1 – Cold and what to does to us
2 – Heather returning to SEQ briefly
3 – An opportunity to delve into deep personal changes in a sacred women’s circle.

After a protracted summer – we ow have the seasons asserting themselves. Do you know how to live well in the temperature plummets? You may wonder – How to live well in seasonal changes? How to create health? What is health? I wrote this last year. (DID YOU GET COLD??) It all still applies – including the half price offer on what would help you help yourself and loved ones – OUT OF PAIN
Our bodies are designed to adapt to changes. We need to listen to what is happening and move behaviour seasonally. are made to shift with the weather. When we manipulate it – livig in air conditioning and heating – we confuse it somewhat. We live so much indoors with icy in summer than hot outside – the finely attuned body systems can fall over.
Body has to warm up to its optimal (body) temperature all that comes inside it. The air we breathe, the food and fluids we add in. It all needs heat and movement to keep all blood and lymph and nerve flows circulating. If they do not – PAIN messages follow. Adding in more cold will not help healing. Icing anything acutely does what? Numbs temporarily – but adds an a layer of excess cold that is now also a dis-ease agent.
WHAT TO DO? Basically – allowing the body to stay within the limits it works best at, and not stressing it by making it work that much harder.
How? Adding in cold – a great weakener. Do not add more cold into your body
1 – Stay warm – not get yourself into breezes.
2 – No fans, no air conditioning – no additional cold added in.
3 – Maybe wonder what causes health? See here for more.
4 – Respect the ways of nature and rest. more sleep when feeling a little ‘under the weather’ after a good hot bath – with Epsom salts in it.
5 – Help your body help itself – not poison it further. More VItamin D3 – as that is how prior to all the flu jabs we stayed well – in summer we were out in the sun and in winter, towards the end – we may be somewhat depleted – as the angle of the sun rays and our exposure in the middle of the day – and not wearing ‘protein’ allows the body to fight its own battles.
6 – Self help? I wrote the Life Recipe – and suggest maybe you take a look there?

Are you distressed/want clarity?
There is a free course here :
Life Rescue – that may help.
How to live well in seasonal changes
What do I suggest?
Support wellness . . Stock up on VIt D3 from USA – same story I have been telling all for decades . .Especially at the beginning of 2020.
Prior to this madness. Please contact me. I can write out what you need. Panaxea require you to come via me to get the supplements:AV/AT, Fluex and Anti bio botanical (ABB) – they make SUCH a difference – and are so easily sourced. Life insurance that works.

Live according to nature – and the sun.
It goes down sooner, and comes up later – so YOU hibernate – go with the body needs – much like plants in the garden – nurture your roots .. broths, steaming mugs of . . . and soups, stews and casseroles – ‘stick to the ribs’ fare.
ending a shower with cold
icing a sore bit,
‘grounding’ on the earth
sitting in drafts,
sleeping with the window open,
fan on, AC on
All do the one thing all ‘old wives tales to do – NOT be exposed to cold. .
MAJOR CAUSE of disease in Easy Asian medicine – NOT bugs – but whatever knocks you off your perch . .
Homeostasis – need to be able to adapt to changes – so it is rug up time. If you are living in a tent – or ‘rough; you would not need to be told.
All traditional cultures came down to the lowlands, off the high mountains in winter – if they could . .
it is too likely that life dies there. Why is everyone sicker in winter? NO SUN AT THE RIGHT ANGLE
Maybe have a quick phone call with me to work out what you need? pH 0452 5407 667
Historically – WHEN I STARTED IN CLINIC IN 1979 – few got ‘summer colds’
Looking back they were possibly the ‘flu jabs’ devotees. . . nothing helps you get sick more than messing with your innate protection Used to be – now all year around as they are so scared of the sun . . we all NEED Vitamin V3 to live. Not optional – and mostly comes from being outside in the life giver. SUN.

What is in the shops – as the Vit D3 sprays and pills you are ‘allowed’ to buy – are half what a newborn is given in the Scandanavian countries. . .prior to the illness jabs demanded of all recently, the most likely cause of neurological problems – and cancer – was lack of Vit D3 – and thus M.S. (And strokes – all neurological) as an example – is a depletion of this. Easily resolved. of course there are other issues the mercury and aluminium that have no business being in our bodies need moving.
These hide in our cells and stops nutrients needed from being seen to be used – magnesium and selenium to make glutathione being key, But also selenium to activate the thyroid use of iodine – and thus all metabolic issues.
Buying actual glutathione will not help you as our gut breaks it down – we need the accelerator – and thus get it here. Best 3 month’s worth at a time.
Did you ever wonder?

