Post operative renovation – repair
NEED – more of everything to heal – especially Qi Moving

30 years old
Came back from the arm and breast reconstructions surgery 8th Nov, and the leg and belly surgery (all loose skin 2.5 kg of it – gone after Thailand surgery – $35,000 instead of $SAU100,00 here in Australia).
She put on 50 kg after being prescribed steroids for her idiopathic (who knows why – even now) cranial hypertension – then she was told it would be better if she lost weight (!!!). . Now has had impacted feces for a year since having the gastric sleeve to lose all the excess . .
16 days ago – last surgery and very sore – can’t stretch out and in constant agony (enamas and hospitalistion over this gut issue.
Me – I was called in to help her mother who today is to have a cancerous kidney out (stage 4).. She (Mum ) had hysterectomy and the mesh out in. 20 years ago. The mesh has disintegrated through her body and she has M.S. as well as cancer all thrihgh her pelvis. Not jabbed – though her daughter is and has not told her mum. . .
Son is on suicide watch and all 4 adult kids live at home. .
What to do?
She is in a binder to help the breasts – which were sacks of skin with nipples at the end of them. Implants under her chest wall and some of her fat (from her now skinny legs) as breast – and a 57 kg body – she always was chubby/still has body dysmorphia – and has tattoos – now interrupted – all over her body. Gentling Way – no diagnosis – Triage needed. . .

Intention – to calm, soothe and clear gut problems
Much right sided liver organ pain
Much topical magnesium placed wherever I could find skin to annoint.
I told her that if she took too much oral magnesium and Vitamin C all over the day – she WOULD poo.
Needed castor oil packs – and on for several hours – best overnight . .

1 – 4 gates whilst we talked.
She then felt nauseous . .
A little gentle lymph drainage can’t do normal ’round and round’s yet.
2 – Left St St 37,39.
4 gates out ..
Went to massage left Sp 4 (de obstructing meridian is Chong Mai and this is the M.P. (Master Point)
Both GB 41 (M.P. Dai Mai – the girdle meridian are excrucriating to touch – so both inserted.
Kiiko’s immune points
She mentioned horrendous headache s- usually on the left hand side. .
Yin Tang inserted
All through this, upper chest gouging (very sore as the lymph is totally congested, was done – ever less shallow and very gently, the lymph drainage tip and bottom – started at the upper margins and was able gradually to go deeper,.
30 minutes later, with her moving every so often, to establish that she was improving – and then she stood up and sat on the edge of her bed, for me (ultra supple) to sit cross legged behind her to work on releasing the upper back and lower pelvis.
Hands . . . can undo so much . .
Went to specialist yesterday who offered to take out her gall bladder.
No S and S – as this usually is needed apparently after the gastric surgery!
(How is this supposed to hep gr digest food – given she has so little going in and so much f her stacj=h out of action).
I said to eat liver and pate every few days. .
All coverings off so I could start touch therapy – not ‘massage’ ,.
Undid some butt stuck – she is numb wherever the scars are – from upper arms to about Sp 21 or so both sides. The right around the torso scar and the inner leg removal of skin – I will get to initially I want her to be able to breathe better. Also had her move arms – could only get to a little above her head – was a huge difference once I had done the gentle at first flank gouges, the butt undoing, the along the Huo Tou points all down both sides of the spine. Initially inserted GB 21 and Si 11 and 9 sorest points – and used my inquisitive fingers to do the walking.talking . .every soften the chest gouging from the back . .
As her body opened up and felt ever less pain, eventually I went to the front and inserted St 38 (deeply towards Bl 57, 40 cm needle – plus GB 34, the sorest ‘GB 36‘ (my location – calling this the Qi Cleft points) and St 34. . .
Bob Duane’s points along the Ht meridian – 5 of them – released the neck opposite side – and back to fingers – front chest gouge then on back – Stuck Liver QI Release . .
She could now breathe vastly easier – so much less bowel/liver pain.
Hands a lot higher – (releasing the shoulders she did not know were sore.
Apparently has ‘arthritis’ in her coccyx.
Reckons no falls on it – and the pain came on with the excess weight.
i will get to this – plus also release the scars and do as much as is possible in the few days I can see her – ifs Friday today – after the teaching weekend, Monday and Tuesday evenings. . (I live 1,800 km away).

I left her with extra nutrients and instructions on how to use them.
Iodine – 15% Lugol’s solution to paint on her breast tissue – to start the breast tissue (see more here) – healing of her metabolism – what a hit it has had – and still no one has uncovered WHY she needed all the steroids for the I.C.H.
Mother’s side of the family all have renal cancers .
Mineral powder – to get more of what is needed into her quickly – pills are not so easy to digest
Vit C liposomal – liquid – to take 4 tsp over a day usually 2.
Kelly’s magic cream – see how to get your own here – astonishing – already after one application of her breast and arm scars and on her upper belly – she let all let go
Negative ion pads – healing presence – see more here – for the use as menstrual aids I use them to heal fast. Use on the sore bits, and in panties and also in shoes – scratch to activate when not being exposed to moisture.
Tresos B activated – half x 4 daily with food . .
A massively useful supplement – one off tablet does it all.
Standing straighter, she could move her hands up so much higher after the magic cream, more colour in cheeks. Happier. Freer
When I left, she was wandering about thinking she needed to poo!
What I did – Qi moving – means lymph first
We need to breathe – and hydrate and feel safe
Life Recipe here . .
Safety – definitely NOT with medical peoples . as the results happened , her desire to know more increased. .
Water – she can’t drink tap water, so she is to get a safer alternative – water is the key.
From having the surgeries, first issue is to get the Three Heaters back on line. .

To learn more how simple hands can help needles. .
Selfing – the art of self help – so we can BE the clear one – and know how to impart the traditional ways to home help to those we touch . .
Unlocking Your Scars – a gentle way to love yourself better – and the ways of allowing Qi to flow again – including adhesion release.
Selfing – Includes What Causes Health’, ‘Soothing’ (belly moves) and ‘Perineal steaming‘ – I will get to that with her next time).
Foundational Moves – all I did with my hands prior to beginning Arvigo belly/back realigning.
The best way to engage change in/for a body.
Anyone (with hands) can . .