This follows on from #2 – Connective tissue here
#1 – which covers the Pricklies component is here

Try it in this position then standing . . . vast difference
Whilst we had a win – in that we had a 37+week pregnant mum.
We also had me forgetting that I needed to have my computer with me to film on!!! We cobbled it together . .
Much gratitude to Duncan for being there.
Thanks for all whose first 25 minutes were on hold whilst we managed to get my remote computer on and recording – so we could have the Zoom on this page eventually.
To be here – this work needs to have been attended to (this is self paced learning) Pelvic Opening – all WDCD moves
Process interrupted (in energy fields/circuitry
leads to the PHYSICAL problem. .
Foundational Moves – manual page
All our ligaments and structure is dependent upon the Liver Qi – as is all gut and all circulatory physical issues.
STUCK Liver Qi
Also look to Josi’s story here
and this Opening baby gate site that I am very hopeful someone will take over and run as part of the Gentling Way . .
I have put this page up.
For those who wish to do doula/birthkeepers trainings
Also a page several years old – glean more from here
A page with all the charts – that YOU can print out .
I would vastly appreciate your printing these and putting in a folder – so they are part of your resources.
The Easy Pregnancy Resources kit is here
Sarah – 37 weeks – 3rd baby – intending to free birth at home – a street away from her past midwife Elizabeth (Beth)
I saw Sarah initially when she was not aware she was pregnant – was ‘overdue’
On the steamer and as has been the case with many who were not planning pregnancy – still baby grew well.
She was not aware – and this baby is 2-3 weeks away from being in her arms.
She had a badly infected foot, (Yang Qi/Wei Qi not supporting life well) was too cold and had a gut issue then
We fixed the foot – topical iodine, taking cold out – BUT still very cold, with a gut problem.
Tongue looks the same . .
And her BBT was 35C !!! at 33 weeks.. .not sure where she is now – likely better as I saw her and did a bit of stomach pulling.
Lymph needs assisting – and drink water all through the session.
1 – Today first I cupped cold. Reset Your Metabolism is the online course to glean what to do and why)
Another version (there are so many) here
Is also on pages of Free Your Qi
I would normally have done the ginger slice, punk moxa and salt DO NOT LEAVE OUT – no point only cupping – that is step 1 of three. .2 –
2 – Lymphatic drainage and chest gouging first and through out.
The round and rounds and the soothing round ligament (Arvigo pregnancy advanced move)
3 – Liv 2, Liv 14, GB 24 bilateral and R GB 34 ex point – 1 1/2 inch took care of residual angst.
This instantly altered the tongue – that Liver fire DOES go over and insult the Spleen Qi . .
Big breath and more gentle belly work. .
And some jiggles. . Classification of points.

We did NOT do the diastasis moves – last two on this page – as baby is occupying all space.
4 – Now standing and leaning over the bed of pillows, we worked on her sacrum to loosen it a bit – did some checkers.
Is it sore in a few spots? Trialed the lymph gouging from behind.
Added in the second row of the Bl points (Shen calming) and all sacral (1/ 1/2 inch in ) and 5 on each side GB 30 (3 inch needles).
5 – Repeated the touchy moves – and the deep inguinal gouging was a lot better, the sacrum now was played with – beginning V moves.
Again – better inguinal clearing and after sacral circles, all was was more pliable.
We repeat and go deeper as we feel the body let us.
We can go to another Qi Mover – S/L.Q.R . is always good- and then return to this. .
OPENING BABY GATE is gentle and respectful – always being aware that birth WILL hurt and BE STUCK – if we do not undo what is creating the dramas . .
6 – Checked the heart and sacral charkra areas again – the glut /GB areas/stuck hips were a lot better.
All of these beginning moves – cup out cold and using moxa with some lymph work – on my niece Keren 2017
Lunch . . Video time!
Moxa sacral fan – ideally ALWAYS done first . . .
Loosens and feels lovely plus means the sacral work is unlikely to hurt
Beginning sacral moves another version (look at both) Sacral work – so needed to assist the body and pelvis to flow
You choose whereto start – practice practice, and feeling into this. . (often women are in such back pain that the moxa sacral fan is the only way to go – or Stuck Liver Qi Release – Beth did her version of this when her daughter really hurt her back the night before – and was rapt that it all worked.
We had a very long try to get in stage . .
Thank you for all who stayed the distance!!
(Where was my head on leaving the house to drive 100 km to start the day?)
In the fat section of the Raw Ingredients course/app plus ensuring that everything I would need for the patients was with me. .
The HH correction we did today . .
Before that you saw me do the ileo cecal correction
Neither of these you go straight in to do – there were a few hours of preparation today before this was attempted. .
Rechecking – we went to undoing the Stuck Liver Qi areas on her diaphragm area . .
tight and sore – this is where the gut stuff is partially originating from ).
Reconnecting Moves to look through (CLICK)
Here is what we got of me working with Rachel- 35 weeks pregnant
NO IDEA what happened to the sound . . . (new operator of camera??)