2023 – Women’s massage moves


This is highlighting the Foundational Moves on a mature woman’s body

Filming mid 2016

REMINDER – pathway of the Liver channel

Gall Bladder channel

There is more form me filming this work on that day here

Setting up to start working on the back

We got to do all of this AGAIN – as the camera was not on!!!!!

This highlights some of the Foundational Moves on display . . On a mature woman’s body. The online self paced course is on a man’s used body – where in his case – he had so many old sporting, farm, horse and being a prison officer injuries.
Here we were resolving a smallish headache and a frozen shoulder. As she needed to feel OK – I popped a few needles in – but – we would not have achieved the amazing clearance without hands – and a few other tools (oils and Gua Sha spoon)

Starting on the back

Heart opening

Need to do Gua Sha. .that trusty wee spoon. NO COLD . . .

Do look at this page first please . . .

Starting points – undo the heart chakra (and sacral) areas

Right SLQR (Stuck Liver Qi Release)

Begin really gently – warn hands and smooth moves away from the spine – less firm at the edges – the GB meridian hods so much angst!!!

Why do this? It is soooo relieving

Will undo so much gut worries .. .

Reminder – gently to start with – as one side may be vastly different from the other.

Left SLQR (Stuck Liver Qi Release)

Every so often – flick/sweep the accumulated to the surface

previously STUCK off/away

off the body

Side gouging

We come and go with these moves – repeat as you feel to . somewhat deeper each time

Do start very gently – and from the bottom going upwards – nearer you get towards the armpit, the more shallow you work.

Easier to do this coming towards you and done from behind as on the left.

Frontal chest gouging

Here I am working from the recipient’s back.

Usually you can do this on yourself.

Finishing off the back

CHECKERS – we could have pressed Si 9 and SI 11 . .
Ideally we are working with rump for the shoulders – always go elsewhere.
The upper body is reflecting the overflow from below.

In this presentation we are not doing the lower or front body. Even so, you can see any of this is massively transformational

Want to liberate yourself?

Free Your Qi? Here is.the Foundational Moves package.
Or – maybe you want a lot more?
Presently I have the Womb ReAligning programme as an Intensive Immersion package
We start with ourselves – SO MUCH SHIFTS. ..
See more here . .