2023 – Quesha’s family whiplash incident


A question is asked

What to do?

Especially when people wait for whatever it is to magic itself better
It often does not

Often (esp in whiplash)


Start magnesium (CLICK)
2.30 – Do not have to declare the mercury – me with clinical experience with the flu jab – case of Cyril
12.00 – Whiplash. .
15.00 – This is consultant NOT being paid . . people respect hat which they are invested in.
18.00 – GV 26 instantly if possible – and my experiencing teaching sons how to drive – Ryan.
23.00P.V. (CLICK) – done yet? No? We do ourselves. . Accident Recall (CLICK) Vit D3 ?? (CLICK)
26.00 – My live blood analysis – Hemaview .
28.00 Mercury (CLICK) blocking the nutrients that should be being assimilated
30.00 Foundational Moves token (CLICK) to take over being fixed – rather than hopefully showing up with medicos..

Shayla – happily FIXED

Stair incident (CLICK)
40.00 – Need Stuck Blood clearers (herbs) Yunnan Bao Yao . .and maybe the ones from here -see how we clear all levels of STUCK with appropriate herbs? Dan Shen – to clear all sorts of trauma/STUCK. I do a mix of both o these and for maybe a few months.

Strokes (CLICK) also a person I took through getting better than she was (CLICK) – Vit D and magnesium plus my working with her

We are holistic (we live in all dimensions at once)