexual abuse. . .
15.00 – Bao Mai – shut down . .and is why problems ‘down there’.
16.30 – Please do not collect other therapists – need to undo what the early life did to you . .

20.00 – What bleeding on safe intimate care – to bleed/drip on . . watch the demos . .
23.00 – Iodine – use on body – different places each time also on breasts
24.00 – normal periods – LIVER QI needs to flow. much is not flowing with us now.
Castor oil packs – see more here – Steaming – see here – will help the mirena ‘fall out’. Flu jabs – mercury in it. Stroke and Vit D3 . .
27.30 – only water or herbal tea to be drink- and 3 litres of warm non tap water daily . .

HORMONES? They are messengers . what messages? What we make hormones with
They change due to inner changes women have weekly. . monthly – BUT is all about the LIVER QI . .
When it gets STUCK – trouble ahead. .

31.30 – Magnesium topical – STOP all sweet and is inflammatory . . called Heat in acupuncture speak . .
34.00 – being heartful . . .
35.30 – Her mum and her sister’s pregnancy stories .. and sexual abuse. .
38.30 – Headaches daily – often – 2 years ago started – nausea, no vomiting .. . ACC RECALL needed. 8 years ago – foot injury – need castor oil there nightly and scar workshop – pain in toe is likely easy . .
SCAR Workshop – and others are on the mess chat page
puffy legs and pitting oedema – the iodine and abdo work will help . .
43.00 – SON . . . these are amazing or liver detox – he likely needs the foot detoxes daily – as you also could benefit need to buy . .
Also LIV 52 D.S. – ayurvedic pills from India – not expensive and do amazing things – you start on them first
44.00 – SVT – is it Whyte Parkinson’s Wolfe Syndrome?? Need to get glutathione accelerator
VIT C – needed urgently and also LIV 52 D.S.
48.00 – Not a great pregnancy – as where were the ingredients?? Also husband at that birth –
51.00 – NO ALCOHOL – ring Mashenka – what did she tell Kimberley to do? And do that also . .
Also look at the detox site – all I have there . .
Minerals and fat . . so needed -see the free to you online ingredients course

Your son – ADHD/sensitivities etc and lack of bio available magnesium – also by Dr Sircus Detoxing in autistic labelled people
Detoxing and getting rid of issues (namely – clear out what is blocking nutrients so the body works again .
Also here – need to get the drops FIRST