USA – Intensive Immersion into Gentling Trauma Care


Renamed from Heather’s Gentling Ways – Living Ligaments is a portion – we are more than the physical expression of life forces.

Heather’s Gentling Ways is a deviation from all body work
This is holistic multi modality, multi lineage, multi dimensional, transformational Qi and body aligning.

What is written here is likely contrary to a lot that is sourced elsewhere.
As such it all works – or it would not be here.

The basis of this work comes from my decades of working with those where all hope is gone. Initially outrageous menstrual and gun situations that were considered normal. This was prior to the ability to ‘diagnose’ endo and when progesterone implants, laproscopies and laser surgeries etc were yet to come. Before the arthroscopes, the anti inflamatories and the pharma takeover of all things human for profit. Very contorted rheumatoid deformities, incredible arthritis and the general trial do the elderly – especially trigeminal neurelgias, and post herpetic /shingles were also a feature. As well as the complicated lung, gut and heart issues that are now easily medicated against. My teeth were cut on dying also and all neurological disasters as there were no medical answers. It seems like frontier land: it was.

I trained up in any and everything that came my way. Western herbalism , vibrational remedies, as much allied subjects that were n anyway part of the human condition – especially how to see and be differently were enthusiastically investigated. Body work was incorporated into the Qi moving that classical acupuncture can provide. Being taught by a chiropractor meant joint mobilisations, visceral corrections and the understanding that structure determined function meant that I expected bodies to alter on the couch, and instantly. They did.

No limitations. . .

The usual orthodox and ‘alternative’ ways had not shown improvement – desperation of the sufferers called for unusual quests and interconnections. This meant people were motivated to change, as there was nothing else – end of the line to need to see me. Usually after all others had had a go and the other acupuncturists were sending me their too hard cases, as I seemed to thrive on the challenges. This is the best, most qualified recipient of care. They also knew that they were the only ones to make a change. They choose to do this, to follow advice and do the homework – or stay stuck.

The most important part of all of this work is your own clarity

From setting the space up comes your ability to deviate from all scripts.
Late one evening in southern Iowa, Trish listened whilst I wrote up these basis

An overview – the essence of this work

We are using some variations on the theme of womb work.
If you start from the bottom of the page = women in all traditional cultures had ways of knowing – or they w-died The initiations were designed to prepare the young women to receive their body work – making babies – why bleeding and sexual predation/mating happened. The plants and hand work that had been shown to work, integrated with their culture’s beliefs was what separated them from other tribes, and also gave them purpose, as they progressed through the life phases and stages. Of being woman.

AS I worked through the predominantly women centred, and pain filled lives of suffering in my clinic, I developed a pelvic opening style to undoing the torment most suffered as their Bao Mai (link heart to womb space) and Dai Mai (the pelvic girdle and all contained within) held. This was easily seen in the pregnancy focus I had – and attending women as a doula to ensure no knives and easy bonding of the new family was my aim. Using the Back =h flower remedies in water offered as I used my hands in ways that worked allowed me to educate the dads to be to be more present , initially with me as we worked on bringing the baby through easily, and on into what hey could do themselves – when motivated to be an integral part of the session I was offering in clinic and taking this home so life was so much easier and pain free – for both of them.

As I spent decades perfecting the signature move,s and took this work to the Christian cult of over 600 members ho were living a life in common about an hour away from where I lived, at the behest originally of their midwife (all aiming to birth at home, in water). The complex cases there due to over use and past accidents kept me in a state of wonder at the ability of the body to keep on going, Aided by my dietary, herbal and supplemental knowledge, I quickly altered how they were eating , thus allowing the changes that had to happen to do so well.

The extremely high risk obstetric situations averted as the women were expected to be pregnant all their reproductive age, meant that I had essentially a full house of conditions most never saw in the outside life.

This was further complicated by the extreme stress emotional and the abuse that was also as am undercurrent. And complete control b others. I needed to know more. This was the entry into Arvigo/Mayan belly/back work – womb wrangling. The womb being the centre of a body, with ligaments creating the entire stress/strain on the entire structure, meant that the women’s (Iw as not really allowed to work on the men) structural issues stemming usually from prior accidents and broken tailbones, were now easily alleviated.

From here I knew there was more – and found the Mercier set of moves. Whilst Dr Mercier does not use her work with men or in cases other than female fertility and C section scar release, I found her moves and then the integration of all that preceded this for me meant that no situation could not be helped.
This has led to Gentling Way.

Not forcing

Differences between Heather’s Gentling Way and others

1 – We use the energy model = the physical ha instructions We work with these.

2 – Gently, working with the breath The body has remembered all that has happened to it and what is STUCK will not be forced to work as designed That is the mystery of life – how far back does this go? And what sequence that healing happen is entirely open to chance.

3 – Nutrition – at a cellular level first To get out what was not supposed to ever be in the biosphere often. gently undoing why nutrients are missing – often blinded by the toxic nature of the modern lives and the bequeathing of the mercury especially in the tissues handed down through the maternal lines as her body is cleansed as it hands the legacy of human stupidity over to the following generations. What do I mean? Look here (mercury) and here (taking OUT the stored mercury) for more.

