2023 – Pricklies Rescue Revision #3


This a follow on from #2
And the entire series is HERE (CLICK)

5 – Radiation Rescue after Tracey in Canberra (TH 5, GB 35, ear apex)
6 – Damp Rescue (Sita going under water and off line still) (St 40)
7 – Life/Sanity/Shen Rescue (War declared – what NEXT??)
2022 NO POINTS – thread moxa on heels??)

RADIATION – Regardless of intent it is ALWAYS damaging.
ACUTE – accidental or directed (as in Canberra)?
CANCER/’THERAPEUTIC – intended . . .as a pay off.

Shen Rescue ..
See the demo of me working in Gold Coast to help those who wish to use pricklies.
To assist the Shen calming – ALL OF US by now need to have Shock undone. Kiiko’s shock technique (CLICK) (St 24)
Being in the planet now sees to be shocking.
And undo the RAGE/Fury – that we smile past. (Liv 2) We need to look to what we are hiding . .
Thread moxa – anxiety (CLICK)
Usually acup texts say H7 . GV 20 .


It is so much better that we look to what is driving the troubles
Look to the relevant parts of WDCD – Shen . .
Also in Woman Tides eBook – the chapter on Shen.
Anxiety . .Kiiko uses TH 5 . .
I attack the ear – Liver Yang #1 and #2

Need to give the brain /nervous system and life time to recallibrate.
Serious stuff. Please read this link
Concussion (CLICK) another here

1 – Intended . . .therapeutic
2 – Background
3 – Intentional takeouts – Wellington and Canberra
4 – Catastrophic – Fukiskima and Chernobyl instant and forever after now.
5 – Then – ‘how cares’? Dental and my early life ..

Look to here
DAMP (CLICK) and on damp/prickies (CLICK)
5 – Radiation Rescue after Tracey in Canberra (TH 5, GB 35, ear apex)

6,.30 – The medically trained people are not thinking things though . differently
7.20 – TH 5 (CLICK) 5 element version .. .and finding it. The point lies on the back of the forearm between the ulna and radius bones, 2 cun (approximately 3 fingers width) above the wrist where it bends when flexed. Hold the point for 2 to 3 minutes or until you feel the Qi move” (CLICK)

left and right top and bottom – Yang L lower and R upper – cross at the navel.
If you want to get rid of the heat – Yang and increase the liquids/ cool .. .
Yin – Leg and L arm. . .
12.30Cancer (CLICK)
14.00 – If exposed to radiation – Chernobyl etc – get pregnant as fetus will pull it out of you (and die)
15.00 – Background radiation – me after fall in and out of all machines. .
16.0031 IVF goes around. . and all those scans . . pre natal ones – VERY dangerous . .
18.30 – Dr finding out why babies were getting leukemia – these ere eventually replaced by X ray.. .in 1984 (unintended background consequences…. research it yourself. .
21.00 Heat (CLICK)| Sp 10. .find it on yourself. . . inner heat (CLICK)
22.30Bl 60 (find on yourself – watch and do . . .
23.00 PAIN (CLICK) and pain points – and drink more water to flush out the radiation/heat/toxins etc. PAIN 2022 a year ago (CLICK)
24.00SUGAR (CLICK) and creating inflammation – comes up for Vanessa in ‘stress’.

6 – Damp Rescue (Sita going under water and off line still) (St 40)

26.30 – DAMP – obstruction.- substantial is tangible, insubstantial is the energy of it – clogs .
29.00 – Seeing Bob Flaws . .and herbs being used to FIX things .
30.30 – finding ST 40 MAD MAMAS (CLICK)
31.30 – Awakenings (Movie and book)

Janet Frame – Angel at my table (CLICK)
34.00 – Beth and her early nursing experience. Men in madness – also
37.00Bronwyn arrived . . WATERLEMON. .(CLICK) great book
40. 00 – my body in SHOCK
42.00PV, (CLICK), Accident Recall, (CLICK), Anxiety and other ‘settling/soothing moves (CLICK)
Practical demo – shock undoing St 24 (CLICK)

44.00 – GV 26/DIng Shen is under that .
46.00Accident Recall is astonishing (CLICK)
47.00 – Finding Sp 3 and SP 4
49.00 – Mad Mamas (CLICK)
50.00 – 2016 – Playing then Fix It Game – Ethics – sustainable humanity
51.30 – So many of the links/ videos are now taken off line – too traumatic/true.
52.30 WIND (CLICK) (Inner wind see page 136 WDCD also) and pricklies points (CLICK) . . . (CLICK) Strokes (CLICK)

54.30 WATCH THIS (CLICK) Not even hidden – in plain sight . .
57.00 – Adjuvants . .(CLICK)
58.30 – ‘Mothers’ Torah’
1.00.00Kaliana healing drops . .(CLICK) Aftershock and why I asked for it to be put together. . .
1.03.00 – What came before – Susto and Pesar etc .(CLICK)
1.05.00 – Bronwyn left
1.05600Getting Out of Own Way – needs redoing
1.08.00– Awful pregnancies we have in this group – my specialty – resolving high risk. .
1.10.00 – No human intervention is Mammalian Maternity ..
1.10.40 – Who wins if we are not doing what we are here for?
1.13.00 – Vanessa’s son’s skin. . Ki 9 and Co 11/Sp 10 .
1.14.00 – Xi cleft points of the 8 Extras .
1.16.00 – LOOK AT THIS PRESENTATION as we need to know. . .
1.19.00 – Jana’s roseacea. Mongolean Sea Buckthorn oil My mother. . Shona Bruce – other – poly myalgia rheumatica (CLICK)
1.22.00 Douglas and Zinc . . ph (07 3117 33 00 My number (let’s you buy it ) 47474X say you are my patient. .
1.25.30 – D.M.G. – dimethyglycine. .
1.27.00 Zinc – (CLICK) Also here CLICK – zinc .


1.33.00 – Shona’s habits killed her.
1.35.40 – PROGRAMMNG gets in the way . . Her programming drove her to put herself last . .

Thus we start and keep working with do Selfing and Self Discovery