2022 – Pricklies #12 Yang Qi Rescue


Living as though we were energy . . allows us to see how so many things can happen all at once – and thus heal all together also.
When we understand what causes illness . . wrong temperature – the extenal climates invading .cod and wind will drive cold in further.
Hence all old wive’s tales against cold.
Maybe see Gut Rescue 1 and Gut Rescue 2 first

Who present
(The Grampians, Vict, Aust, Elke (Mt Barker, S Adelaide Hills, Aust)

What causes health
Structural integrity
Mercury and ingredients needed
Spiritual healing
Spleen Qi,

‘Old wives’ tales’. .and looking after ourselves
5.00BBT to see how your metabolism is going – as menopausal – 36.6/7C
7.00 – What does a body need? Warmth . .
7.30 – SUPPORT – Connective – holding all in the right place
What upsets the Yang Qi most? Cold invasion .. . plus life overwork
10.00 – Wind makes the cold (or whatever ) go in further .
What causes health?
12What causes health?
13 – Reconnecting – Light, , lymph, connective tissue, adhesions, scras
(And 7 ‘L’s’ – Light lineage, Liver (electrics), lymph, ligaments . . . .

14 – Structural integrity – a staying in place. . .where it SHOULD be.
15.30 – ‘It was all going well – until?’
17 – ELKE arrived . .
17.30 – Flabbiness and doughy body – lack of Iodine and Selenium ..
19Germanium, (each is a different link) Zinc, Selenium, Glutathione
20 – CIRCULATION of EVERYTHING in the body. . . . the tangle that is each one of us . . .the tangible is not the focus – but the electrics that s storing the instructions.
22 – Energy changes for a better life eBook.
24 – China and ‘the 4 old’s)
25 What is a marker of life?
26 – Circulation implies warmth – as to flow is life.
27 – 4 ways of knowing .. . . .
27.30 – Iodine – and cellulite – all flabbiness . . thunder thighs. . Yang Qi has to be able to move . .
30 – Vanessa and learning pricklies . .
32 – GV women accidents . .
35 – moxa and massage . . .my gems
36 – PROTECTION – strength of Shen, energy bodies, aura . . .
39 – “The Importance of Shen In Prognosis” – Bob Flaws. .
44 – Pores of the skin . .Wei Qi – not breathing cool air at night .. .MERCURY
45 – my hot flushes and a tiny bit of sweet . . .Kranky Krones …
47 – Blood carries the Shen and warmth . .
48 – Protection – air is supposed to be warmed up – as the lungs are tender organs. . Buteyko.
49 – Vit A is for mucous membranes . . . and lung issues need 40,000 immediately . .
50 – Honey and sugar – and pears .for a cough.
52 – Energetic imprint – Susto and Pesar – see more here . . Four Old’sChina’s cultural revolution
55 – Elke being taught 8 Extras . and my explanation of them and cold and Dr Shen and cold lodging in the stomach, intestines a womb.
57 – 8 Extras hold for later – the toxins that body can’t deal with presently.
1.00.00See Gut Health and if using moxa sacral fan MUST NOT HAVE RECIPIENT IN ANY BREEZE.

See also the last part of the Foundational Moves workshop

Entry from the bottom – he was sitting on the chair – and got attacked by more breezes.

See the moxa uses eBook which is part of the course (to be re-released soon).
1.03.00 – Invasion of cold – in clinic AFTER great session . .
1.09.00 – How to protect yourself from the moxa smoke.
1.10.00DIGESTION – of everything – transformation – people get cold in and it WASTES the Yang Qi . . STUCK
1.12.30 – Dr Igor Trabizian – his work was sold at the Tara Bookshop in Perth. He spoke of mercury blocking the nutrients that we ingest . so we can’t use them.
1.14.00 – We must write What Is So Special About Me?
1.15.00 – To transform anything – including ideas – it is a YANG function . . fluids where they are not to be.
1.17.00 – SWEET too hot . .5 flavours. .
1.18.00 – Vanessa back after 10 minutes missing . .
Seasons of a life.
Gut rescue #1 and #2 . . last sessions. .
1.20.00 – Digestive issue sand my early life – getting so cold . .

Yang QI
The essence of life – integrity all levels (holding all in place) – structural
Boundary having the ooomph to keep boundaries – thus insiders in and outsiders out. (Protection)
Auric strength – holding one’s own. pores of skin,
The ability to digest and excrete what not needed (Digestion)
To circulate all that is needed for life
To keep warmth at the levels needed to maintain homeostasis (Warming)
To grow, develop, mature and reproduce follow.

What enhances Yang Qi?

What lack of Qi looks like

See low adrenal/ function/adrenal fatigue/exhaustion
Hypothyroid function
What we make hormones with? – Need ingredients. .that hormonal mud map ..
Do not EVER blame’ hormones’ – they are only messengers.

This is a worse state -depending in other issues concurrently.
The loss of warming is ALWAYS Yang Qi depletion – prior to that – is a general loss of self. As in late state neurological degeneration – eg no strength to talk/ breathe with – cancer, AIDS . .

What demolishes Yang Qi?
Cold – invasion – often over decades, eating away at the Yang Qi . .Or in one hit.

What happens next?

Spleen Yang depletion
Kidney Yang depletion

1 – Structural integrity
2 – Protection – (Wei Qi)
See also this – what to do if you get sick
3 – Digestion – gut health
4 – Transportation
5 – Warming – metabolism