1 – Beginnings

How to undo why a body is not healing is the essence of this work. We start now at the to of the page – with a paradigm shift,
It has to be, as the physical only model orthodox biomedical uses is incomplete. This is part of the 7 ‘L’s’ page – see more here
We are more than flesh and blood .. most come in with pain – but what set that up?
Lack of flows – as in acupuncture theory it is known and undone, What causes the STUCK?
That is the question – and usually on multiple levels concurrently.

We use Pricklies theory (in red) and maybe also the metal extension of our hands. With humanity – heartfully.

2 – How to set this up?

Gently – and in sequence to gradually undo what is creating the ligament hostage holding.
P.S.I.S. – is it posterior – (a hill under your hands) or Inferior (a dip/slide) – under your hands?
The key to this set of corrections is the pelvic torsion undoing.
The G.B.. set of channels and what they hold are the key here

Completely traversing the lateral (sides) of the body. As with all channels/meridians – there is the main one with the dots (points) but also a tendino – muscular level – servicing all the area covered), the three luo or connecting vessels, plus the skin and the divergent ones. And inner connections to all others on the grid at meeting points – some being major as they , as GB 41 join into the 8 Extras . .

The Liver meridians are the ones most allied to the Gall Bladder – and together they service all the angst that is bottling over, festering as we do not be true to how we feel, what we expect and the intensity of the feeling s0 rage, fury, jealousy and intense hatreds that seem to run the human condition – without programming usually Self not self related). This keeps take the person from their middle circle reactionariness – hence family feuds and inter religious wars – a very topical subject at the time of this writing).

Not all of us are on a ‘right’ (dogma) path, yet the ego may well, along with what ever is running the person, sy to the contrary. The STUCK along the meridians – especially when sexually stemmed – can lead to the entireity of the menstrual cycle in dissaray, the lifelong instability on all structural systems as the emotions govern every minute and every breath.

The body keeps the score

From The Arvigo (napropathy) training – the sacral spine and its integrity – leading most to I.S.(iliac – spinous instability – the black writing and how we see a need to realign the spine to allow the flow of Qi and all other aspects of body – to be where it was designed to work best. The five flows we speak of often – Qi, Blood (red, blue and clear – lymph) and nerves . .

The green writing :

Emotions can be said to run a body Qi, the electrics. The nutrients that go to make up the more physical aspects of being in a body – the body fluids, and the Blood – that can be divided into the red (arterial), the blue (venous) and the clear (lymph).

Red writing:

The body remembers everything that has ever happened to it – and of course can hold patterns from deep past also. Reichian and Iona Marsaa Teeguarden her books are essential texts to go forwards n understanding why the Gentling Way – the armour bands must be able to let go – in the person’s own time – and thus breath work is vastly integral here.

The Liver energy/complex – if the flows being blocked has not originated from the Liver energy disturbances (not getting ‘our own way’) a key here – then it will come along for the ride fairly soon afterwards. What do I mean? All emotional, gut, structural, circulatory and thus hormonal is dependent upon all flowing as designed. When it is not – pain and disruption to all systems emerges. ‘Stress’ . . .

The physical liver organ as the key detoxification plant, along with modern life with the increasing body burden can cause havoc.

What governs the ligaments? The Liver Qi flowing and the Blood energy to nourish them – and flow through all life. When this is misaligned (back to emotional angst) all is totally dependent on each thought, belief and thus reaction. To pretend we can FORCE a body to undo itself and magic itself back to the blueprint is to not be aware of what is holding the person hostage – usually their own inner programmes.

2 – The O.S.L. is the most important aspect of life. In my opinion. Where the ovarian suspensory ligament attaches to L2/l3 is where the acupuncture point Bl 23 is found. The Qi/life force that travels down through the adrenals into the womb/prostate space and onto the perineum, up into the body via the front and back axis (Ren and Du Mai) and the Chong Mai that goes essentially everywhere – as do the secondary branches of all vessels/channels means that we must attend to the alignment to have optimal flows.

In my time as a moxa wielding needler. No one escaped the moxa on Bl 23, GV 4 an all sacral spots on the mid line that felt wrong to me.
Unbeknownst to me I was correcting the womb space – and as I cleared the master ans couple points of the Du/Yang Qiao (Bl 62 and allied points) and the Dai Mai – the pelvic girdle (GB 41) magic was set in motion. By the Shen calming, the moves to undo the Stuck Liver Qi and the use of moxa on the sacrum, the attachments on all dimensions could undo and release what was STUCK leading to healing possibilities.

Those who have trained as Arvigo workers know the PSIS as a part of the protocol to go through.
However, we use the L2 area as a gauge to see how we are going a checker initially and not until all the Mercier style moves are completed do we correct this – if still needed. In my researching many years of intensives work on all bodies – it sees that the pelvic torsion once undone is the most important shift here The O.S.L. moves are covered elsewhere.

