2023 – Women’s pain


All cultures had birthing women, women who were raped, women whose bits were suffering who needed assistance

They all dealt with this in what was around them – pertaining to their beliefs.
What we will be using here is
One woman’s discoveries from a lifetime of supporting women through their suffering.

1 – Pain is STUCK

2 – When the Shen in peaceful, the pain is minute (Ch 72 of the Ling Shu)

3 – Nutrients and circulation if there are all on board – and the tenets of the Gentling Way are met:
Body Heals Itself (if we move the blockages)
Energy Follows Thought – thus change your ‘reality’
Body Remembers Everything That Ever Happened To It (thus let it loose)
Flows Have To Flow (Qi, Blood, Lymph and Nerves),
Structure Determines Function .
When all are NOT aligned. . . .

When all are aligned: all flows.


Present = Lenley (Gold Coast, Yvonne (Tasmania)

Suffering – all around us . .
Will start with labour and pregnancy – Yvonne has had little sleep in past 24 hours – as a working midwife still
1.30 – Difference between when she was trained and young midwife now. . .
2.20 – Birth last night .. .
5.00 – Registrars in hospital a beginner Mr Fearful is at play . . . BUT when we are pregnant/in labour women are very sensitive.
7.20 – Common sense speaks.
11.50 – Expeditious (too fast) labour too hard on baby . .
14.00 – Baby can hit the floor – as with Beth’s last one – and sometimes too fast – baby can tear mum as was sucking thumb . ..fast birth from door when I am in labour with Kathryn . .

Stuck Qi to Stuck BLOOD – and then we get actual physical structures not moving – so more obstruction – and fear is a great blockage.

16.00 – What is PAIN? Ingredients – calcium Lactate and +Vit C – anecdotal . .
17.00Yvonne – talking about primitive brain . .
17.45 Me and baby position – see Ina May Gaskin’s work – and being obvious – with pelvic opening . . .

20.00 – When women were having C Sections 40 years ago – no epidural so no C Sections on demand . .. all HAD to birth . . no scans
21.40 – When I started – only options – hypnotherapy or me. .
23.00 – 35+ years ago – woman stuck on her bed – me with Co 4 in and maximum drip . . another stroppy kiwi woman . .her social context . .
25.30 – Her second – I popped in Liv 3 down to Ki 1 and Ht 7 . .
27.00 – emotional holding things back . .

28.00 – What is stopping normal? Look at WDCD – Womb is expelling baby – what is stopping it? Evie’s birth . .
29.30 – Yvonne and husband led birth coaching .. .Also see Bradley Method.
32.00 – Yvonne – Need to have done the emotional work ME – LQ stuck . .
33.00– Me in labour – Back flower remedies key.
33.30 – Bl 67 – attack for 5 minutes in deep labour – can’t feel – endorphins . . 2 examples – both bubs went to right position – and whilst mum was in totally wrong spot herself – so ‘spinning babies’ really need to take notice. .
35.00 – All sorts of tricks herbally etc that some of we crones know.
36.00 – How did that birthing woman have SO MUCH adhesions inside her? Grateful a C Section happened.. when survivors give birth
37.00 – MUST have dad in there assisting her release . .

39.00Why I wrote WDCD . . . interference . . .
40.30 – Many resources already written – as all my clinic work was PAIN mainly women’s .. Endo webinar – it starts 15 minutes (for an hour) after you sign in – this is called an ‘evergreen webinar’ – is ready when you are.
43.00 – TCM version of pain and then 8 Principles.
44.00 – Instant period pain resolution – can attack the sacrum
45.00 – Yvonne off to bed . .

46.30 – What stops the problem with Spleen energy . ..Sp 1 -see pricklies on over bleeding . .
47.30 – My babies births – 3 waters broken at 5 cm – first 2 – in 30 minutes (no transition) 10 cm . . and pushing
49.30 – Cold in womb . . . personal experience. TCM – 8 Principles – What makes it worse , what makes it better?
51.30 – GB 41 – Master Point of Dai Mai = and if sore – needs attention – that point would have assisted the Kathryn labour . .so the gas could not work as the contractions were not doing what they are supposed to . . need wise women in birthing support . . . best at home . .

54.00 – Home birth – twins online – better where all are flowing . .
56.00 – Upper and lower lips – both need to be loose.


Womb in wrong position – look at what is in Wandering Womb – The Alignment Monkey – Barbara. .
59.00 – Black tarry burning discharge to red flowing – what is normal?? Hot Blood is periods
1.00.00 – Stuck Liver QI to Stuck Liver Blood – movement will help BUT the womb is not designed for the pounding pavements.

PAIN – everywhere and maybe multiple sites – all called ‘stress’ and ‘hormonal’ – when actually it is LIFE not flowing

Invasion of cold. . . castor oil packs, steaming, self care – all from Selfing – adhesions – bleeding on safe products and where is the iodine?
1.05.00 – Definition of a woman- was a girl child who went through puberty to make a baby nest – definition of woman – CYCLIC BLEEDER . .
1.05.30 – How to make a sexually confused person – scan developing gonads, estrogenic environment, vaxxes made with human cells. .
1.08.00 – Lenley not getting the ‘need to change sex . . .me and $$$ for medicos to make more. .
1.10.00 – Eating modern chicken – full of antibiotics hormones and being GMO to start with. . .
1.11.00 – Bleeding as a reaction to be in contact with the spike protein – that is anti human, anti life.. and of course the weaponising of 5 G .
1.13.30 – If freaked out – will hurt more. . and if have no idea as to what is happening – scared. .
1.14.30 – EVERY culture had to initiate woman to be women. Men? They have not bled, birthed, breastfed, mothered – who is qualified . . .?

She is designed to (without interference )