In the spirit of we do not own tomorrow – we commence
A hurry through . .
We will do next week, same time.
Pricklies also starts up again next week . .
(Much to assemble/sequence my end).
This series of courses run concurrently
Being Woman
Being Woman
What COULD and has not happened yet is also the ‘Making Friends With Your Womb, Without Losing It’ and
‘Making Friends With Your Womb, Without Losing It’
And prickles – all is under the Gentling Way umbrella.
The Period App is on a page that I have to undo /change the MYRIAD links – and it is a massive task with what is covered – plus I will likely add in more .
involves a lot of self paced learning/homework/study and playing with others is called for . .
You can do as little or as much as you wish – it is all laid out for YOU to work out how you wish to tackle it and assemble it as needed.
Setting the scene.
Intention and going at the pace set by what comes up.
Diastasis and M move
Soothing and settling in between the fixers.
Finding pokie points and what they mean.
POINT 2 – You are in charge of your learning . .
POINT 3 – We are all in this together. .
1 – Hello/catch up – Q and A
2 – Your body
3 – Someone else’s

Who is in front of you, what you want and where your interests lie Setting Up
First session . .
Add – ins – Brazilian toe touching
Starter – checkers – essentials. . We do not go from one move to another – is all respectful . .
With touchies . . When in pricklies . .
P.V – start the day and end the day with this – at least .
Accident Recall – is amazing . . Need to have a helper ideally to do this . It brings up so much
Belly Revision
Foundational Moves
Cupping revision on Keren
Lymphatic drainage moves
Lower lymphatic moves
Blocked – adhesions and lymph
LYMPH and a manual to go with it
The moves on someone (Del)
Working on a student – head lymph work
Cysternii – lymph/’sluice and ditches’
A wonderful add on from Rhonda – moxa
This is a young woman and her versions . .
Going towards Reconnection workshop
Working on someone . . .
Why we do Selfing /Self Care
Working with a person . .
Order of what/how
30 minutes in – Diastasis – and how mine happened. .
Diastasis moves
38 – minutes- how to feel for the diastasis
Always do the round and round as we have invaded them
40 – Not put her cool hands on her belly ..
Depth is the most important.
Finding where it joins .
Give them a mouthful of the warm water before seeing tongue.
42 – my demo me doing the adhesion breaking from the aorta
NOT to do if separated all the way up . .
If they have had gastric ulcer/surgery
If weird skin problem there.
ZIG ZAG move . .
Must have done a pull up so they really feel the difference.
Also take foot temps first as this may change.
Will feel a telegraph post – only a little way for Jenna . .as there is only a little space that will be safe to do.
48.30 – Rhonda and her observations/questions. .
Zyphiod sticking out – be careful .
Always go down from the sternum ,

48 – Soothing – jiggle jiggle –
Down movement only,
51 – Hip jiggle. . .
53.30 – jelly belly – instructions on how to make it happen – leg shaking . .
56 – give the body a chance to catch up .
59 – Finding pokie points . .
Liv 13, GB 25.
Also if CV 9 is sore – put in Liv 2, then gently poke again -and if better – tel them about ‘stress’ /SLQ causing gut distress
And then and in Sp 9 ..
Angle 15 degrees . .
1.03.00 – Rhonda and how it relates to what she learned in facial intensive. .
Viscera has to slide and glide. .