This is to be watched after seeing the first one – I have been on 2022 Pricklies and watched the initial videos again. To write the content, as I was not up to it what with life incident. I had gradually come to the awareness that here was less of me than I am used to. Seeing how the gradual healing/understandings have woven themselves into what I am able to do, I see that as always – because I ‘Swiss cheese’ so well, nothing may be as it seems. Concussion? Some form of after effects from slamming my face into the ground? When in South Korea, one of the other older women who teach acupuncture in USA. We got friendly and found that we both obsessively read complicated crime /detective novels. That is out job – I am a natural health detective. I want to know. Curious, seeking out more – burning questions – it feeds the life here. THUS – this is an adventure not so much into points and what we do with them – but your sitting back an watching – Heather the teacher also being Heather the patient and with the absence Heather the healer, eventually getting to a point where – here we are .

Why does anything ‘happen’? What are we here for? Is linear living the only way??
A theme – Coma Arousal and Brain injury – this is from an incident in 2017 (CLICK)
Look then to part 2 (CLICK)
#4 NEW Pricklies 2022 – Pricklies I am inviting you into first (CLICK)
Shen (CLICK) Page WDCD 28/29 – Shen clearing points (CLICK)
Maybe review Shen Matters (CLICK) – includes mad mamas (CLICK)
What would you do if something like this had happened to you? As it surely may. Your tool box? Those around you been schooled up to assist? Possibly now you see why I have simplified this so much. I have always said – who will help me if I need someone? That for decades was a secondary consideration as I kept looking for students/apprentices/ those to take this legacy onwards.
I suggest that you listen to how I put it together – which points – woven from the Pricklies 1 – Emergency Home Help – and you may well need this yourself in the future – an eclectic bunch of helpers . . assembled – primarily for yourself. Who knows what will befall your neighbour – or yourself. Assuming that the white charger will arrive – in 2022 onwards – may be too hopeful. They are all too busy with what they have done and what happens next is up to us.
START – My experience with Kathryn My mothers heart (CLICK)5.00 – Cheryls’ story (CLICK) . .
6 – Accident Recall – Nick also – run over by dad in driveway. Soul retrieval. I had worked on him on and off for a few years – and had mad great strides in his cognitive and physical health. Accident Recall was a gem.
7.30 – Not too many Acc Recall (CLICK) at once . . Perverse Qi being let go . .
8 – Belinda and Marie . . . 8 Extras (CLICK) were mentioned. This (CLICK) is pivotal in my work. Always has been. Please make a study of the notes and assembled thoughts in my 1986 student handbook. It all works.
9.00 – Master Point Yang Qiao Mai – Bl 62 . It is imperative to get a grasp on the 8 Extras as they have led me into all the differences you see me working at. From the beginning of my career. It was gratifying to see that Jeffrey Yuen in 1993 at the San Fransisco HIV, AIDS and Chinese Medicine conference was teaching exactly what Dr van Buren had. Validated all I had been doing/teaching (could not fault it /was not able to prove it wrong). It always worked. for the past 15 years . ..
13 – Yvonne – CAN do vast damage with needles. .
15 – Neurological damage in children (CLICK) – support the parents.
17 – Cheryl (she hit by the milk tanker) as at of the Healing the Wounded Healer – 2016/17
22 – PLEASE BE WARNED – she was hit by a double milk truck
23 – If you are on this path – do not get of it . . then post traumatic brain injury
26 – Sorcerer’s Apprentice . . false humility/arrogance.
27 – Normal fetus after the jab? Me with malaria at 14 weeks. . .
28 – Dr Anton Jayasuria – Sri Lanka (CLICK).
30 – Severed spinal cord at 15 – what a gift he was. Forget about your preconceived notions. What is it showing as? – all I did was what you hear me say to do – take out what is not supposed to be there. This is WIND (CLICK). And then restore normal. That middle circle – programmed beliefs. Accept no limitation – from You Have Been Gifted A Body.
33 – Importance of Shen in Prognosis – Bob Flaws
35.40 – Tinctures– hypericum, mugwort, skullcap and ?? vervain . .as well as the Bach remedies – Rescue Remedy and Crab Apple.
40 – Jane page (CLICK) – neurological (Wei Syndrome)
42 – Linda came in 45 minutes. .
44 – Nutritional needs needed to go in better. . Vit D3 (CLICK)
45 – Pricklies may not be first place- but understand – DAMP/Phlegm needs shifting .
46.20 – SOFT issue – bones sore??

I am so grateful for the ones who have come into my life for me to learn from when things do not work as I expect. My entire time in clinic was/will be a great sense of joy – as what is hidden is found. Three questions Why Me? Why Then ? Why There? – location in own body.
Putting this all together I hope is helpful to you . .
43 – Magnesium enough?
All the ways to assist the healing – nutrients and all that assists circulation = thus no pain – except maybe REST is needed?
45.35 – Magic treatment Si 3, Bl 62, Bl 62, Si 3.
46 – Painful wrists . . . need checkers – and three lots of Glutathione – since then marked improvement in healing.
48 – Nick – PV and Acc Recall would have been very helpful.
49 – Lisa – facial trauma and 5 years later – cyst on the bones in face . .MUST learn the Lover Your Body better for all ingredients .
51 – STOP treatments. (Cheryl’s story . . .we have to pay attention).
53.20 – Marie – Bartholin’s cyst – and Marie listing off as she listened – what to use. .
Safe Intimate Care pads – all over my face to help heal – and sleeping much better.
55 – 2 small problems and ONE negative ion strip – over night – not lonely healed the skin issues – but best sleep ever .
56 – Welcome Baby pads (CLICK) and Women’s Healing pack (CLICK)
58.40 – itching in pregnancy . . FORM TO FIND
1.01.00– Lenley – nothing wrong (nausea) once told baby in deep trouble
1.02.45 – Body priority . .
1.05.00 – in the last 70’s – trying to get people to eat BROWN bread . .nutrients .
1.06.30 – Cheryl in a head brace – how to help? See the pages on what I did . .
1.07.30 – Linda – So much to find – rabbit holes. .
1.10.00– nutrition – all of us had forebears who knew what to do.
1.1.100 – White women are stupid – we are not demanding looking after birthing. (and losing baby also). Glutathione (CLICK)
1.13.00 – TELL DUNCAN IF ANY LINKS are notworking please..
1.15.00 – STEAMING . . .so important . .
1.15.45 – Belinda – what to doi patient in shock.
1.16.30 – Marie – what to do? Sweet drink. ME – SP 3 –
1.17.30 – What to do to make sure no ‘needle shock’ – hydrate, feed and use magnesium and do not have them sitting up with needles- incredibly shift in energy may take them out.
1.18.30 – Pregnancy positions – now on the floor – always with mega pillows.
1.24.00 – How to structure the workshop.
ALL ABOUT SELF – and womb stories.. .
General conversation about SELFING
1.35.00– itching in pregnancy (CLICK) – what set this up?
1.43.00 – Journeys into Healing – we could all add at least one story into this.
1.44.00 – STEAMING – good for putting everything back together again.
1.45.30 – Reflective learning – what have you learned from this?
1.48.00.- the outliers set up in FNQ – historically . .