Why did I cup everyone’s navels?
An attempt to get the body temperature up so your body could take over healing.
It always changed your being
Your tongue, your connective tissue integrity, pain gone – even acute mastitis disappeared.
How to do this is at home?
The half price offer that is here Foundational Moves. . .
HOW? – We move the Qi/blood and lymph.
Maybe check out what causes health?
And what causes illness? Emotions STUCK and exposure to the elements .
For some of us – a wee breeze at the wrong time
and there you go (before the nefarious neurological and immune wreckers – jabs –
2013/14 I went around the world teaching acupuncturists the way to fix Bell’s palsy .
It was ‘wind cold in the facial channels
Easy answer – STOP this – add in more Vitamin D3, magnesium and take out the cold .. we must stop breaking ourselves further.
A special bundle of what to do to help yourself – and loved ones TODAY ONLY.
What is inside? All I did to help you – a minus the needle component
1 – Unblocking Scars – is a gentle self help look at what may be blocking your life force – and what to do about it.
2 – What Causes Health – is a paradigm shift for most – health enhancement via the energy/electrical systems that give life in the physical.
3 – Soothing – a gentle belly approach that moves the lymph – the key to any pain reduction – and allows the viscera to begin to let go, as what holds the fascia STUCK is relieved.
4 – Peristeaming – a delicious and traditional way to alleviate all body disharmony. using water, heat and plants. All ages, stages of life and for everyone. Not only yonis/cycling women . . .
5 – Foundational Moves – an entire set of undoing pain by itself – taking out what blocks flows – the navel cupping to clear cold invasion that has stayed on to weaken the body, lymph moves through the body, back, lower body and use of moxa plus the prostate connection how to undo all men’s troubles including ri backache – prostate (their womb) is upset.
FREE yourself – PLUS Scars and Foundational Moves are for anyone who wishes to start, or stop with the work within.
These are usually priced individually, and in $US. And stand alone. Special $220 AU price till end of Sunday
Selfing contains the middle three courses – to then go onto the weekend of group work.
HEATHER COMING BACK TO SEQ /northern NSW 21st June for 2 weeks
I am in SEQ region as I am teaching my graduates and also seeing some people in their own home. If you are JAB FREE I may also see you if you can fit me into the tight timing I have. . last week of June. . before I am here. .
Come join us to discover more of YOU (only un jabbed and women please) – the online component – if you take the ONLINE SPECIAL above opportunity – then means the in-person fee or the experiential/fun/ undoing ourselves weekend is $330 for 1/2 July at Upper Main Arm. YOUR chance to gift YOU YOU back – putting YOU first . .a novel experience that often beings up/has so much resistance
IS IT TIME yet? (Ignore the dates – I reused a page). I am running this in person in Upper Main Arm, northern NSW 1/2 July before I come back from SEQ, and go off to USA for 10 weeks. . ..
I have revamped this (if you have done before) as we have all been messed with – put on a different path than we would have ever thought possible. The resistances within -the undoing of our programmes that lead us to being so distressed, undoing our life to date and having a woman’s look – womb centric – is vital if we have daughters and wish to give them an initiation into Being Woman – free course taster link here
You will have tools to play with at home – and on yourselves. You have an option to go on and find out more that would be invaluable (and a new aspect of tending people). If you know anyone who you think would wish to know how to make a huge difference in their and their loved one’s lives – or who is a touchie; health care professional – the SALE link for the next few days only (Free Yourself)
Anyone who has completed the three of these online courses that precede Selfing Intensive – then can take the in-person (if you can find someone who is running one in the future – OR WITH ME 1/2 JULY UPPER MAIN ARM – (or online (Lisa in Thailand – my major teacher – is running one online 8/9 th July -I will send through the details of this opportunity next week.
If you know anyone who may be interested in undoing the STUCK (my word for trauma) that is present with all of us in these times – we need to reframe what we have lived through . . . For you specifically. The inner freedom found is exceptional – plus you become bonded with like minded others – and can go on into the rest of this training course should you wish to . . (there is always more with me).
I have priced it as I have so you can support Hazel’s journey back to the Light – however this looks. Pain = STUCK and freeing ourselves is the task of all. If you know anyone else who would benefit from the online content.
Selfing – PUTTING YOU FIRST weekend
You already have the online content – and the more specific unpacking self comes on signup for the weekend – as we play with being women.
Foundational Moves (part of the online courses SALE package) https://heatherbrucehealing.com/foundational-moves/ is what we are mostly showcasing is where we are doing most work – but I cannot be anywhere near moxa, so this is a section you will be doing after I leave on Sunday afternoon.