I have them as:

Part 1 – the deep work on L2 – three positions and three levels.
Part 2 -‘correction’ of the posterior or anterior sloping
Part 3 – the leg rotating/pulling.
All in between are the clearing./soothing moves that are inserted in between all fixer moves.

Stretches also – thus we take any one aspect of the Arvigo/Mercier and remodel to fit the breath. The recipient has to autonomically let go, or, we encourage by modeling with our own breath, This is a slow process, yet completes the journey back into the Light for many.
Attachments and what holds the womb and thus the person. hostage must depart.

3 – Programming

Here we have the three circles model = the middle one encages us all as we are set up to suffer – via what we came here to do . .
See the beings of Light presentation here. This may be outside your current life model/ paradigm. Me – having stood in service to those appearing for help from 1978, I have been aware of patterns and of synchronicities and have been led to where I cannot prove what I have discovered wrong. Thus it is likely to at least be true in the reality that runs those who seek assistance.

Energy of Distress – living NOT in the present

What runs us?
Who is ‘I’? – a beginning question as I usually ask in all classes I teach
until we work out what part of self is running the life, we are STUCK .. see more here
Also in my ‘red book’ – the section Honouring Our Selves and the ‘Getting Out Of Our Own Way’ eBook

More than a massage course as we are more than flesh and blood
In Arvigo land – Don Elijio Panti (brilliant pulse master and spiritual healer) always said – “get the people to laugh and half their troubles will go away”. True that – Liver Qi needs shifting – where is the magnesium and then rest of the nutrients that can allow the healing ad running a body as designed?

This is also at of the Gentling Way
1 – Energy (instructions) – not biomechanics to alter what the body can do
2 – Gentle never forcing or hurtful
3 – Holistic
– as we are what we eta and can assimilate – on all levels.

The Selfing, Self Discovery and Reconnecting Bao and Dai Mai courses address these issues.
Who owns the healing? Change must be instigated from within – we as the ‘change agents – that are tasked to help. Massive shifts may appear on the treatment couch. Recipient of care goes home to be themselves and their habits belie their intentions. Radical shifts are needed. We can only be signposts the work is the person’s journey into the Light from being STUCK.

4 – Setting Up a ‘Life’

What indeed is ‘a life’? What are we here for? A less often asked question and one that may come up in this work – for you at least.
Soul mission is easy – see where you are STUCK and shift what it means – and then what opens up?

At what point does a person reach out for assistance? When it all hurts too much?
When all the easy stuff has not achieved what was expected?
When they realise that it is not about getting rid of pain, but undoing WHY is pain?

At what point do we wish to intervene?
The intention and responsibility, the commitment and the empowerment are not ours to master. We each have our own journeys. When using the techniques, the clarity of the practitioner /bearer of possibilities is essential. This is NOT a massage course It is also not some thing that can be run through as a protocol, but lived.

Trauma what is that? STUCK. In the past. And the meanings we attribute to whatever – this the reality we carry in our heads – may need a severe tweak – as whose life are we even in? Not processed – made sense of – and trying to pretend that it did not happen, that it is not still ‘online’ – forgetting essentially that we are s energy bodies store all that we have been in contact with – and the physical instructions that would normally be sent to the physical are blocked – thus the interference is ongoing until we (ourselves) LET IT GO.

The tenets of Heather’s Gentling Way:
The Body Heals Itself
Structure Determines Function
The Body Remembers Everything That Has Ever Happened To It
Energy Follows Thought – as we believe, so it is
Flows Must Flow – or all stagnates and festers

The table – in red at the bottom of the page above. . .

No use changing ONE thing – when all are engaged – in keeping the ‘reality’ going that you may have wished up until now – to hang on to.

5 – The how to’s – Undoing body distress

Classification of moves – has been designed to assist the letting go. See more here A body needs to be respected:
1 – We check what we are starting with.
2 – We clear what has been dislodged/brought to the body’s attention.
3 – We soothe what may have arisen.
5 – If we need to we go straight to settle – as in stop the intention and go with the flow. Or we do the ‘fix’ that we had invisonaged.
4 – The FIX is to not be followed by another fix – but to go back to soothing, clearing – as when we gentle – we have no idea what we may encounter, as in safety anything can and does release/depart.
5 – Settle – as needed – we stop all and address what is now here with us.

In green writing – the online self paced beginnings

In red writing – the extras that are mega helpful – Heather’s decades of teaching and writing acupuncture courses – all levels in practical clinical research (what works now). Pricklies – the theory and use of the energy /electrical model expressed past heartful hands and fingers into sharps and how to attend to our own dramas – Pricklies First Aid and Pricklies Home Help into the Pricklies – Anatomy and Physiology of the Energy Bodies. Mammalian maternity – the personal and generic women’s life in being woman spilling over into sex makes babies – and here we all are . .

In black writing – the order /sequence of the courses . .
Always SELF first.

Green writing? The Challenge is to DO IT – after Selfing comes the Challenge then Self Discovery.